Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority

Optimyst wrote:

do not reset the league since it doesn't matter at all

counterpoint: *do* reset the league as it does matter a lot
Be careful with your database page sizes, people.

Are you ever going to start doing real tech retrospectives when you do stuff like this?
The reason I support this game is because of posts like this. We know what's going on, we know why it happened, we have a clear indication of the steps being taken to solve the problem and make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks again.
I don't care anymore.
I was so hyped for that league, but servers and most important Streamer Priority made my decision and I won't play it.
Not fair treatment
So where is the compensation for all the fuckery we faced while streamers and their whole family lineages gets full queue priority on the "fair economy" league launch.

Let's be real, telling us the mistake is good and all but until they start compensating us with a restart or giving something of value back to us, this whole apology is completely insincere.

Seems to look like the majority fanbase are really just idiots to them. Highly disappointed in this company.

lsdrugz wrote:
Talk about feeling like you are burning money , iv put like 100-150$ in your game and cant even play for like 30 min straight , but some streamer you decide to invest some money to make advertisement for you should be able to play without queue ( Its so unfair just like the kid in Africa) and now people have dupe item like there's no tomorrow and you just gonna let it slide

GGG you've change


A whole 30 mins? WOW life will end soon... Holy crap... In 30 mins I spend 5mins watching tv while playing, 5mins getting a glass of water, 5mins minutes reading non cable news. That's 15 minutes... So in reality you lost 15 minutes of your life?

Listen my friend, if you are peeing in bottles b/c of this game it's time to walk away for a bit:) LOL
Optimyst wrote:
how many players are actually competing in this race?

do not reset the league since it doesn't matter at all. just play the game since it is finally working!

so it doesnt matter when thousands of duped exalts are in the game ? no impact ?

of course everyone can go the route: "close the eyes, don't think about others and everything is fine and fair".

then i wanna bring up an example:
if you got a job and another colleague has the same job, but he get's 10times the money for.. well. just being another person :)
how would you like it ? you can ask your boss... he maybe answers: "ah, just don't look at the money he get's. if u don't think about that, it's cool. just be fine with what u have"
do you really think this is the way it should be ?

not in this world. the average people will feel betrayed and will pay it back.
in the exampled case with low motivation, bad work or just leaving the boat.
in poe's case with just stop supporting the game and stopping to play, since they are the second class gamers.

i am in this case on of the second class gamers. so i stop supporting and stop playing this game, until they even the field and bring back the game to a fair level.
Last edited by aHz1984 on Apr 17, 2021, 8:06:08 AM
Well I'm skipping this league if you refuse to make a reset after this horror league start. Honestly you really let a lot of people down with your recent policies. Hope everyone who feels the same will follow me and let the streamers enjoy playing a dead league.
The thing is, if you "work" on streamer's queue, you might also "work" on streamers RNG.

That would be very bad.

Still love ya, still think you are the best in your game genre.
But I am suprised by this league start...

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