3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

PathOfZu wrote:
Maybe i am missing something but i cannot find the build's passive tree for

22 March 2020: SPEED SETUP: 8 Auras PUMPING WITH OVER 1MILLION DPS PER ZOMBIE: https://youtu.be/CAZaWbFtoqI

From all the builds you have the one that comes closest is the one you said "you are currently using" but i only count 5 auras in that build.

Like i said maybe is starring at me on the face and i cant find it but please do reply with the "pastebin" link so i can loaded it up cause that is the one i'm interested running with.


"Dread Banner, Haste, Vaal Haste, Pride, Purity of Elements, Flesh & Stone + Maim, Aspect of the Avian, and Clarity if you wish. Yes that's right... up to 8 AURAS getting buffed like crazy."
Is what it says under "Build Details - Gear, Gems, Tree, PoB - 3.10 Speed Farming Setup (what I mostly play with)" or whatever. Which is the build you/he are referring to.
Last edited by Fudsduds on May 22, 2020, 9:53:07 PM
Hi guys I’m kinda of hitting a wall with the build on t13 was wondering is someone could look my character over and give some feed back
IlSwisherlI wrote:
Hi guys I’m kinda of hitting a wall with the build on t13 was wondering is someone could look my character over and give some feed back

First thing's first, swap Spirit Offering with Flesh Offering. You're not using Mistress of Sacrifice and you have Brutality linked to your Zombies. Meaning your Spirit Offering is doing almost literally nothing.
Second, buy a lvl 21 Raise Zombie gem. With Unnatural Strength and Femurs of the Saints, this will give you a lvl 25 Raise Zombie gem, resulting in an extra Zombie and about a 12% increase in DPS.
Next up is to use Intrinsic Catalysts on your amulet to get it to 20% quality.

Also from how it appears, it doesn't seem like you have enough mana to run all your socketed auras, but I can't tell for certain. I would drop Purity of Elements for the time being and replace it with a Bismuth Flask. I would also run Flesh and Stone in Sand stance for now.

Your flasks need a major overhaul. I would drop every single flask. However in your case to make things easier, keep your Divine Life Flask of Curing and your Quicksilver Flask of Resistance, drop the rest. Replace them with: a Rumi's Concoction, a Basalt Flask of Heat (or Warding), and a Bismuth Flask of Warding (or Heat). I would eventually replace your Life Flask with a Blood of the Karui though once you can afford it (don't forget to quality it).

One final note, maybe give Frostblink a try in place of Flame Dash. IMO it feels a lot smoother than Flame Dash when used in combination with Cyclone and Convocation.

Oh and you've got an empty jewel socket on the right side of your passive tree.
Last edited by Fudsduds on May 23, 2020, 2:59:53 AM
I get necro 95, complete all content. Have prety good items. If somebody want to try this necro i can sel my build ( tired of farming, want to craft and trade). Price is abuot 100-150 ex ( we can talk about price if u want in pm) also I hawe awekened multistrike ( it cost separatly by market).
Great excuse if it is a rule break for forum or thread or build maker. Just pm me and I delete post.
Also great thanks to the build master. Its great job.
hi all!!! pliz pastebin of finised whis build thx
my caracter is open )
Ayanad wrote:

You are searching in standard. It's only 100c in delirium league.


Also might want to use the official site instead of poe.trade to avoid the lag in trade updates.

ty i found it but where to set it in passive tree?
Hi guys.

I have a problem with my build and would like some help.

I'm level 93 and ok with my survavabilty (5.2k live, 1.9k ES) and DPS (350k x 11 zombies) but want to improve it. Any Ideas?

And here's my main problem, I have 4 spectres, 1 carnage chieftain, 1 host chieftain, 1 ruins hellion and 1 diabolist. (Ruins hellion is to be replaced by arena master but havent found one yet in drox maps.) The problem is that they die alot. Sometines I have to resummon them 3x in some maps. Same for my Carrion Golem.. Usually the golem dies and at least 2 of the spectres die too after..

