Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Vandamon wrote:
Der_Fraggle wrote:
kacleec wrote:
I mean we appreciate the gesture and the communication attempt by you guys to convey what is happening, but it's also like, what are you going to do to compensate for the horrible start this was? It's easy to just say you fucked up and move on, but you're doing nothing to compensate for the fuckery that you involved everyone in.

This is literally the most childish thing i ever read in any Forum.

To me, it is the exact opposite- it is about taking responsibility for their actions and words. Asking for responsibility is far from being childish

But they're doing exactly that by being transparent about the situation and by fixing it in the future. They don't need to give players digital items as compensation and we definitely don't need to go around asking for it. If they grant us something? Sweet. But we shouldn't be going around as if we're entitled to it.

We should be better than that.

edit: That said I do think a rollback shouldn't be out of the question especially considering their stance on this situation too. Since they're all in for having everyone start fairly I see no reason why they couldn't do this.
Last edited by roflwafflelawl on Apr 17, 2021, 11:03:15 AM
Such a good game ruined by a small company turned into a greed factory.
They don't even answer support tickets properly anymore. It's either "sorry for inconvenience", "we'll pass on your feedback" or "we can't speculate about this".
Last edited by a_k_a on Apr 17, 2021, 11:04:05 AM
Der_Fraggle wrote:
kacleec wrote:
I mean we appreciate the gesture and the communication attempt by you guys to convey what is happening, but it's also like, what are you going to do to compensate for the horrible start this was? It's easy to just say you fucked up and move on, but you're doing nothing to compensate for the fuckery that you involved everyone in.

This is literally the most childish thing i ever read in any Forum.

Forums are always a cesspool. It should've been obvious that this one wasn't any different when the Harvest manifesto came around.

It's a free to play game. I can't even imagine caring enough to cry expecting "compensation". GGG didn't charge any of us anything. It was our choice to use our time to play the launch of a season, which in the history of most games, has always had stability issues.

It wouldn't surprise me if GGG does do it, though. But it's also not going to surprise me when whatever they do still isn't "enough" to some of these whiners.

Watching snowflakes make a big deal out of all of these issues is nothing short entertaining, though.
Mythabril wrote:
You don't let Usain Bolt get away with a false start just because he would win anyway. You restart. Because that's what fair play is about.

Exactly! thanks for explaining that so clearly!
and you could not test your database page size ? Why ?
This is literally the most childish thing i ever read in any Forum.


To me, it is the exact opposite- it is about taking responsibility for their actions and words. Asking for responsibility is far from being childish


But they're doing exactly that by being transparent about the situation and by fixing it in the future. They don't need to give players digital items as compensation and we definitely don't need to go around asking for it. If they grant us something? Sweet. But we shouldn't be going around as if we're entitled to it.

We should be better than that.

They just released a bunch of words, great. To me, as long as there are no actions behind words, it's meaningless. Apology is not really worth anything if you mess up, that's a reality. I personally don't think anyone should get anything for their accidental launch issues- stuff happens, i get it, i understand it. BUT, they should take responsibility by actually providing a fair start for everyone, just because it would be fair which is the opposite to unfair. It's not about anyone getting anything or being entitled, it's about them taking responsibility for what they say and actually do something about it, in this example a fair start, which would mean a reset of the league. Anyone can apologize.
Last edited by Vandamon on Apr 17, 2021, 11:10:40 AM
I would like to see them change the start of league start so that at 30 or even 15 minutes before the league officially launches we would be able to log in and wait on the beach like in a official race. that way everyone can start and we get people through the queue quicker
Whaler4444 wrote:
I would like to see them change the start of league start so that at 30 or even 15 minutes before the league officially launches we would be able to log in and wait on the beach like in a official race. that way everyone can start and we get people through the queue quicker

I agree. It's like error correcton mechanism for a login, a buffer that allows everyone to start at the same time.
Hinocala wrote:
Nah mate cat is out of the bag on this one.

No mention of what criteria you had for which streamers got special treatment and which didn't? (how you choose who gets what favour)

And now I'ma put my tin foil hat on and ask
What other favours have been done for streamers:
It's been established you can manipulate drops on the backend, so has this been done? (we won't believe you if you say no if we are being honest)

Has this been done before; questioning the integrity of all past races/leaderboards? (for those who care about that part of the game)

A lot of some player's goodwill is gone and a second hard step is now addressing the concerns which come about in the aftermath. Ya did well here as least acknowledging wrongdoing here.

i honestly think i was a target of drop manipulation. the beginning of 3.13, i would get at least 2-3 harvests a day no matter what region or map tier i ran running 30 maps at most. made a few comments that i'm sure GGG did not like and it seemed like my drops changed. last month of league i got hardly any harvest spawns even to the point of running over 600 T16 maps and only got around 5 harvests out of it.

"fair play" is not something in GGG's vocabulary
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
Whaler4444 wrote:
I would like to see them change the start of league start so that at 30 or even 15 minutes before the league officially launches we would be able to log in and wait on the beach like in a official race. that way everyone can start and we get people through the queue quicker

This hasn't been done in a long time and I honestly don't know why. It just makes so much sense, yet hasn't been implemented. There must be a technical reason why they're not doing it, I would like GGG to explain it once and for all.

Also, #RestartTheLeague

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