3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

New player here, just started like 2 weeks ago and I'm trying to build a Necro with AG, Zombies, Skels, Stone/Carrion Golem (not sure which one yet) and Spectres.

Got a few questions:

- What's the Base Res (Elemental and Chaos) for Minions?

- Do they take the -60% penalty once I finish Act 10?

- Are their resists capped at 75%?

I was going to use Commander of Dark + Purity + Spirit Offer + the Passives to get my minions all the way to 120ish resists ... but now that I'm ready to do the 3rd Lab I'm not so sure anymore.

The build I had planned would end up being something like this:


But I've asked in-game and on Reddit and it seems like stacking that much Res might be a waste. I was kinda hoping to stack Res on skills / passives to the point where I would had to barely have any on my gear.
KilluaYoukai wrote:
New player here, just started like 2 weeks ago and I'm trying to build a Necro with AG, Zombies, Skels, Stone/Carrion Golem (not sure which one yet) and Spectres.

Got a few questions:

- What's the Base Res (Elemental and Chaos) for Minions?

- Do they take the -60% penalty once I finish Act 10?

- Are their resists capped at 75%?

I was going to use Commander of Dark + Purity + Spirit Offer + the Passives to get my minions all the way to 120ish resists ... but now that I'm ready to do the 3rd Lab I'm not so sure anymore.

The build I had planned would end up being something like this:


But I've asked in-game and on Reddit and it seems like stacking that much Res might be a waste. I was kinda hoping to stack Res on skills / passives to the point where I would had to barely have any on my gear.

Sorry but that doesn't make any sense. They're capped at 75 i believe. Plus, how do you plan to survive without any resistance? You're going to need it more than the minions will and it's not like you give them any beyond what you assign in the tree, aside from may a single crafted ring enchantment on jewelry...which will net you maybe 12 resistance LOL I could go on but it's not even remotely viable. The best advice I can give you is to abandon theory crafting builds and follow something established until you learn the game.
Newbie question how do I not loose my kingsmaker during animate guardian?
Man I've gone around and around on the build. I have your exact skill tree and an enlighten 4 and I still cannot activate all my auras...

It seems to be aspect of the avian or disc. I have to choose one or the other, can't use both. Additionally youre mana pool is like 1700ish, and mines only 1471. I double checked your gear and I don't see anything promoting a larger mana pool..

What am I missing? Are you running -1 mana reserves which are dang near unaffordable this league?
Last edited by NefariuZ on May 15, 2020, 5:57:51 AM
Thunder_Gatti wrote:
Plus, how do you plan to survive without any resistance? You're going to need it more than the minions will and it's not like you give them any beyond what you assign in the tree, aside from may a single crafted ring enchantment on jewelry...which will net you maybe 12 resistance LOL I could go on but it's not even remotely viable. The best advice I can give you is to abandon theory crafting builds and follow something established until you learn the game.

Commander of Darkness gives +30 to both Minions and myself.
Purity of Elementos give +25(or close to that) to both as well.
Spirit Offering with Mistress of Sacrifice gives +22ish to myself.
Geofri's Sanctuary is another +16ish.

Those add up to +93ish and I need 135, so that's about 42 left.

But that's without any res for myself coming from passives or any other piece of gear.

HP-wise I actually opened 3 different Necro builds (all for melee minions) and added up their passive trees, looking for STR / HP / Res / Armor and here are the results:

Build 1:
all res 16%
chaos 12%
life 192%
str 8% + 490 flat
es 25%
armor 72%

Build 2:
all res 21% (+1 max)
chaos 20%
life 198%
str 8% + 430 flat
es 25%
armor 82%

Build 3 (mostly jewels):
all res 39%
chaos 17%
life 158%
str 36% + 342 flat
es 25%
armor 148%

If you actually look at the link I posted, it shows I'm willing to take Res from passives up to +38% if needed. But I'd like more precise info to actually make a decision to balance out my build.

Now can someone please tell me the info I asked for?

