3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

BlackRavenPT wrote:
Hi guys.

I have a problem with my build and would like some help.

I'm level 93 and ok with my survavabilty (5.2k live, 1.9k ES) and DPS (350k x 11 zombies) but want to improve it. Still unable to clear level 20 simulacrum. Any Ideas?

And here's my main problem, I have 4 spectres, 1 carnage chieftain, 1 host chieftain, 1 ruins hellion and 1 diabolist. (Ruins hellion is to be replaced by arena master but havent found one yet in drox maps.) The problem is that they die alot. Sometines I have to resummon them 3x in some maps. Same for my Carrion Golem.. Usually the golem dies and at least 2 of the spectres die too after..

Any ideas how to improve their survavability? The only thing I can think of is renewal but I dont know if that will make a big difference..

Also, I wanted to get to level 97 and get a second cluster but I'm having a hard time thinking what passives to drop in the tree in order to be able to run a second cluster..

POB - https://pastebin.com/TUUuHhDK


Can someone help with this?

BlackRavenPT wrote:
BlackRavenPT wrote:
Hi guys.

I have a problem with my build and would like some help.

I'm level 93 and ok with my survavabilty (5.2k live, 1.9k ES) and DPS (350k x 11 zombies) but want to improve it. Still unable to clear level 20 simulacrum. Any Ideas?

And here's my main problem, I have 4 spectres, 1 carnage chieftain, 1 host chieftain, 1 ruins hellion and 1 diabolist. (Ruins hellion is to be replaced by arena master but havent found one yet in drox maps.) The problem is that they die alot. Sometines I have to resummon them 3x in some maps. Same for my Carrion Golem.. Usually the golem dies and at least 2 of the spectres die too after..

Any ideas how to improve their survavability? The only thing I can think of is renewal but I dont know if that will make a big difference..

Also, I wanted to get to level 97 and get a second cluster but I'm having a hard time thinking what passives to drop in the tree in order to be able to run a second cluster..

POB - https://pastebin.com/TUUuHhDK


Can someone help with this?


Check out my tree. I am 94 and have 2 cluster. It's pretty good to stack renewal for both dps and survavability
Hi folks,

I'm currently doing Kay's spectre summoner build. I'm enjoying the necromancer playstyle but I'm finding I'm very squishy. Can't really go past T5/6 maps without getting 1 shot. So I was wondering if the budget build in this guide is still viable in 3.10 for T16 maps? Would you guys just recommend this build in general as a better one?

Any insights you can provide would be helpful as I'm a newbie. Thanks!
Utterson1 wrote:

Check out my tree. I am 94 and have 2 cluster. It's pretty good to stack renewal for both dps and survavability

Hi Utterson1. I had a look at your tree (which is awesome for checking out the cluster setup, thanks) - more so looking at your links I see you've foregone the cyclone+cast while channeling which looks like it's opened up summon holy relic and not needed both rings unset.

How are you finding manually casting desecrate+offering? Would you suggest giving it a shot?

BlackRavenPT wrote:
BlackRavenPT wrote:
Hi guys.

I have a problem with my build and would like some help.

I'm level 93 and ok with my survavabilty (5.2k live, 1.9k ES) and DPS (350k x 11 zombies) but want to improve it. Still unable to clear level 20 simulacrum. Any Ideas?

And here's my main problem, I have 4 spectres, 1 carnage chieftain, 1 host chieftain, 1 ruins hellion and 1 diabolist. (Ruins hellion is to be replaced by arena master but havent found one yet in drox maps.) The problem is that they die alot. Sometines I have to resummon them 3x in some maps. Same for my Carrion Golem.. Usually the golem dies and at least 2 of the spectres die too after..

Any ideas how to improve their survavability? The only thing I can think of is renewal but I dont know if that will make a big difference..

Also, I wanted to get to level 97 and get a second cluster but I'm having a hard time thinking what passives to drop in the tree in order to be able to run a second cluster..

POB - https://pastebin.com/TUUuHhDK


Can someone help with this?


Drop mistress of sacrifice and pick up bone barrier since you are using flesh offering and see if it helps. Also does your AG have kingmaker? usually specters stay nearby and benefit from that fortify buff.
Hi brunowa,

I am currently running the "3.10 TANKY END-GAME SETUP" build. I am level 83 right now. Can you tell me what map mods you avoid besides reflect physical damage?

Also is there a good blue gem I could substitute for Impale? I don't have a green gem in my 6 link Coronal Maul, it is 3 red, 3 blue.

Thanks :)
Last edited by digitalbath413 on May 26, 2020, 12:52:31 PM
Hi brunowa,

I am currently running the "3.10 TANKY END-GAME SETUP" build. I am level 83 right now. Can you tell me what map mods you avoid besides reflect physical damage?

Also is there a good blue gem I could substitute for Impale? I don't have a green gem in my 6 link Coronal Maul, it is 3 red, 3 blue.

Thanks :)

Mobs take reduced physical damage hurts our DPS a bit. Other than that there isn't anything really bad (aside from phys reflect).
Minion Damage/Minion Speed/Feeding Frenzy
That's for the reply Fuds, I just respecced and now I have to get all the right gems.

I think what was killing before (sometimes I'd just literally die instantly and have no idea why) is due to the fact that my Chaos resistance was -36 in my previous build. I am hoping with purity of elements and the Chaos resist gem that it will help me greatly.

Reading about Chaos damage I think that is what it was actually, cause I died instantly with ES and life at full (just learned that is bypasses ES. Gimme a break I'm still a noob here :))

Will report back with how it goes!
For the Watcher's Eye jewel, is it necessary to get the faster start of ES mod or is the most important thing the Chaos res? Reason I ask is because for both of these mods, there is only one on the market and its multiple Exalts. Think I could get away with just the Chaos res? Any secondary mods that would work other than the faster start of ES ?
That's for the reply Fuds, I just respecced and now I have to get all the right gems.

I think what was killing before (sometimes I'd just literally die instantly and have no idea why) is due to the fact that my Chaos resistance was -36 in my previous build. I am hoping with purity of elements and the Chaos resist gem that it will help me greatly.

Reading about Chaos damage I think that is what it was actually, cause I died instantly with ES and life at full (just learned that is bypasses ES. Gimme a break I'm still a noob here :))

Will report back with how it goes!

I can't see your characters, but yes, get the +% Chaos Res while affected by PoE Watcher's Eye with a decent roll as soon as you can afford to and that'll certainly help.
My main 1-shot killer which I eventually learned to avoid was from Delirium on-death effects. Basically standing still for more than a second while clearing through the fog is a gamble of mortality with the odds in the map's favor. That and face-tanking a pack of caster mobs in Vaal side-areas are the 2 things that would insta-kill me.
So, while you may already be aware, but just in case you're not, Never. Stop. Moving. while in Delirium.

Edit: the Chaos Res is the more important affix IMO. Though combining it with any other useful secondary mod will likely be very expensive. I managed to get one with +6% chance to block spell damage while affected by Discipline and 49% Chaos Res w/PoE for really cheap, (which isn't super useful but not worthless either) but I got lucky.
Other good mods are: Gain Max Mana as Extra max ES w/Clarity. ES on hit w/Discipline (if using Cyclone). I would say to just arrange the search by Eye's with 40%+ Chaos Res, and then see if any of the lower cost Eye's have a useful secondary affix.
Last edited by Fudsduds on May 26, 2020, 5:21:45 PM

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