⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

kubicka wrote:

Thanks for answer, I am not league racer neither gauntlent farmer, I just want a build a could finaly for the first time push to level 100 and enjoy new uber endgame.

Ooh, and I forgot in last post: for Simulacrums and deliriums the allstars fit perfect, for scourges I guess too, as well as for all other high density content.
Blight maps work well and fine, but don't forget the helmet-enchantment "HoA fires additional projectiles" and awakened fork and/ or anomalous pierce in the supports for more optimized screencleaning in high-tier full blight maps.

For full level 100 this build is edited and probably one of the best one whole tree - without much experiences I advice to take for the last levels 97-100 the definitive defensive tank edition with balancing some damage into maxed defences and an addititional unset ring for a defensive skillsocket.
Last edited by Chromino on Oct 16, 2021, 11:32:20 AM
Just before the new leaguestart this thread counts now today

☆☆☆ 200 pages ! ☆☆☆

- that is the time to say thank you again for all the fun, improvements of the build by you, all the tipps, individualizations, discussions and all the interesting questions! Woooooow!

We wait for the big buffs of 3.16, until starting I copied (on page 50 also) some nice experiences with this build of the past leagues:

Experiences of gamers with this build -
Quotes and Posts

I have to give you an award Chromino, Minotaur has been my nemesis as long as I can remember - even with all of the other 'tanky' builds I've played - I almost ALWAYS die way too much to Minotaur. Too lazy to learn his attacks/patterns? Idk!

Well, not so much a problem any more:

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Being able to afk ultimatum and also survive the trialmaster is crucial and this build absolutely allows you to do that even without the broken iron skin and aul amu combo. Being CI and immune to corrupted blood with a jewel is just a blessing in ultimatum (5 or even 6 affixes that doesn't effect this build at all) and the recovery from block is insane.

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the build rocks..I am not dying and i am not afraid going into any fight coz 1 shots or other shits the game throw at u :)
THANK YOU Chromino :)

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Sirus 8, deathless.

I only have 6955 energy shield, nonetheless, I can tank anything he throws. (Ok, I didn't attempt the chaos storms, or the meteor hit.) Little shots, DIE beam, corridor zig zag (don't bother dodging, this is the best chance to DPS him, just soak up the hits) even the spinning quad beam has very little effect.

Took longer than it should have because I forgot to switch my pantheon to refill my writhing jars over time, so just the ... short legged dirty tail. That description still makes me laugh every time!

I have to say, this build guide is *Awesome*. The level of detail, the various options, the explanations around gear / tree / skill gem choices are top notch. But what really makes this stand out is the raw language. I just can't stop giggling when I read about the "short legged" "dirty scorpion-tail" "premium lags"... the fun just keeps coming. I have never seen a more entertaining build thread, and I've been here a long... long... Long time.

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Thank you for one of the best builds ever done! :)
I just switched to it from farming with freezing pulse totem.. was tired of dying. Now I cannot die lol... :D

Thanks again Chromino!

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"...played with it and Sirus 8/9 made me feel like walking in the park.

Thanks for what I currently consider the best build."

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This build is awesome when you start to get some gear. OK I am only mapping till t7 now, but in Ultimatums I really don't care what is the next reward, because I actually can't die. Once got somehow stuck in a T7 on a rune from Baran, surrounded by enemies. Could not cast, could not move and could not flask. I stoud there for solid 30 seconds, geting hammered on. Sure my ES drop once to 40%, but half a second and two blocks later, it was full again.

Its really is an awesome Build if you want to play relaxed PoE. For me its perfect in Ultimatum since I don't have to dodge anything. My adaptive resolution in Ultimatum drops so low, I can't even tell where the Chaos cloud (chaos immune is op), the frost orbs or the lightning circles are. I just stand there and hammer away.

My only issue is: I have sometimes a hard time to spawn spiders in fights like the maven trials. But the agony crawler will kill them sooner or later anyway.

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This build is insane! Facetanking t16 awlvl 9 fully juiced trialmaster feels incredible. And my character was only lvl80 that fight.
I admire your work.

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This is definitely the best build i've ever played.

