Balance in Path of Exile: Legion

The curse easily solved mana problems for casters with minimal investment

Mana wasn't the problem, life leech was. Where the fuck are casters supposed to consistently get life leech from now? Attack-based characters get life leech out the ass for no investment, but casters aren't allowed have even one single curse for it?
Last edited by MaraWuti on Jun 4, 2019, 2:17:41 AM
Powerful Unique Item Rarity
Certain very powerful unique items will be harder to obtain now. This includes Headhunter, Eternity Shroud and Solstice Vigil.

Great! Nice! YOU DID GOOD JOB...
It will cause nobody wanna to play T18, the return on investment will be new low in history. lol
I'm not happy with these changes...
EinKRieGeR wrote:
Powerful Unique Item Rarity
Certain very powerful unique items will be harder to obtain now. This includes Headhunter, Eternity Shroud and Solstice Vigil.


Almost 100k leather belts 0 HH for 5 last leagues and now ITS HARDER???


Headhunters can only be dropped, ancient-orb'd, or chanced in maps affected by the Zana Nemesis mod. There are many other ways to get it. Nurse/Doctor, Incursion Temple, and Wretched being the main ones I know of.

The Elementalist's Beacon of Ruin notable has been changed, no longer granting proliferation of elements,

Is this an out of season April fool's joke?
Headhunter is too easy to obtain now????????? What game are you playing GGG
rip witch
2 of witch ascendancies now new Berserker ahahah
prolif/alments was the only reason why elemntalist was picked,now it's gone.
occultist was picked for it's strong defenses,now it's gone.

now berserkers and slayers are new meta GG GGG
also,rip UI

30 ex Shroud,100ex HH incoming

nice job GGG :-)
Last edited by Nibelton on Jun 4, 2019, 2:38:39 AM
"The Elementalist Ascendancy class has been removed from the game"


I would even say: spellcasters removed from the game, because warlord mark was the only reliable source of life and mana leech for them.
I have a Blight cwc Soulrend + Bane CI Occultist. So, I should just go fuck myself apparently.
I don't understand how they can nerf spellcasters that hard with the warlord's change. As others have already pointed out...There are only a couple of ways to get leech for casters; Life leech gem, boots (which doesn't help with difficulty extended boss fights), elementalist or heirophant. If the warlord method is no longer available, then I sure as hell hope they're creating an alternative or I think it's a massive oversight

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