3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Anyone with Arena Master spectre able to come to my hideout so I can try to spawn it, cant get it for the last 2 days
So what Cluster Jewels are you using?

I have these

Large: Vicious Bite, Raze and Pillage, Renewal + Socket (passives are +10 minion damage)
Medium: Dread March + Hulking Corpses (passive is +minion max life) + socket
Small: Sublime Sensation (max energy shield, max life)
hi there, and tyfor the build

i started a necro build in 3.8 and was based only on zomby and very chip gear, and i get around 240k dps for zombie, and was able to do most content withou pain (and i never loss a zombie).

in 3.10 i found my build so nerfed that can not do yellow map, so i start to follow this guide. I invest all my currency but was not enought for have all your suggested gear, expecially 10ex jewels. this my gear at moment


The trouble that i have is that i die to much and zombie not protect me like the previuos build based on Frenzy in 6l body armor (i used wand + shield before and this body armor
) with a skill gem that "target the zombies" when there are not killing the most dangerous boss.

i try some combination for address my zombie: at moment i am using cyclone+cast when channelling+spirit+desecrate and this "address" the zombie but need i face tank the boss at least one time (and with minotaur i just die before can also hit him, for example). Someone suggest me to use some orb spell, or brand etc.

I not understand how in the tanky setup you hit the mobs: you run thorught them with withering step? and you use manually desectrate+offering? this mean at least 3 botton + "piano play" on flaskes.

please explain to me the right way to use that setup. ty

P.S: i am not able to run all auras, i try in pob to use lvl 4 enlig. gem but really can have pride+flesh+avian+banner+aura all on (i used also some -1% mana reservation jewel with no success). At moment i lack in currency (4ex) and can not buy better gear to reach 1000 Strenght with better mod. I try any combo of this skills and not know what is the better 3 to run at moment
Last edited by Homo_Lupo_Lupis on May 13, 2020, 7:20:56 AM

P.S: i am not able to run all auras, i try in pob to use lvl 4 enlig. gem but really can have pride+flesh+avian+banner+aura all on (i used also some -1% mana reservation jewel with no success). At moment i lack in currency (4ex) and can not buy better gear to reach 1000 Strenght with better mod. I try any combo of this skills and not know what is the better 3 to run at moment

You don't use Avian in tanky build. OP have avian on weapon because he uses many different builds with same weapon.


actually i have gear:

Now i have only 705 STR and i think i need more. What should i buy and change in my gear to be more stronger cause im dying too often.

I have to spend 2 exa and 250 chaos to improve my character. I know its not much but i believe in your knowdledge and ideas! :)
fizel104 wrote:

actually i have gear:

Now i have only 705 STR and i think i need more. What should i buy and change in my gear to be more stronger cause im dying too often.

I have to spend 2 exa and 250 chaos to improve my character. I know its not much but i believe in your knowdledge and ideas! :)

Getting an Astramentis is the first thing I would do. You really want to try and hit that 1k Str mark asap.
fizel104 wrote:

actually i have gear:

Now i have only 705 STR and i think i need more. What should i buy and change in my gear to be more stronger cause im dying too often.

I have to spend 2 exa and 250 chaos to improve my character. I know its not much but i believe in your knowdledge and ideas! :)

Get 60+ str on both ur rings and belt too and with Astramentis u should be close
Yiiniiks wrote:
fizel104 wrote:

actually i have gear:

Now i have only 705 STR and i think i need more. What should i buy and change in my gear to be more stronger cause im dying too often.

I have to spend 2 exa and 250 chaos to improve my character. I know its not much but i believe in your knowdledge and ideas! :)

Get 60+ str on both ur rings and belt too and with Astramentis u should be close

Get Utmost Might in the tree.

Last edited by Onin_in_Sweden on May 13, 2020, 5:04:22 PM
ohnpeat wrote:
Ynneb82 wrote:
I'm stuck at lv 91 since weeks.
Granted that I'm new to the game and my computer is a potato, I play 3 hours at night and I finish at 0% exp.

I was thinking of adding another cluster gems setup, cutting down the tank skill points of the tree since they don't seems to do much difference.

Progressing beyond 91 requires '100% death avoidance' - that means farming "safe" content.

L82 Delve or Beachhead T15s - farm 30K Sulphite or buy 4 maps and you'll get 91-92 in about 1-2 hours

As for Clusters - they are generally "more damage less survival" - you get SOME survival from small clusters but never what you gave-up to get the large clusters (I've tried this on 5 builds - always the same end-result)

This build does seem to thrive on 'attack as defense' but you could also swap "Mistress of Sacrifice" for "Bone Barrier" ascendancy for extra survival perhaps (as MoS only really benefits users of Bone Sacrifice anyway??)

Thanks, I thought it was a given to level up easily up to 95 and I was really bummed out of my continuos streak of 0% exp.
I lowered the map and delved and I finally level up.
Not a fun process though.
Does anyone else have an issue with ignite with this build? I am guessing that the only remedy is to swap out a flask for a dousing flask. Anyone have input on which flask to swap out?
Last edited by Astonem on May 13, 2020, 11:51:02 PM

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