3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Is there any guide on how to craft cluster jewels with Harvest?...because I would not be understanding. There is a guide on how to craft them, but with normal currency, and in the same guide it says that after a certain patch it is even more expensive to craft them that way, and recommends that we do it with Harvest, is there any guide to crafting them?
I had some trouble with survivability, went to get They of Tul spectre, giving Snow Cloak:
(10-15)% reduced Damage taken
(10-20)% chance to Dodge Attack Hits
(10-20)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits
Base duration is 10 seconds

I think this spectre deserves a place in the defensive option, I personally prefer it over enfeeble or prox shield.

Edit: Sorry for the double post I somehow cannot delete it.
Last edited by nooq on Aug 1, 2020, 8:13:50 AM
Can some one give me a little help? https://pastebin.com/VQhscLJw
What can i do? i start this build yesterday... this is why some gems is to low... I farm to get 1 raise zombie lv 21/20... except that, what can i do?i fell my survive is not good...
br0kns0l2 wrote:
New player looking for a build. Would you suggest doing this one, or Kays' Spectres?

Everyone is suggesting Enki's Arc, but I'm not about lightning. I want me some minions. :D

This build is quite easy to get going, but to get the real thing going, you'll need at least couples exalted. Just a basic weapon start at ~7ex, and i'm not even talking about cluster jewels... If you have a lot of spare time to play and wanna learn a very fun archetype, this build is really nice.

Kay's spectre is cheaper to get going, she has a very detailed guide and she always update the guide with new stuff. The build doesn't really require anything to make it work decently. Might wanna try that one, if you don't want to invest a lot of time into the game.

I personally started playing minion (and basically PoE lol) with a zombiemancer build (not this one, but similar) and at first it feels very expensive as a new player, but there are budget options and it's doable if you invest enough time.
nooq wrote:
I had some trouble with survivability, went to get They of Tul spectre, giving Snow Cloak:
(10-15)% reduced Damage taken
(10-20)% chance to Dodge Attack Hits
(10-20)% chance to Dodge Spell Hits
Base duration is 10 seconds

I think this spectre deserves a place in the defensive option, I personally prefer it over enfeeble or prox shield.

Edit: Sorry for the double post I somehow cannot delete it.

I'm running this spectre on my Golem Elementalist build, and it's honestly a very nice defensive spectre. Especially vs bosses.

The only thing that people need to aware of, is that this spectre might impact your FPS and your GPU usage quite hardly, depending on your system, because the Snow Cloak storm is quite heavy on the GPU lol
kratosrox wrote:
Can some one give me a little help? https://pastebin.com/VQhscLJw
What can i do? i start this build yesterday... this is why some gems is to low... I farm to get 1 raise zombie lv 21/20... except that, what can i do?i fell my survive is not good...

- I notice that you have quite a TON of fire resitance overcapped (134% over 75%) which is quite too much. You could instead replace a bit of that fire resitance for Chaos resistance to be able to cap it aswell
- I personally hate Geofri, because it gives Zealot Oath.. which basically means that you don't regen life other the leech of your zombie. Maybe it's chaos/poison damage that makes you feel weak, and without regen that can be a problem.. Maybe you could try to use a rare body armour (life, resistance, etc.), Brass Dome (big armour boost, which means big phys damage reduction) or Craiceann's Carapace (similar to Brass Dome, but it give an aura that gives phys damage reduction over time)
- If damage is a problem, you could drop discipline for Pride
- If not using Geofri, I would drop Shaper Touch for rare gloves (life, resistance, minion damage) or Breathstealer (grant another anoint and help clearing big packs, such as Legion)
- You could drop Spirit Offering and use Bone Offering with Mistress of sacrifice ascendancy node and Glancing Blow notable on the skill point for big Block chance
- Essence glouton is nice with builds such as VD CWDT, but it's pretty meh with this one. Maybe use Mistress of Sacrifice with Bone Offering or use Bone Barrier (grant the skill Bone armour, nice phys damage reduction, life recovery)
- You are wasting 3 skill poins while pathing by the Shaper notable. Might want to respec and path by the Discipline and Training node instead to get 2 free skill points and more life
- If you have currency to spent (multiple exalts), you could invest into Minion damage Large cluster jewels (Rotten Claws, Renewal, Vicious Bite), Minion Life medium cluster jewels (Dread March, Renewal), aura medium cluster jewels (there are couple nice notables to look at), and life small cluster jewels (flat life and Feetle). That means you wanna drop a part of your skill tree points to invest in those. Just need to balance offense/defense properly.
- Youre using two armour flask, that's useless. Use a phys damage reduction flask instead.
- You have two life flask, that's a bit overkill. Might want to use another utility flask, such as Phasing, Concecreated ground, Chaos resistance, etc.
- Use Brutality instead of Minion Damage in your zombie link
- Your zombie impale chance is pretty unusable right now, link Dread Banner to a Generosity support gem. And even with that, if you don't get a Dread Banner helm enchant, you'll want at least one large cluster jewel with Rotten Claws to make impale chance consistent
So I finally aligned my build with the Tanky build in the guide. Im able to now do T15/16 maps and die a little less (but still enough to not level).