Even though this is my 1st time meeting Sirus & tbh i'm quite slow & unskilled, I've managed to beat him deathless just now- tanking almost all his attack. I even forgot to switch from melee splash to multisrike for the spider.
I even dont have the anomalous HoA gem & many other gems also not at full quality but the build still very strong.

Before this i dont even bother to explore the atlas killing conquerors & sirus on my own due to squishy build.
Thank you very much for the build.

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I love this build, im using a headhunter and its so fun haha im inmortal

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Feeling incredibly tanky and well rounded, haven't died once since I went CI at around lvl 69 or so.

I can pretty much just sit in any ultimatum and agony/spiders just destroy everything.

Might try to take this build to 100 considering how tanky this build is feeling.

Thanks for an awesome build guide

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Once you have the items listed by the build you're literally unkillable.
I haven't died to ANY Ultimatum and completed all waves standing afk and just pressing flasks and ball lightning.

And i dont even have the Grace amulet and the Iron Reflexes armour yet. With it it would be like a Terminator :)


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This build is incredible.I am lvl 73 and i can face tank t15 ultimatum indefinetely standing in stone circle and spam ball lightning, vaal discipline, molten shell and flasks. I have only 5000 es and 3000 mana. I have barely any cluster jewel.lol.full build at lvl 100 with all gear is immortal i think.lol

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thanks for your build, really easy to play when you know how to summon the spiders without panicking during a boss or a fight with a screen full of monsters

Memory vault + dagger + aegis aurora = you can start printing currency. Upgrade after upgrade ... facetanking while watching tv sirus 6, 9 waves of ultimatum T16 etc. still working on upgrading, need more exalted

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Thanks a lot for the guide. A lot of stuff to learn but so far looking really good only level 76 and can do dwelve 200 and t16 maps.

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Hey thx for one of the best and well written guide i‘ve seen so far.

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Almost level 91 and 0 deaths from this build. I've never felt so tanky before in PoE.

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YouTube goodguygaming3 about the build:


And you don't need BIS items at all. At the moment, I don't use Skin of the Lords with Iron Reflexes nor Aul's amulet. I use +1 gems corruption torso (which could as well be normal Skin of the Loyal) and +2 gems amulet (which costs around 4ex, but you could use +1 gems amulet which is very cheap). I killed A9 Sirus with this setup and it was easy, deathless.

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Many thanks to Chromino for this build.

My first build that able to melt almost everything with stress free gameplay.
My first Sirus A9 deathless something near in 3 minutes.
Maven not a problem at all. All ultimatums is a joke (except some unlucky ones)

And much more that i like - its so flexible, you can play with this build and adjust it how you like. More damage - no problem, more defence - no problem, different skills - no problem, you able to tweak it how you like. I am even not using spiders, because i don't like to spawn them and etc. Maybe i will play with some ascendancy passives, because without Phantasm supports i didn't have enough "Allies" near with me to get permanent Onslaught and etc.

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A8 Sirus down... This build is the best tank in my poe history. It even beats double nebuloch marauder or Mjolner discharge. I wonder how can I die :) ?

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I am really enjoying this build. Even with basic essentials and no expensive items I can take red maps easily without even coming close to dying.

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Yes, this build is literally *THE* tank. Other builds that are tanks should be compared to this build. I've played most of the other tank builds, and some of them are nearly as good as this, but nothing quite measures up.

On the down side, after playing this, everything you'll play will feel like a glass cannon! :)
Current league IGN: Grimjack_Expdition_HOAG
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.

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My best build ever.

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Hi Chromino,

I am very satisfied with the build, yesterday I did Sirus 9 without taking any risks, Die is not able to kill me,
Congratulations for the great and solid build.

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Finally done with the grindy part of this league!

Reached Level 100 and did 40 Challenges on the same day. All with this build, never played anything else since the start of this league over a month ago.

This was the smoothest ride ever after getting the 3 core uniques... before them I died like 4 times every t1 map^^

I played since beta and could never reach level 100 on any other character... this should be proof enough for the insane tankiness of this build :D

Normally I never play a build twice but I really consider it, if there are no huge nerfs etc... let's see!

