⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

We may have a way to use the "+1 level to all chaos skill gem", especially since we don't use active chaos skills ?
Chimnei_Moon wrote:

We may have a way to use the "+1 level to all chaos skill gem", especially since we don't use active chaos skills ?

We use desecrate as active chaosspell, but could replace it with corpsewalker boots for the +1 HoA-chaosskill as variation. But Herald of Agony has the chaos tag too, is it tagged as use of skill or as buff? And 10% of CI 1 life is suicide I guess?
Last edited by Chromino on Oct 16, 2021, 6:41:32 PM
It is not even far from our tree, 7 points for that mastery. Might be an option. I am wondering that with 3.15 they where tuneing the powercreep down a bit, but it feels like they are completly breaking it this league. Or is it just this build they overlooked?

But we need the passive tree, these masteries can gobble up a lot of points.
Possible bad:
Arcane will - 3% of mana as extra energy shield could cost us one point when they put it to a mastery.
Sanctuary - we might lose the resistance (will hurt blue nightmare)
Faith and Steel - lose the resistance (will hurt blue nightmare)
Cruel Preperation & Heart and Soul- Might not be in range for Healthy mind anymore.
serpentine spellslinger - Might loose poison chance.

Possible good:
Mystic Bulwark - might loose the mana reg, but buff on the rest.
Arcane will - Mana recovery from flask removed, while the rest get buffed.
Arcane Focus - Es recharge rate loss, while more es
Lord of the dead - might loose +1 zombies and skeles, but gain minion damage.

I never was this excited about a new league to be honest.

Im thinking of league starting this. Does this handle Blighted maps ok?

Yes, switch in awakened fork and helmet enchant "HoA fires additional projectiles" to clean the screen in blightmaps.
Humtol wrote:
kubicka wrote:

Thanks for answer, I am not league racer neither gauntlent farmer, I just want a build a could finaly for the first time push to level 100 and enjoy new uber endgame.

Did play this in 3.14 and was 96,5 within 3 weeks and that was with a skin of the loyals, not skin of the lords (was ~5ex away from affording it). Quitted there because I wasted to much time in POE because the build was so much fun :), Failed 3 Ultimatums in total in that time and got to the boss 5 times. It was just to easy if you didn't care about rewards, when you could not die anyway.

That comes from a player who is REALLY bad. I could not figure out how to spawn spieders in Boss fights. So they took some time, but this build gives you time to learn fights.

With this build I got my first:
Sirus (up to 7)
Uber Elder I fucked up because I invited maven to my first try ever.
All breachstones.

And that all within 3 weeks.

Hehe, thank you a lot Humtol and let the spiders dance! Arachnophilia!
How many virulence stacks can you maintain on a single target if you use x2 storm brand, rune binder, and faster casting? Also what about x2 storm brand, rune binder, faster casting, and swiftbrand support?

I really want to try this build, but I don't want to have to cast ball lightning all the time :S
Chromino wrote:
Chimnei_Moon wrote:

We may have a way to use the "+1 level to all chaos skill gem", especially since we don't use active chaos skills ?

We use desecrate as active chaosspell, but could replace it with corpsewalker boots for the +1 HoA-chaosskill as variation. But Herald of Agony has the chaos tag too, is it tagged as use of skill or as buff? And 10% of CI 1 life is suicide I guess?

HoAg only is used when you reserve the mana, so not an issue at all. It's likely the 10% life loss rounds down with CI. Additionally, losing ES isn't taking damage, and thus it doesn't interrupt the ES recharge. Should be easy enough to use desecrate rarely. Triggered spells are not "used" either so spirit offering on cast when stunned won't make us lose 10% ES.

Edit: an example of sacrificing life on CI is Dark Pact. 6% of life rounds down to 0 with CI.
Last edited by JoeBroski on Oct 16, 2021, 7:59:42 PM
JoeBroski wrote:
Chromino wrote:
Chimnei_Moon wrote:

We may have a way to use the "+1 level to all chaos skill gem", especially since we don't use active chaos skills ?

We use desecrate as active chaosspell, but could replace it with corpsewalker boots for the +1 HoA-chaosskill as variation. But Herald of Agony has the chaos tag too, is it tagged as use of skill or as buff? And 10% of CI 1 life is suicide I guess?

HoAg only is used when you reserve the mana, so not an issue at all. It's likely the 10% life loss rounds down with CI. Additionally, losing ES isn't taking damage, and thus it doesn't interrupt the ES recharge. Should be easy enough to use desecrate rarely. Triggered spells are not "used" either so spirit offering on cast when stunned won't make us lose 10% ES.

Edit: an example of sacrificing life on CI is Dark Pact. 6% of life rounds down to 0 with CI.

That's what I was thinking. Just wondering if 10% hp would kill us or not...
It would certainly not be worth using corpsewalker boots "just" to compensate.
And it may also not be worth to spend too much points on this, but to get to the lvl 31 it can help. Still we need to wait for the whole tree but it's something to keep in mind.
Also, we don't cast desecrate everytime, but juste twice every 25-30 sec approximatively, right ?

Btw, thanks for all the informations you give on page 1 & 50, Chromino, you did an amazing job and I can't wait to try out this build for the first time in Scourge !
I was looking since a long time for a fun minion build but necro was... meh... Surely strong but no fun mecanics.
Long life to spiders ! haha
Chimnei_Moon wrote:

That's what I was thinking. Just wondering if 10% hp would kill us or not...

This was posted on reddit. 10 Blood Sacrifices (lose 1% life on kill each) on CI did not kill them when they killed the worms.

OK, so I've been prepping for league start with this. I made it to maps doing SSF with bad gear to simulate league start. After I did a few maps I bought most of the starting gear(dagger, chest, helm, a few jewels). When I equipped the helm for the first time it felt a lot more tanky. I went with putting points into brands and then changing them out once I got the dagger.

I did run into a problem I'm hoping someone can help me clear up though.

Once I equipped the dagger, it feels like sometimes my spiders are pretty much there the whole time, maybe a few disappear, but then they respawn right back. Other times I have pretty much all of them vanish while fighting a pack and they don't come back. Then I run away a bit to try and desecrate and worm flask. I'm casting ball lightning a lot during the map as well, so I guess I assumed the poison from that would trigger the spiders, but maybe I'm doing something incorrect.

Also, would it be wise to start with 10 spiders so when they disappear I still have half my army? I guess I'm asking would it be better to stagger the spawn at the start of the map or just go ham with full spiders?

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