Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Optimyst wrote:
what happend to this community? one rough league start and some cry kids want their money back - in a f2p game... seriosly! 14 hours of server down time is nothing! get a life

its not about beeing free, its not about 14h downtime..
ITS about fairness.. why are first class players and second?
ITS about the statement that they do about even play field when its not.
ITS about advantages when they claim only to sell cosmetics.
ITS about the idea that POE sold us for years that it was a fair game.
ITS about the truth that came out that you wouldnt even noticed if everything went smothly

I dont care about the 1500$+ ive spent on this game, they deserve it, the game is the best on is gender. i dont want a dime back.

ITS about they selling me the idea that i can fairly compete with a "fresh start economy" every league when this is not clear the truth and they dont even bother.

Its about why those that already have the privelege to play the game 16h per day should have advantage over you when you take the day off to get that small head start they they have by doing nothing (and their friend) and getting paied meanwhile.

Its about FAIRNESS! yes life aint fair.. but why should the game not be when its GGG CLAIM!?
Optimyst wrote:
what happend to this community? one rough league start and some cry kids want their money back - in a f2p game... seriosly! 14 hours of server down time is nothing! get a life

You must not've been here for long.

It's Every League. EVERY single League a letter from Chris, promises made of the Future, and Failed realizations the very next league.

Personally, I'm done with the game, wasted enough time and money on a company that clearly ONLY really cares about the bottom line. Look at the facts, They hired streamers for league launch, (In case you don't understand why, this is in order to drawn in more crowd to make more money), and what's the first thing s they did at the launch problem? Assigned priority to streamers, and their friends, leaving all of the supporters, THE REAL supports, who have spent THOUSANDS on their game out in the cold. The ones who have been here for years, not just two hours and a paycheck....

I just can't believe how many people are still buying this BS league, after league, after league..
cjbLazin wrote:

if reset the league, Tencent will be mad.

Optimyst wrote:
what happend to this community? one rough league start and some cry kids want their money back - in a f2p game... seriosly! 14 hours of server down time is nothing! get a life

it's not about the rough league start for me and the most here (i guess).
it's about the fact that GGG opens a 2-class society playerbase where some have an advantage (the streamers/influencers and their friends) while we, the community that were supporting the game with our wallets for yeas are treated like 2nd class players that doesnt matter.

then add that the bugs enabled a lot of duping. hearing about thousands of exalts (i admit, i have no proof).. and then you have the perfect ingredience for this shitstorm you see.
and this shitstorm is absolutely valid !

and to top this. chris made a statement where he lies.
he speaks about that it's about a equal playerbase and stuff. but no actions.
it is not. they just don't care. they made the bare minimum that was important to get more money: make the servers stable so people can play.
it's just empty words. but at this time, the disadvantage was already done and it's already unfair and we see no intention to change this.

most supporters don't want to have anything more then a equal, fair start and traetment with respect. not some free stuff or anything. nothing more then fairness is what most of us ask for.
and this is where GGG fails right now. thats why many are so upset and wont support them anymore.
fairness in what? a race that none of you is actually competing? come one
I got in late. I am against a reset.

Why should my progress be taken away because of a small section of vocal competitive speed run Poe players?
Optimyst wrote:
fairness in what? a race that none of you is actually competing? come one
Pretending that you know what makes the game fun for every single league player doesn't make you seem reasonable or right.
ZionHalcyon wrote:
I got in late. I am against a reset.

Why should my progress be taken away because of a small section of vocal competitive speed run Poe players?

It's nothing to do with racing, it's the fact that some select people were well into farming maps, whilst many were fighting Merveil for the 14th time.

The early cleaners of the league will shape and dominate many aspects of the economy for a couple of weeks at least, by which point the effect of compound interest essentially means they will have 100s of ex, whilst the rest jump for joy at finding one.

Then the 1%ers can buy everything, bottleneck supply, and set their own prices.
this is a good explanation, at least some good attitude, however purely saying sorry and re-do same mistake every league just doesn't make sense.

you never migrate character back to standard? or this is first time you choose this strategy? while you can prioritize streamers with login queue, what else you were prioritize them in any other league?

every new league there's a sorry letter, just like a professional explaining he's working 24/7 but he couldn't complete this work, are you trying to tell us your team simply incompetence to handle this? this is not first time, second time, this is after so many years as POE winning D3!

with every sorry letter, players don't see any improvement, it just get worse, and we didn't gain anything as compensation. I understand it's hard to make compensation "fair", but what's your suggestion to address such a big issue, instead of just a sorry letter?

while you prioritize streamers, 99% of the players wasted whole day waiting for server, losing their Friday, losing their holiday, and you're telling this can't be reset? it really doesn't help Chris.

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