Clarifying the Ascendancy Changes

Add to this the concept of loss aversion where people feel losses much more strongly than gains, and we can totally see why some players' first reactions to the changes are negative.

oh phew
thank you bex, i genuinely thought i was furious about the only scion changes in 5+ years being more nerfs to the few ascendancies that people actually use and some funny sentimental buffs like +1% life regen to guardian

luckily its just a psychological buzzword called loss aversion, it'll go away once i see all the other new content that other classes will be better at using
IGN: Torrenz
Nemesis Shop: view-thread/634031
cimerea wrote:
Sidad wrote:
Azarhiel wrote:
What GGG is doing is nerfing casual players essentially to avoid them doing the very late game content, while preserving elite players the ability to continue printing money.

Yes, they have been doing that since day 1. This game was always meant to be elitist game and ggg is perfectly fine with most players not getting to play red maps let alone end content. That being said cheap builds doing end content were always a big 'no-no' and sure to be destroyed.

As a side note, my friend tried something other than necro once (elementalist I believe), he couldn't even reach red maps.

Yes you just confirmed what I was saying. Cheap builds, (ab)used by casual players or players who struggle with normal builds, doing end game content always get obliterated and your friend (and most players) trying normal build and not getting to red maps is what ggg is fine with.
Can't wait for the full circus in force later on with the patch notes and the "balance manifesto"

"They are beating our game and leaving, we need that twitch publicity.."

I had some really good laughs at the two threads regardless.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).
we didn't want to nerf things
- loose 30ms as assa
... hmmm
Torrenz wrote:
Add to this the concept of loss aversion where people feel losses much more strongly than gains, and we can totally see why some players' first reactions to the changes are negative.

oh phew
thank you bex, i genuinely thought i was furious about the only scion changes in 5+ years being more nerfs to the few ascendancies that people actually use and some funny sentimental buffs like +1% life regen to guardian

luckily its just a psychological buzzword called loss aversion, it'll go away once i see all the other new content that other classes will be better at using

yeah pretty much exactly this...

<sarcasm>because psychologizing the community and making generalizations about the community is super helpful.</sarcasm> ZZZzzz
Remember, GGG still has to keep the influx of NEW players. This is a hugely dense game with a rather large learning curve. Y'all gotta get over your egos of being so good and make room for the fact that without an ever-growing player base, this awesome free to play game we all love can't keep delivering bold new content.

This Maven multi-boss expansion looks especially FOR all of the experienced and upper-tier players who are so good at the game, they can blithely criticize efforts to make it more accessible and easier to learn for less L33T players.

I love the diversity of gamers in this community, but honestly, the smugness and entitlement in these forums can get really insufferable. Like, if y'all are so good, why not see a nerf as a challenge instead of a personal affront to being OP.

Thank you, this is very refreshing to hear. The gatekeeping community of PoE's elitist needs to seriously fuck off. The game is growing and needs to pay wave to the new players who stick around
As for RS gem nerf
DarkJen wrote:

A level 72 zone is a white tier map.

So its white tier viable only.
And spectres being less lvl than instance took much more dmg due to negative treshold, as it seems from practisce, so the get easilly eliminated in higher than their lvl, instances.

GrimExcuse wrote:
Remember, GGG still has to keep the influx of NEW players. This is a hugely dense game with a rather large learning curve. Y'all gotta get over your egos of being so good and make room for the fact that without an ever-growing player base, this awesome free to play game we all love can't keep delivering bold new content.

This Maven multi-boss expansion looks especially FOR all of the experienced and upper-tier players who are so good at the game, they can blithely criticize efforts to make it more accessible and easier to learn for less L33T players.

I love the diversity of gamers in this community, but honestly, the smugness and entitlement in these forums can get really insufferable. Like, if y'all are so good, why not see a nerf as a challenge instead of a personal affront to being OP.

Thank you, this is very refreshing to hear. The gatekeeping community of PoE's elitist needs to seriously fuck off. The game is growing and needs to pay wave to the new players who stick around

ggg made and want this game played that way. Chris said it himself that he is fine with most players never hitting red maps.
Sidad wrote:
cimerea wrote:
Sidad wrote:

Yes, they have been doing that since day 1. This game was always meant to be elitist game and ggg is perfectly fine with most players not getting to play red maps let alone end content. That being said cheap builds doing end content were always a big 'no-no' and sure to be destroyed.

As a side note, my friend tried something other than necro once (elementalist I believe), he couldn't even reach red maps.

Yes you just confirmed what I was saying. Cheap builds, (ab)used by casual players or players who struggle with normal builds, doing end game content always get obliterated and your friend (and most players) trying normal build and not getting to red maps is what ggg is fine with.

That's not exactly what I meant.
He tried ele once, couldn't get to red maps, went necro again next league and got bored of owning everything yet again.
Necro is too easy (or at least was, this time they hit minion dmg on small ascendancy nodes rather hard, untill the test run we can't say how well balanced that'll make it). With very little items investment and just basic knowledge, what to pick from the ground and wear (very few new players figure out that this game favours life + res over anything else but if you know, you need to buy nothing as necro), very little mechanical provess required (just don't stand too close to get hit by some aoe) you can pretty much waltz through most of the game with one hand picking your nose, the other scratching your butt.
People who experience that, especially if they had little experience with other classes beforehand, can't cope with the fact bosses are actively chasing them now and they have to perform actual playing to not die and eventually win.

Also, Raider got nerfed this league again. It's niether cheap nor popular ascendancy.

E: To sum it up in one sentence - either go necro and get bored or go anything else and get frustrated.
Unless you're one of the old veterans, race participants and mathmatical geniuses abusing every little quirk this game has since 1825.
Last edited by cimerea on Jan 12, 2021, 9:36:07 AM
Русско-язычное комьюнити очень было радо видеть вашу презентацию.После вашего анонсирования изменений умений люди в замешательстве. Стримеры пытаются успокоить общественность, но многие уверены что это шаг назад в 3.07. и задумываются будут ли стартовать 15 числа. Многие не увидели аппов скилов персонажей, а только нерфы кроме 3-х подклассов. А боссов будет 10 а мы стали еще слабей. Никто не против нерфов классов которые убивали без помощи кнопок весь контент, зачем было нерфить всех под одну гребенку не понятно.Я лично не уверен, что буду стартовать эту лигу т.к в игре недавно и пока не будет билдов я не смогу нормально играть. Сам билды составлять не умею потому как не хватает знаний по игре.Прежде чем начинать тут хоть немного разбираться я 3 месяца читал литературу и смотрел стримы и все равно не все в игре понимаю. Вы итак не простую игру сделали еще не понятней. Я выбрал билд до лиги тренировал его и оказалось что зря, GGG сказали ок бро поизучай еще 3 месяца. Я сюда пришел отдыхать после работы и интересно время проводить а по моим ощущениям я готовлюсь к экзаменам а неиграю в игру.Было и так не все понятно а стало все только хуже ИМХО.

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