Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

cgexile wrote:
So a portion of support revenue went to streamers and that same money put most of us at the back of the line.


Ok they said it won’t happen again but yeah the optics are pretty wild. Sometimes you just can’t make these things up!

This. This right here is why the league needs to be restarted. This person has donated a lot of money to this game. This is called "good customer service" and not acknowledging this issue and showing tone deaf actions that only serve your money you spent on marketing...wrong choices.

To the folks that argue: "You want a restart and you prob don't even race." League restart is about creating loyalty to the folks who have PAID to be a part of this game. Yes the racers get their just due, but the COMMUNITY gets shown loyalty from a company they have been loyal to.

To the folks that argue: "This is free-to-play; you aren't owed anything." The free-to-play model is a marketing tool that enabled GGG to actually exist and they clearly make plenty of money off of what they sell to you. As the game has grown, you need to spend some dollars to be able to access all the game has to offer. Keyword here is: stash space.

Bottom line - we are watching gaming companies engage with the "new" advertising market of Twitch. And clearly these companies need to hire better marketing and public relations teams. GGG, Blizzard, CDPR, etc. Giving a few favoritism over the community, because you think that's "good entertainment" is so incredibly tone deaf.
Whaler4444 wrote:
I would like to see them change the start of league start so that at 30 or even 15 minutes before the league officially launches we would be able to log in and wait on the beach like in a official race. that way everyone can start and we get people through the queue quicker

Totally agree but this makes sense so GGG probably wont do it.
You sold your game and they crapped all over it. Does it hurt or does the money make it ok?
i should have became a youtube celebrity or a twitch sensation just so i would have been able to play the game yesterday

but i better shut up about them taking the Random out of RNG, and start white knighting for GGG. wouldnt want them affixing a negative number to the droprate of my account while all of the priviledged people on twitch and youtube have already had their mirrors and headhunters drop first week, gotten all their god roll items, and have 6 linked their gear in 25 fusings or less

i think i'm going to start my own charity service on youtube and twitch. that way when the next league drops i'll at least be able to play the game for more than a minute or two while i flip off all the rest of you filthy peasants who are waiting in queue and getting booted back into it after portalling to town. i'll be sure to shove it in all of your faces and remind you just how important i am as i torture my wrist playing video games for 8+ hours a day, while gladly accepting your donation money as if sticking a camera and a mic in front of me and playing a video game was some kind of a real job or something.

Last edited by idrankyourbeer on Apr 17, 2021, 11:39:37 AM
I agree - I appreciate the full write up if for nothing else other than its better than a lot of major other companies just throwing up a custom 404 page and the update being "we're working on it" for hours and hours at a time (sometimes days).

However, those that did get a head-start, and if the rumors around duplicating currency is true with all the DCs, the economy is f'd and is favoring the top 1% (again).

Maybe they can't restart the league due to technical reasons, but maybe a possible "assistance" to those of us that were in the queue all day could be stash tabs offered and such that actually help in-game that could at least give the rest of us a chance to list more stuff and balance currency distribution a bit? Maybe just lower the price of the already implemented bundles - no special coding needed?

This whole thing sucks, but I've put way too much and money in to just quit and feel like it was a good investment.

Arandur wrote:
WiseGuard wrote:
Hey guys!

Haven't played for a while, thought to drop in at the new league.

What's with all the drama?

Did preferential streamer treatment get over the top this time?
Read something about duping.

100+ pages of reading is a lot of content, so some "tl;dr" would be great.

Streamers AND their friends could skip the queue (which was ~1,5 hours at peak yesterday). So they could get going while some people had to wait an hour, just to be DCed after 5 minutes to wait another hour.

Apparently there was also some duping-exploit/bugabuse, so someone allready sits on hundreds of Exalts. Found no proof for this tough, barely anyone is selling Exalts atm.

Thank you very much!

Doesn't sound that bad.

I remember when Chris sat in Krips stream at Awakenings launch, and kept apologizing for all the issues, not to mention, valid streamers, like ZiggyD were left out of official PoE 2.0 Twich stream. That was sad, because Krip didn't give two shits about PoE at that time.
Last edited by WiseGuard on Apr 17, 2021, 11:41:10 AM
We had arranged to pay for two hours of streaming, and we ran right into a login queue that would take two hours to clear. This was about as close as you could get to literally setting a big pile of money on fire. So we made the hasty decision to allow those streamers to bypass the queue.

What you guys fail to understand is that, although you paid that money to market via streamers, the whole "as close as you could get to literally setting a big pile of money on fire" thing is exactly what you did. By showing your entire community (who support your game via microtransactions) that you will prioritize specific big name streamers AND THEIR FRIENDS in their groups over the very player base that supports your game, people like me aren't going to be spending any money on microtransactions any time soon, because we clearly matter less. You guys screwed yourselves out of so much money simply by making a large majority of the community feel slighted by watching top-tier players getting a head start on the league while we're all sitting in a queue. They've been on maps for hours and I'm just finally able to clear act 1 without constant dc's and rollbacks?

No league restart even though you've admitted that certain people have received preferential treatment? You won't do it again is our consolation? Got it. Seems legit. I wonder if the money spent on "2 hours of streaming" for a handful of streamers will offset the losses of slighted players not purchasing microtransactions any longer. It's really hard to understand your reasoning here. I mean, even if you restarted the league and the players that are the furthest and obviously have the most to lose (due to their unfair head start advantage), are they really going to complain when they still received MONEY for the time they spent? They still gain, and the playing field would be even. But instead, they get a head start AND paid for it.

This is ridiculous, guys.
If they actually do reset I’d love to give it a spin, looks like a good league. If not, then I guess I had it with POE. It’s not to cause excessive drama, but I feel betrayed and ridiculed as a loyal customer - and that’s where loyalty ends.
Lots of simps in this thread. Steam charts shows the same trend of simpiness, with no player decline . Time to vote with our wallets .
I don't use Rejuvenation Totem. I use Spell Totem + Vitality +Reduced Mana. Like a boss.
Vandamon wrote:
Optimyst wrote:
no one except for a small percentage actually competes in this race. players just like the illusion that they think they are competing even without any chance. so leave it as it is.
and for the server queue: you wouldn't even realize there was a priorisation of streamers if the league start went fine.

Well, if that would be true then why have any kind of rankings for any league here? They clearly have rankings, that's a fact. Those rankings are now meaningless no matter each participants skill level, because it's just not based on fair grounds. Meaningless.

to keep the illusion. same goes for mirror drops.

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