3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

We got hit by further nerfs:

Vicious Bite and Precise Master got nerved.

My damage went down from 1.108.162 to 840.323.

So the nerf via clusters is real.
TOP_Commander wrote:
brunowa wrote:
Yeh nothing really game changing.

Thanks added to guide.


I think you should update a lot of the "claims" on the first page and throughout the guide. Stuff like "easily 10k EHP, upwards to 25k EHP".

Also DPS per zombies is nowhere near 1 million DPS per zombie anymore.

Speed is also misleading. The way you portray the build is that we get all those things, when in fact we get none of them, unless you specifically aim for one of those "goals", at the cost of losing all other claims by the build.

It's ok to admit and update the build to reflect reality that DPS and defences were nerfed a lot, and none of the claims are true anymore.

You can say, "we are one of the fastest OR the tankiest OR the strongest Zombie-based builds", but certainly not all those things at once.

All the videos are outdated for at least one or more leagues, yet still are kept in the build guide and are doing nothing but mislead players interested in the build. It's time to remove 90% of the videos since they simply are not true anymore. The rest should be redone reflecting reality in this current state, rather than claiming things that were "somewhat true" half a year ago, before all the nerfs and game changes changed virtually everything in the build in one way or another.

You should understand that your propaganda-thread has harmed the build tremendously over the past few leagues, as well as any other minion build as collateral damage. Try to tone down the propaganda-machine as it has caused us enough damage already. You know it.

Summed up perfectly what i wanted to say about this build after playing it extensively,I would just choose another build from someone that does play the league and not standard all the time
The vast majority of the guide claims werent true in 3.10(They were in 3.9 when the build was made,but that was the reason they got nerfed after all)
Last edited by Archontis on Jun 17, 2020, 9:59:49 AM
Thanks for the build Brunowa :)

I have been playing this build in SSF in 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.

In 3.8 the build was really OP, in 3.9 the nerf came and things was a bit harder, and at start of 3.10 it was bad for me, until I realised the power of Cluster Jewels (thanks Elorathiel and others).

Prolly 3.11 will be fine.

I suggest Brunowa to update the front page to reflect 3.11 and remove old none valid things (old stuff just confuse new players).

I also would like to see Brunowas own take on this build including Cluster Jewels.

@Onin: Do you think that Renewal stacking is the way to go?
Can we expect a new pob before 3.11 goes live since the skill tree changed?
Is the cluster stacking alternative still viable with the nerfs to hulking corpse, vicious bite, etc ?

No more massive zombies, just when I wanted to try this thing out :(
I have everything like I should have, still not even possible to get 4 spectres - I really don't understand - I have gem in Baron and the ascendancy, how do I get 4 spectres?
Does Vaal Molten Shell need to be linked? From which support gem does it gain anything in the 6-link? Are people still planing on running it after the heavy nerfs? Switching to the normal Molten Shell or something different might be better.
Last edited by Nabeta_ on Jun 17, 2020, 5:00:49 PM
His character has a lv21 gem, proper ascendancy points plus Death Attunement anointed on his amulet, really dunno what the reason is. Maybe switch out amulets and log off/log in?
Last edited by vox_popoli on Jun 17, 2020, 5:04:20 PM

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