- Minions BASE res and if they receive the -60% or not.

First thanks for the great build. I have been playin with it quite a while now and love min maxing and destroying all content.

I have reached a point where upgrades are becoming harder and harder. I have now set my sights on upgrading my boots. I have bought some legacy two toned boots and huntered them. But I dont know whats the way forward to craft something with T1 % strength T1 Strength and movement speed and benchcraft life and cannot be frozen. Does anyone have any tips as to how to do this somewhat efficiently?

any pointers would be great!


Thunder_Gatti wrote:
36m Shaper DPS anyone? And without an Elegant Hubris or Herald stacking...

This is a live build btw (not theory crafting), so a few of the gems still have some room for improvement. I tried to make it work with a ridiculously rolled double corrupted HH but gave up. Let me know your thoughts...thanks.


Another thing that I wanted to try but didn't get to was incorporating in The Front Line gem with Bone Armor. I think it'll work pretty well. I just keep my mapped Bone Armor and Convocation keys pressed down the entire time anyway, so there's hardly any exposure. It should free up a few passive points or gem.

Tested on a fully loaded T15 shaper influenced map...no deaths. Popped the life flask twice total. Tested the HH belt and it was a huge disappointment unfortunately (aside from the cool sound it makes when you first put it on lol). Sold it for 150ex just now without giving it a second thought. It works but definitely a step down.

how did you get the -50% physical damage computation in your calculation?
Is it worth allocating "Spiritual Aid" and the nodes around it for the increased Damage?

Spiritual Aid itself says "Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you". Can this have negative consequences in any way/situation?
DaveNemesis26 wrote:
Thunder_Gatti wrote:
36m Shaper DPS anyone? And without an Elegant Hubris or Herald stacking...

This is a live build btw (not theory crafting), so a few of the gems still have some room for improvement. I tried to make it work with a ridiculously rolled double corrupted HH but gave up. Let me know your thoughts...thanks.


Another thing that I wanted to try but didn't get to was incorporating in The Front Line gem with Bone Armor. I think it'll work pretty well. I just keep my mapped Bone Armor and Convocation keys pressed down the entire time anyway, so there's hardly any exposure. It should free up a few passive points or gem.

Tested on a fully loaded T15 shaper influenced map...no deaths. Popped the life flask twice total. Tested the HH belt and it was a huge disappointment unfortunately (aside from the cool sound it makes when you first put it on lol). Sold it for 150ex just now without giving it a second thought. It works but definitely a step down.

how did you get the -50% physical damage computation in your calculation?

Wow, POB really is a broken mess. I put that in a while back when I was testing Pride and Mervail's Retainers with POB and can't get rid of it now. For some reason I'll delete it but it reappears back in POB when you open the link. When I delete it on my end, my DPS#'s don't change at all, so I don't think it's impacting anything.

Btw, my specter breakdown is 2 Carnage, 1 Host and 1 Mervail's.

Also noticed it's set up for Blood stance. I've been playing in Sand since everything dies so quickly and I'm still able to impale 100% of the time, but that lowers the DPS to 2.133 per zombie. I also didn't count any DPS from the specters, guardian, golem or cyclone.

One interesting note is that I can actually run Avian with all those auras, but I'm left with zero mana. I have a 3% mana reserve reduction jewel that I should be able to factor in once I spend more time on it. I was also thinking about trying Aspect of the Spider instead though.
Last edited by Thunder_Gatti on May 15, 2020, 8:50:31 AM
Noobicious wrote:
Is it worth allocating "Spiritual Aid" and the nodes around it for the increased Damage?

Spiritual Aid itself says "Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you". Can this have negative consequences in any way/situation?

Nope. All your DPS focus is from your minions. Maybe you can temporarily while leveling, but not for endgame. As a rule of thumb, what I would recommend also is only using Gravepact and Ravenous Horde from your tree for endgame DPS passive points. Allocate Death Attunement on your ammy, but then everything for minion DPS should be going into clusters.

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