I am working on getting my gems maxed and then full quality but I dont think that will move me even close to the 1mil marker. I would love to take at least 1 toon to 100, and this is as close as Ive ever been. Any suggestions to tweak are welcome. I dont mind spending some exalts if it is a gear issue.

My POB is located here: https://pastebin.com/gJZnmGqJ
Hi, I'm playing this build this season, went from starter to tanky, then to speed farming and spectre (changing from one to other now and then for fun).

I feel like my clearing speed and damage is not anywhere close to what's shown in the build and in the videos using the build and I can't figure out what I'm lacking (or what I can do to push it further). One difference I am aware of are the enlighten supports (only have one that's lv3 rn, so I can not have all auras active so I'm running with Haste off atm.
(also - one thing i've noticed btw is that even if i put 2x lv4 enlighten as in build into pob, I don't anywhere near enough mana to run haste along with other auras ?)

- My elegant hubris is 160% min dmg atm.
- My boots are still Alberon, trying to get two-toned but having trouble rolling hunter's on them~

Any pointers/advice/ideas'd be appreciated.

POB: https://pastebin.com/FrhNQy5v
Finished speed farming setup without emperor's mastery and honestly speaking 3.11 it's just bad/decent
bigtoaster64 wrote:
Elocara wrote:
Ayanad wrote:

I'll start with the dying part. I'm at work right now and don't have access to POB but from looking at your tree i have a feeling you have the issues below.
1- you MUST hit 1000 strength. without it your zombies will not leech life for you and you cannot regen life because of geofries so the build will not function without 1k strength. Very important.
2- OVERCAP your resitances. you should have 110 resistance of each element.use purity of elements until you get better jewelry.
3- you last defensive objective should be capping your chaos resistance. But you should be able to manage without doing that if you avoid maps with poison mods.

Now to the damage part:
1- Need 6-link.
2- Quality all you gems. +20
3- for end game your damage will be mediocre until you replace your lethal pride with an elegant hubris +240% minion damage

Hope this helps.

Thank you so much for your advice @Ayanad! I am trying to upgrade my jewellery to get to 1000 strength and enough resists (I actually had them overcapped and chaos on 75 before I changed build, more rares).

I am trying to understand the elegant hubris, but it seems every gem corrupts the notables differently...?

The lethal pride gives me quite a bit of strength and I have no idea how to get to 1000 strength to make the build work as intended. With the rings I can craft or buy, I'd need a ring on every finger for both resists and strength.

Ok, let's be honest two seconds.. you don't need to overcap your resistances to 110 lol. Just get them capped and that's it. If you have a map mod that impact resistance, just reroll it or be more carefull. Just get the basic stuff while your building your character, you dont need to go all in all at once. If your chaos resistance is not cap is not the end of the world for now, in fact having it over 0% is already great.

As for the strength, using 2-3 efficient training and 2-3 brawn jewels and some strength on rings and belt is more then enough to get you to 1000 strength. No need to mess with Lethal Pride now if you don't have much currency. Just take a look at the PoB i've modified : https://pastebin.com/8TE0qcay. Low strength rolls on rings, couple respec here and there on the skill tree and voilà! 1000 strength, still capped on resistances, ~7.8k EHP and a decent amount of chaos resistance for now. Tip: you can use an Amethyst Flask to get +35% chaos resistance while gathering currency to buy/craft more chaos resistance on your gear.

As for the damage, don't use Empower yet, cause you don't have a proper weapon for it. Use Minion Damage Support instead. Don't use Spirit Offering, use Flesh Offering instead, because Brutality Support in your Zombie link cancel the damage provided by Spirit Offering. Not sure about your Malevolence and RF in your off-hand but using Pride and Flesh&Stone linked to Maim Support instead of those would give you a ton of damage.

Your damage went from 45k to 221k per zombie now.

As for the weapon, you can use either a 5L Femur of the Saints or Montregul Grasp which is cheap and allow you to keep your shield and get some nice defenses for your zombies. MG cut you amount of zombies by half, but they essentially deal double damage, so after all its the same performance but with better defenses.

You don't need Lethal Pride anymore as of 3.11 for strength. You don't need elegant hubris to get nice damage either. You can simply grab some cheap cluster jewels and craft them using the Harvest mechanic which is WAY cheaper and overall easier then throwing dozens of divine orbs on a timeless jewel for hours to get a good roll...

For your Spectre make sure you use 2x Carnage Chieftain and 1-2x Host Chieftain linked to Minion Life + Blood Magic, so they don't die and they can spam their ability.

Just by playing the game you'll up your gems, get some quality on them with GCP vendor recipe and gather some currency to get better gear.

Good luck!

We can agree to disagree. Sure you can deal with ele weakness through curse immunity flasks but that requires constant smashing of the flasks which i'm not good at so i try to account for curses within my build since i prefer the lazy style gameplay. A mob can curse you and you get insta killed in red maps if you're not overcapped. Dying once in a while might not seem a big deal at first but becomes a real problem when pushing lvl95+

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