Any ideas how to improve their survavability? The only thing I can think of is renewal but I dont know if that will make a big difference..

Also, I wanted to get to level 97 and get a second cluster but I'm having a hard time thinking what passives to drop in the tree in order to be able to run a second cluster..

POB - https://pastebin.com/TUUuHhDK

Last edited by BlackRavenPT on May 25, 2020, 12:14:36 PM
Hey So I am doing the Tanky End Game Set Up. I have 2,740 energy shield and 6,035 HP. I am getting one shot by things in Tier 12 maps. I have 11 zombies. 4 spectres and the stone golem and animate guardian. There is simply no way I can do the end game content if I am getting one shot by things in a tier 12 map. I cant even do the 1st Sirus fight at Awakener Level 5. So what the fuck honestly? I have copied basically all the gear. I have the mace. I have all the gems except the one you can only get from number 1 in Uber Lab rankings. I have different boots I am using the alberath. I have shapers touch and of course the baron helmet. I have death attunement. I have Geofreys Sanctuary. I am at 1000 plus like 50 strength. I have all the flasks. I have avians might. I do not have the awakener skill gems. How can I ever afford them if I cant even do tier 12 maps without dying quite instantly I might add. When I die. I die immediately. I have vaal molten shell and yes I use it along with molten shell. I am at a loss here really
BGRateful wrote:
Hey So I am doing the Tanky End Game Set Up. I have 2,740 energy shield and 6,035 HP. I am getting one shot by things in Tier 12 maps. I have 11 zombies. 4 spectres and the stone golem and animate guardian. There is simply no way I can do the end game content if I am getting one shot by things in a tier 12 map. I cant even do the 1st Sirus fight at Awakener Level 5. So what the fuck honestly? I have copied basically all the gear. I have the mace. I have all the gems except the one you can only get from number 1 in Uber Lab rankings. I have different boots I am using the alberath. I have shapers touch and of course the baron helmet. I have death attunement. I have Geofreys Sanctuary. I am at 1000 plus like 50 strength. I have all the flasks. I have avians might. I do not have the awakener skill gems. How can I ever afford them if I cant even do tier 12 maps without dying quite instantly I might add. When I die. I die immediately. I have vaal molten shell and yes I use it along with molten shell. I am at a loss here really

Are you sure you're copying the build? I have worse versions of many of the pieces and I still have almost 4k ES. With that said, even though I can clear t16 maps, there's still stuff in t10 maps that can kill me if I'm careless... I don't think you can ever get so tanky you can just ignore whatever maps throw at you.

One thing I have found very helpful in clearing harder content is putting summon skeletons in the 6th socket of the weapon (in place of minion speed). They have a much more aggressive AI than zombies, they double the size of your army, and being able to cast them into packs of mobs helps keep you more out of harms way. I cant run aspect of the avian or flesh and stone, cause I have to have some mana to cast the skels, but I think it still ends up being more dps because you have a much bigger army (also, you don't just lose fights if your zombies die). To make up for the drop from not having flesh and stone, I did add the Vulnerability curse, which I don't have to use too often as most things die pretty quick without it. A slight bonus is that since I'm only running PoE, Disc and Dread Banner, I really don't need Enlighten support anymore.

Also, what spectres are you using? I find the Solar Guards are a great safe option, as they'll blast stuff as soon as it shows on screen, and will kill ranged mobs much faster (since they don't have to go through the melee ones first like the zombs and skels do). When I use Solar Guards I drop blood magic support (not needed unless you're using the chieftans), and move animate guardian and meat shield support to my gloves (meat shield support causes them to be way too passive), and then pop in spell echo, GMP, and then i've been toying with various options for the 4th link.
Yeah I have plenty of mana. Im certain I have all the proper gear. Yeah I thought about using skeletons because I can have like 10. I dont like that they dont answer to convocation. I bought a 21 level quality 20 and yeah its alright. I dont like that they only have so long on the duration. And the minion speed is kind of important. I think that basically even though my minions are basically doing a million dps they arent hitting or something because the clear on even tier 12 is like ehhh

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