[3.25] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

JennoJoyce wrote:
Hemzokuken wrote:

How is your end game staff made when it has 4 prefix mods on it?
What am I missing?

3 prefix, some mod may occupy 2 lines.

Thanks mate.

Another question I couldn't find is what priority we want for curses?

I've got +1 curse on chest so do I want a ring with assassins mark or flammability first?

Edit - disregard...we are already running flammability. Derp :p
Last edited by Hemzokuken on Jan 22, 2021, 10:31:07 PM
JennoJoyce wrote:
LejayTV wrote:
Can u plz look at my build and gear? Died on sirius first time( could be my mistake). But i cant real get all the damage out put. And my pob says way from your dps.

Link : https://pastebin.com/AgZ3dyuA

I love the build :D But got a problem here

Your CWDT is over-leveled, which means it won't protect you much and won't help you increase damage much.

Also, you are missing phase run to boost your damage.

You can simply refer to my 2ex POB and use the same skill.

Thanks for the answer.
I'm not quite sure phase run is the reason our PoB is 10m sheet damage from each other. I'm really struggling on make the one hit wonder. But will work on gem q and make the right lvls.

I current at t14+ at can handle jeg trash, rares and bosses. But it's not a one hit wonder. And about that my fits of war don't "being showed in my buff bars. Should I could see it there.

I have read all q and a. Thanks for using so much time in the start of a new league to answer and help new players with your build
JennoJoyce wrote:

If you make a first hit with FoW, but canceled its attack action by movement, then FoW will still go to cooldown. This is probably the reason why you observed your attack does not have FoW buff and did little damage.

Don't worry about cooldown, go to Q&A to find detail about cooldown

DOH! That's it. i'm quite sure it's because i'm moving. i'm anticipating the attack and then trying to duck it early. thanks !

and i understand now about the cooldown.
A maybe dumb question, why not use a single PoB Link and create one set of tree/items for each build stage ? instead of having several separate links ?

Btw very nice build :D
Hey all!

I love this build so far, but I think i need a bit of help!

I believe I have good enough gear, but I must have &*^@$# up something because the damage is way too low I think for this kind of gear.
Any tips please?


PS: I know gems still need leveling, but still. In PoB,i level them to 20 and the damage is still mediocre at best.

Last edited by redef1n3d on Jan 23, 2021, 2:54:53 AM
I was looking at your character and I was wondering if you can run all of your auras without having mana problems? or if not do you just drop herald of ash for skitterbots?
Will 13ex build from this league appear soon?)
xaviawoofles wrote:
I was looking at your character and I was wondering if you can run all of your auras without having mana problems? or if not do you just drop herald of ash for skitterbots?

You mean my character? If so, I have 0 mana problems with all auras and Thrill Seeker annointed on amulet. I believe with Enlighten 4, i can squeese a clarity as well :P
I like this build a lot so far. :) But I guess I started transitioning into Crit too early. At least now around the first red tier maps (10+) I feel super squishy and die too often. I only have around 4.4k life so far, so maybe that's the issue? Maybe someone can take a look at my stuff and tree, would appreciate it a lot! Thanks :) (the second staff with the crafted Attack speed I'd like to craft into Hits can't be Evaded. But I can't get it from Vagan and even some bought veiled Vagan 2Hs didn't bring me luck)

Shatiya wrote:
I like this build a lot so far. :) But I guess I started transitioning into Crit too early. At least now around the first red tier maps (10+) I feel super squishy and die too often. I only have around 4.4k life so far, so maybe that's the issue? Maybe someone can take a look at my stuff and tree, would appreciate it a lot! Thanks :) (the second staff with the crafted Attack speed I'd like to craft into Hits can't be Evaded. But I can't get it from Vagan and even some bought veiled Vagan 2Hs didn't bring me luck)

I am in a very similar spot, I'm heavily debating about transition to bladefall or reroll.

The build is pretty strong up until red maps but has some real issues with the transition. You hit a trade off of damage vs HP (so your tankiness goes ... in the tank) or you do just miserable damage with resolute keystone.

It doesn't end at the vagan craft either unfortunately. I got it, but i'm still struggling because I dont have cooked alive on all my clusters (I do have all the clusters) or the chest for double curse. I think the clusters matter a lot with the - resist & ensuring ignite happens.

It's a very expensive transition which has me wondering about selling out and rerolling as ~15ex isn't a small amount of currency for build enabling.

People will surely have opinions, but IMO you can make chain hook good with enough currency, there are easier paths to success.

You can look at POB ninja builds and see what others are doing with chieftan tec slam for good reference and a lot have 4-5k HP if they have taken off resolute. For crit you can get some ideas what people are doing to get accuracy w/o vagan, I'd start there as without proper accuracy you are probably missing a lot which will feel really bad!

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