Ultimatum Launch: Server Issues and Streamer Priority


Unfortunately, it really only showed that there is no one inspecting or lacking to give adequate attention to the delivery of the employees' services when they mentioned human error and that there was no simulation of problems made enough for them to have mapped this type of error and corrected it in the best way and with the best care. faster.
The issue of the priority of the streamers was horrible, unfortunate.
Imagine in the near future where GGG will be launching content in parallel with another company and that happens, it certainly wouldn't be cheap like this, "for a good understanding, half a word is enough".
I will play this league with an "eye on the fish and another on the cat" to look for something alternative, because my feeling is not good with what happened.

No further...

Português "BR"

Lamentável, realmente só mostrou que não há ninguém fiscalizando ou faltou dar atenção adequada a entrega dos serviço dos colaboradores quando citou o erro humano e que não houve simulação de problemas feitos suficientes para que tivessem mapeado este tipo de erro e corrigido da melhor forma e com mais rapidez.
A questão da prioridade do streamers foi horrível, lamentável.
Imagine em um futuro próximo aonde a GGG estará lançando conteúdo em paralelo com outra empresa e acontece isso, com certeza não iria sair barato assim, "pra bom entendedor meia palavra basta".
Vou jogar esta liga com um "olho no peixe e outro no gato" para buscar algo alternativo, pois meu sentimento não esta bom com o acontecido.

Sem mais...
Next time just use InnoDB and increase the database size for 64KB, it would help a lot. I`m dev and know how pain is go live of any development. Thanks for feedback.
reset the league now its the only playing field to get redemption after this failstart
Greetings Exile
The longer they wait with the reset, the more people will be upset. From either side. Make a decision and make it public!
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
Sorteniller wrote:
Benzka wrote:
ggg prefers to pay streamers and gives them advantages instead of putting the money into smart servers for to start the league ... Jesus Christ, how many league did u released by now?

You didn't even read the post, muppet.

So they didn't payed a lot of streamers for 2 h playing and bypassing the queaund the Rest of us was sitting like 10time and more in a queen of 80k people?
how many players are actually competing in this race?

do not reset the league since it doesn't matter at all. just play the game since it is finally working!
#ResetTheLeague , give everyone fair chance to start from clean sleet without people already amassing fortune in exalts through duping.
the Nerve of Chris

:It's completely understandable that many players are unhappy with how today has gone on several fronts. This post has no intention of trying to convince you to be happy with these outcomes. We simply want to provide you some insight about what happened, why it happened and what we're doing about it in the future. We're very unhappy with it too.:

the last paragraph of his I am sorry Manifesto the gull. Eat cake you pleb you mean nothing to us Suck it up give us money the hole definition of Penny wise pound foolish. they was worried about losing XXXXX.xx and now they have lost XXXXXXX.xx from future buys from the Community. it all went Down hill when they got in bed with TenCent.
Didn't Covid teach you people that are the real heroes are not celebrities, sports stars or streamers? The real heroes are those that work on the front line. In fact if you gave priority to front line workers such as paramedics, doctors , nurses etc instead of streamers I probably would have supported that.
Last edited by intel_beside_crap on Apr 17, 2021, 8:00:37 AM

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