3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I'm pretty green when it comes to this so have followed somewhat blindly and just getting to understand PoB.

Could someone please comment on why PoB suggests that Awakened Minion Damage Support is the best next upgrade (average damage increases by >50%) but no-one seems to be using it and it isn't included in the build guide?

Even playing with the PoB for the Tanky build (this is where I'm aiming), it shows swapping out the Awakened Multistrike gem would increase the DPS by 13%.

I'm assuming the loss of Attack/Cast Rate (35%) is more detrimental.
Last edited by joshdude on May 18, 2020, 10:50:32 PM
I just bought a Haste Aul's Uprising., Is losing 1 zombie from 13 to 12 worth it vs permanent haste +( permanent Phasing + onslaught on kill while affected by haste prismatic jewel)? and which is better +20% cold damage from Grip of the Council or +30% minion damage from a redeemer influenced Rare gloves?
Last edited by DaveNemesis26 on May 19, 2020, 5:00:09 AM
Ezciel wrote:

Your resists aren't capped. You aren't running Purity of Elements. Your overall +HP from equipment seems very low. You should not be running Discipline. Those gloves aren't really that good for this build.

First, TY for the reply a lot.

My resist are 75/76/76 without purity of element (i controlled cand gain +1 to fire res only if i run purity).

I use Discipline and i have 7700 hp+es, then run pride and flesh and stone (sand when farming, blood for boss). if i run banner i have 0 mana for cast offering (at moment can not afford enlighten lvl 4 for free more mana).

The build suggest to use that gloves for end game, and for levelling the one you suggested ( i am at 1001 strengh, so i not plan to go over 1500). i can buy amulet for have some res and +1 zombie for mor dps but then need to change boot for have over 1000 strenght (all them cost around 9 ex, at moment i have 6).

If you mean chaos resistance i am very far from 75% and need a lot of gear for achieve that meta (only eye jewel cost so much).

please reply to me for let me understand where i misunderstanding
Fudsduds wrote:

Your gloves are fine. Keep using Discipline (though I'd recommend the Vaal version, but maybe you'll get it when you corrupt it after 20/20).

yes, i will do when 20/20 and i not use vaal version becasue need more bottons to press, and i chocie this build for "1 botton" play style... but at moment i sound the piano on flasks

Fudsduds wrote:

Replace Pride with Purity of Elements and get a Watcher's Eye with +% Chaos Res while affected by Purity of Elements, get a 6-socket Geofri's and start using Vaal Molten Shell for that extra "oh shit" button.

This is the section that i not understand, so please explain to me. i have already all my res to 75% (not chaos), andthe same have to drop pride for more res? that res are for minions? because they never die, just only me die.

That eye cost to much for me at moment, so i can't efford it.

Fudsduds wrote:
Also you seem to be using Spirit Offering without Mistress of Sacrifice, which is nearly worthless, change it to Flesh Offering.

THANK YOU, THIS IS A GREAT REPLY. i am noob of this build and canìt know about this, i think that spirit give me ES but i never saw this in game. This will be a GREAT chance in my build

Fudsduds wrote:

Get another Unset Ring for Convocation, also it's entirely up to personal preference but I would then also swap Flame Dash with Frostblink. The combination of Cyclone-Frostblink-Convocation feels much smoother.

I think that cyclone + cwc it is used for process desecrate and Flesh offering (from now :) ). if i understand i can use Cyclone+CWC+Convocation+Flesh offering, so i run, use the body of killed mobs for offering and Call all zombies to me? this is for addressing zombies on my target? seems that i have to face tank in this way

Fudsduds wrote:

Also if you're not at 1k Str yet, get +Str on new rings.
And use Intrinsic Catalysts on your Amulet to raise its attribute quality.

The rings at moment are used ONLY for cap resistance. i not raus attribute on Amulet because i want sell it for a rare with %strengh % attributes and +1 zombies (and i have already some rare boot with str and dex for be always over 1000)

You was so good on this reply, it will change a lot for me.. just wait for understand about run purity also if not have Watcher's eye
Using the tanky build. Thoughts on using Bone barrier rather than Mistress of Sacrifice?

Currently I dont need the extra elemental resistances I have 110+ in all all three. Also I currently have 20% Chaos res.
Hey bro, nice working there on this build, thanks it.
But i would like to ask you, is the link (pastebin) for the respectives versions( spectres,speed etc...) actually working ? cause there is some of them which i cant see any difference, for example, in the pastebin where u should be using wands, you say to put nodes which gives u attack with maces/sceptres, thanks for it and hope u answer it =) !!
Fudsduds wrote:


Ty again. i have done a lot of change.

I drop PRIDE and i lose dps (from 285k to 240k)

i set Purity of elements (also if before i add already maxed res), an based on the new "free" res i changed my ring and my belt with this:

so i gained a lot of life ans strengh and i reach 1200 so i gain 1 zombie: dps now is 240 but i have 1 zombie more so i have 200k more then before like GLOBAL

My life now is 6091 and ES is 3119 so i have a great BOOST.

Again my chaos res is negative, if i buy a watcher0s eye i can go only at 10% res (at least not negative) so i don't know if it worth something.

next step can be a rare amulet with +1 zombie and increased strenght but this can add only more dps on the build, i need to be alive.

Ty for next help
Can someone tell me why everyone I've talked to has said to keep stacking STR beyond 1000?

Using POB, at no point is STR better for zombie damage than Minion Damage. Even swapping out 100 STR for 25% minion damage, the minion damage smokes it out of the water for DPS. And that's just including zombies, because spectres, AG and golems don't benefit from STR. Just keeping STR to 1000ish, my zombie DPS on POB is 570k per without including AG buffs
Last edited by Redshiftxi on May 19, 2020, 1:01:35 PM
im new to poe and following the points guide is really confusing because the leveling points do not match the pob points...
BorntokilI wrote:
Hey bro, nice working there on this build, thanks it.
But i would like to ask you, is the link (pastebin) for the respectives versions( spectres,speed etc...) actually working ? cause there is some of them which i cant see any difference, for example, in the pastebin where u should be using wands, you say to put nodes which gives u attack with maces/sceptres, thanks for it and hope u answer it =) !!

He has an Elegant Hubris socketed which turns those mace/Sceptre nodes into minion damage nodes.

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