Thank you so much for the support with this guide chromino and mabye we see us again next league (:

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I'd check out the herald of agony guardian build (or herald of purity)..
I'm running it this league and it's a tank. With less than 5ex invested you can facetank Sirus at A6, do T16 maps with ease, delerium maps, normal & uber atziri and so forth.
It's not screen wide explosion fast but gets the job done quick and safely.
If you get more currency you can blow 30-50ex on this build to get all BIS items and facetank everything. But with 5ex you can run pretty much all content.
It's not meta so a lot of items are dirt cheap (like 10chaos for boots, 15choas chest, 10c gloves etc etc).

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Thank you all a lot you totally arachnophil pack hehehe!

Let's crawl! Let's swarm!
Last edited by Chromino on Oct 16, 2021, 4:36:44 PM
kubicka wrote:

Thanks for answer, I am not league racer neither gauntlent farmer, I just want a build a could finaly for the first time push to level 100 and enjoy new uber endgame.

Did play this in 3.14 and was 96,5 within 3 weeks and that was with a skin of the loyals, not skin of the lords (was ~5ex away from affording it). Quitted there because I wasted to much time in POE because the build was so much fun :), Failed 3 Ultimatums in total in that time and got to the boss 5 times. It was just to easy if you didn't care about rewards, when you could not die anyway.

That comes from a player who is REALLY bad. I could not figure out how to spawn spieders in Boss fights. So they took some time, but this build gives you time to learn fights.

With this build I got my first:
Sirus (up to 7)
Uber Elder I fucked up because I invited maven to my first try ever.
All breachstones.

And that all within 3 weeks.
Hello any can give me a tip to start with this build? i used in mid league, but idk how to level with it
braniels2 wrote:
Hello any can give me a tip to start with this build? i used in mid league, but idk how to level with it

Hi braniels2,

there is a long spoiler "Tipps for beginning, levelling, gearing, trading and Leaguestart" with a lot advices and screenshots of levelling passive trees.

On page 50 in "poe-tradelinks" you find also a spoiler "levelling gear/ leaguestart" for a lot alternative gear.

Let the spiders dance!
Last edited by Chromino on Oct 16, 2021, 12:42:27 PM
man i tried reading the post but i'm so confused.
is there like a TLDR version of this build? my smooth brain cannot understand everything thats posted
please, and thank you
poe_shniggies wrote:
man i tried reading the post but i'm so confused.
is there like a TLDR version of this build? my smooth brain cannot understand everything thats posted
please, and thank you

Haha, it's easy to get lost in so much explanation and variations.

To make it the simplest, go to the first page and look for
"Choose your edition - balance your defences and offensive"

You'll find the 3 main builds with PoB under the spoiler.

2 spoilers after, you'll find "Gear, Skills, Links".
A good explanation of the overall stuff.

Finally, look for "Tipps for beginning, levelling, gearing, trading and Leaguestart" (a bit lower)

You'll find the best ways to do your way from lvl 1 to 100.

Good luck !
poe_shniggies wrote:
man i tried reading the post but i'm so confused.
is there like a TLDR version of this build? my smooth brain cannot understand everything thats posted
please, and thank you

TLDR: Follow the PoB. Get the sockets.
Araakalis Fang
Memory Vault
Aegis Aurora
Skin of the Loyals
Shapers Touch
Circle of Nostalgia

Start clearing yelow to red maps.

I dont know any other build that gets you so cheap into red maps.

From there you start working for endgame gear. Skin of the Lords, Auls uprising, watchers eye, Clusters, yewels and a good stygian vise.
Humtol wrote:
poe_shniggies wrote:
man i tried reading the post but i'm so confused.
is there like a TLDR version of this build? my smooth brain cannot understand everything thats posted
please, and thank you

TLDR: Follow the PoB. Get the sockets.
Araakalis Fang
Memory Vault
Aegis Aurora
Skin of the Loyals
Shapers Touch
Circle of Nostalgia

Start clearing yelow to red maps.

I dont know any other build that gets you so cheap into red maps.

From there you start working for endgame gear. Skin of the Lords, Auls uprising, watchers eye, Clusters, yewels and a good stygian vise.

thank you and thank you to the post above this one as well. i found the faq section toward the bottom, so hopefully that will help, but these 2 posts help a lot too
Im thinking of league starting this. Does this handle Blighted maps ok?

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