Clarifying the Ascendancy Changes

Is it possible we are seeing half the story for all this? Ok, the bad is that most extra damage and attack speed on most ascendancies is now dead gone. Ok, so where will extra damage and attack speed come from (if anywhere)?

Let's see the gem reworks since that could be where this extra damage will come from. Let's see the new tree rework as this could also be our extra damage and attack speed.

This is the bad news as delivered no question, but we cannot be seeing the full data set here so hang in there. Disappointed, yes for sure as this is difficult to adjust to as well but it seems we need more data on all this.

Let's see the rest of the experiment first, but yeah "F" respects for assassins/tricksters.

HatreT wrote:
Finally some major changes to the metagame. good.

Now you'll be able to complete 4 challenges without feeling pushed into aurastacking
To the MF Windripper go the spoils
Im glad you did those changes GGG.
Shaking the meta is good
If you are going to face a real challenge, it has to be a real challenge. You can't accomplish anything without the possibility of failure.
Look guys i got a new sticker :D happy camper
Sidad wrote:
Azarhiel wrote:
What GGG is doing is nerfing casual players essentially to avoid them doing the very late game content, while preserving elite players the ability to continue printing money.

Yes, they have been doing that since day 1. This game was always meant to be elitist game and ggg is perfectly fine with most players not getting to play red maps let alone end content. That being said cheap builds doing end content were always a big 'no-no' and sure to be destroyed.

i don't know about that. I play this sh*t along my friend. Both of us on and off, depending on the league.
The last time we both played the same league I played ranger as per usual and he did necro, likewise.

While I spend 5 ex on my bow alone, he ran around in rags picked up along the way, his whole build worth less than 1 ex and he afk-ed t16 bosses while I struggled with some of the lower red bosses at the time.
He killed elder in that crappy build, then uber atziri and then, before I could even cross off all 4 t16 bosses, he quit the league casue he got bored. After all he didn't need to look for gear, currency had no appeal for the same reason, So he came to a reasonable conclusion that there was no reason to play.

That's why I always say that necro will be the end of this game. Compared to other classes/builds he's the easy mode.
As a side note, my friend tried something other than necro once (elementalist I believe), he couldn't even reach red maps.
I love the changes!!! they are overall necessary and required to allow for more variety in builds.
For all the trolls saying the game is ruined, did you consider the 1000 builds this allows for us to be potential?.

I hate that it is like 5-10 top builds that everyone is forced to play if they want to clear endgame content.
I hope the new balance will bring variety and also nerf those 5 screen clearing builds, namely: Carrion golems, Aura stackers(immortal), crazy spectre builds, Spin to win - cast on crit.

If you can kill a boss instantly what is the challenge?
Should strategy go out the window for the game?

Personally I like having to be tactical and strategic in my advancements and having to deal with mechanics rather than being so far overpowered I ignore the game.
Wisienkas wrote:
I love the changes!!! they are overall necessary and required to allow for more variety in builds.
For all the trolls saying the game is ruined, did you consider the 1000 builds this allows for us to be potential?.

I hate that it is like 5-10 top builds that everyone is forced to play if they want to clear endgame content.
I hope the new balance will bring variety and also nerf those 5 screen clearing builds, namely: Carrion golems, Aura stackers(immortal), crazy spectre builds, Spin to win - cast on crit.

If you can kill a boss instantly what is the challenge?
Should strategy go out the window for the game?

Personally I like having to be tactical and strategic in my advancements and having to deal with mechanics rather than being so far overpowered I ignore the game.

OMG are you serious???

Show us the character link of that "friend" we will laugh out loud
well, why not just delete melee from the game Sadge
Cant be more agree than this. Very well said guys. Keep up the good work. Love u all ;)
i want to subscribe
People have no idea how difficult it is to keep players in check in terms of power creep. So you trimmed some bloat from the ascendancies, big deal?

I specifically saw a few mentioned, then went and looked them up. Jeeze, people sure are silly. For instance, people crying over assassin losing damage, when assassin builds can DELETE the game faster than anyone.

GGG wants their game to remain meaningful and to be enjoyed for years. They can't do that if they don't bring things in line sometimes. Just think, now that this has been done, who knows what will happen in the future? If something needs a buff, they'll buff it. It's been a much needed adjustment, and potentially a great setup for future changes. Just because you don't have 40 MILLION DPS now, and trivialize the content that these people work hard to bring you...FOR FREE MIND YOU, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. People need to chill out.

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