3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Played and loved this build in 3.9 when it was mega OP.

Anyone have a rough estimation how much less powerful now in 3.11? Trying to decide if I want to play it again. Are we talking a 30% nerf since 3.9 days?
Fatheals wrote:
Zombies are still one of the top ten builds in the game, and an excellent league starter as they require virtually no gear to clear all content in the game. The "Nerf" was deserved, and only nerfed the build to a level where it's "reasonably" overpowered.

Why are you coming in here talking to yourself saying randomass shit. No one said anything about nerfs here.
i´m no expert, but i didn´t see any nerfs to this build so far in the Patch notes.


Two-Handed Maces
Imperial Maul: Base attacks per second is now 1.1 (from 1.2), Implicit now grants 10% increased Strength.

every other base just became obsolete for this build.
G'day guys...

Looks like we were not touched this patch. So game on!

Is Rallying Cry going to be part of our build now?

Rallying Cry
Now taunts all nearby enemies to attack the user, and exerts the next 5 melee attacks. Gives nearby allies a buff based on the damage of the user's weapon.
Now has a base duration of 5 seconds at gem level 1, up to 5.9 seconds at gem level 20.
Buff grants added Attack Damage equal to 3% of the damage of your main hand weapon per 5 power, up to a maximum of 20%. Counts both allies and enemies in range for power. This buff has 100% more effect on your minions.
Exerted attacks deal 5% more Damage per affected ally, up to 25%.
Now gains 1% increased Area of Effect per 1% gem quality.
Yeh nothing really game changing.

Thanks added to guide.
Vaal Molten Shell got nerfed, is it still worth using? According to reddit the non vaal version is just better.
TOP_Commander wrote:
brunowa wrote:
Yeh nothing really game changing.

Thanks added to guide.


I think you should update a lot of the "claims" on the first page and throughout the guide. Stuff like "easily 10k EHP, upwards to 25k EHP".

Also DPS per zombies is nowhere near 1 million DPS per zombie anymore.

Speed is also misleading. The way you portray the build is that we get all those things, when in fact we get none of them, unless you specifically aim for one of those "goals", at the cost of losing all other claims by the build.

It's ok to admit and update the build to reflect reality that DPS and defences were nerfed a lot, and none of the claims are true anymore.

You can say, "we are one of the fastest OR the tankiest OR the strongest Zombie-based builds", but certainly not all those things at once.

All the videos are outdated for at least one or more leagues, yet still are kept in the build guide and are doing nothing but mislead players interested in the build. It's time to remove 90% of the videos since they simply are not true anymore. The rest should be redone reflecting reality in this current state, rather than claiming things that were "somewhat true" half a year ago, before all the nerfs and game changes changed virtually everything in the build in one way or another.

You should understand that your propaganda-thread has harmed the build tremendously over the past few leagues, as well as any other minion build as collateral damage. Try to tone down the propaganda-machine as it has caused us enough damage already. You know it.

Good points, I'd really like these things updating. The big question is, what is the better build as of 3.11, this, or Kays specter summoner build.
After setting up some options into the Configuration tab and spectre (there was none), i'm at ~361k DPS per zombie. Yes, the numbers you see in PoB are per zombie.

If you have the PoB Community version (Previously known as PoB Fork), it takes into account most things. Basic stuff like auras and skills are considered.

Some changes you can do:
- Empower lvl 4 (yours is lvl 3)
- I'm getting only 935 strength in your PoB. If it's right, then get more strength to reach 1000+
- You could benefit A LOT from adding 2-3 cluster jewels in your tree (Vicious Bite, Rotten Claws, etc, are good mods to get on those)
- Since the nerf of Spirit OFfering in 3.10, you can get a TON more damage by using Flesh Offering instead of Spirit Offerint AND dropping Minion Speed for Brutality. But, you might want to get the Ravenous Horde node on your skill tree (anoint it, and get Death Attunement with points)
- You have good resistances, dropping Purity of Elements for Pride is a great damage boost if you need it

You can get to ~700k per zombie with those changes. Take the one that fit your build and playstyle de most.

Thank you for the tips, i started this league with only about 3 weeks left. i do have over 1000 STR i wonder if some of my jewels aren't calculating correctly. 94 is the highest i've ever taken a character, where would you take points away for clusters? scion life area or is there a wheel i have that's not useful?

Good points, I'd really like these things updating. The big question is, what is the better build as of 3.11, this, or Kays specter summoner build.

Big question right there

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