(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

So I'm back. I've been playing my Starforge Juggernaut for a while now, and it's doing pretty well I think. I'm clearing maps just fine, it's kill speed is decent, but I'm beginning to think that while the build kind of naturally dumped everything into DPS and Armor, that isn't really going to help me on my way through Guardians, Shaper, etc.

That, and I just generally want to push my DPS higher, but I legitimately can't figure out where to look for upgrades right now. I suppose with some T1 Tri-Res boots & ring I could free up a ring spot for a DPS ring?

Should I dump the Brass Dome for a better Life chest? Is 70k Armor straight worthless? Feels that way sometimes.

I dunno, if you have any ideas please let me know, I've never really pushed a build this far.

Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/5ereuR5s

How do some of you keep up bleeding reliably?

Leap + Chance to bleed is one possibility but requires me to jump in mob groups first which take away a bit of time.

I couldn't find out how vengeance is applying bleed without bleed support gems. Are you relying on your bleed passives to apply bleed with vengeance? If yes, that doesn't seem reliable enough to use bloodlust.
Hello, is swapping Added Fire out for brutality, giving up on Herald of Ash and Anger and taking the blood magic keystone a bad idea without starforge?

Is the dps going to suffer alot?
Can someone help me figure this out. I was using Herald of Ash and Anger aura and still had mana left over for my main skill Cyclone. When I replace Anger with another 50% mana reserved gem like Haste or Hatred, it uses up almost all my mana so I cannot use my main skill. Why does it reserve more mana than Anger which is also 50%?

Or having two Purity auras which should be 35% + 35% = 70%. Reserves almost all my mana.
While Herald of Ash (25%) + Anger (50%) should reserve 75% but still gives mana left.

My character name is Oriath_Marauder
Last edited by tkensei on Sep 10, 2017, 8:40:18 PM
Put cyclone with blood magic. When you are at the point where you are using three aura's or a 50% with two 25%'s, that's when you are putting cyclone with blood magic.
Hrofr wrote:
Put cyclone with blood magic. When you are at the point where you are using three aura's or a 50% with two 25%'s, that's when you are putting cyclone with blood magic.

Wouldn't that mean losing a socket in the 6L? Still doesn't answer the question as to why using two Purity auras take up the entire mana pool.

Herald of Ash (25%) + Anger (50%) --> still had mana left over to use main skill

Purity of Ice (35%) + Purity of Lightning (35%) --> almost no mana left
Herald of Ash (25%) + Hatred (50%) --> almost no mana left
Herald of Ash (25%) + Haste (50%) --> almost no mana left

Edit: I found out my answer. The aura gems were in a 4L linked to Concentrated Effect, which somehow increased the mana cost and 30% less Area of Effect eventhough it doesn't support the aura in any way.
Last edited by tkensei on Sep 11, 2017, 1:45:58 AM
Anybody know what combination of jewel affixes is the most bang for my buck? I've noticed that adding life and 2 others makes some gems insanely expensive and I'm wondering if maybe there's a combination of life+2 others that's cheaper than the rest of them maybe?
Chaseroonie1 wrote:
Anybody know what combination of jewel affixes is the most bang for my buck? I've noticed that adding life and 2 others makes some gems insanely expensive and I'm wondering if maybe there's a combination of life+2 others that's cheaper than the rest of them maybe?

Life + attackspeed/damage with axe/2h/melee/area is a very generic way to scale damage, and 2h Axe is a very popular build.

Nobody will price a jewel like this at a low cost.

If you want more damage affixes at lower cost, you'll have to drop the life on the jewel.
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Playing now Cyclone without Bloodmagig Keystone / Gem. Got Haste activ and 50% of mana means 7 seconds cyclone without any hit. This never hapens imo...

Thinking about switching to BM Keystone just for the +15% life ... Damage is way to high :D
Askren25 wrote:
So I'm back. I've been playing my Starforge Juggernaut for a while now, and it's doing pretty well I think. I'm clearing maps just fine, it's kill speed is decent, but I'm beginning to think that while the build kind of naturally dumped everything into DPS and Armor, that isn't really going to help me on my way through Guardians, Shaper, etc.

That, and I just generally want to push my DPS higher, but I legitimately can't figure out where to look for upgrades right now. I suppose with some T1 Tri-Res boots & ring I could free up a ring spot for a DPS ring?

Should I dump the Brass Dome for a better Life chest? Is 70k Armor straight worthless? Feels that way sometimes.

I dunno, if you have any ideas please let me know, I've never really pushed a build this far.

so i checked your POB stats and here's what i found:

your attack speed is really low which impacts cyclone dps. cyclone, at its core, is about hitting smaller hits as quickly as possible. scaling attack speed is generally better than scaling phys damage.

i'm more concerned about your life pool to be honest. 4.6k as a marauder is a joke. you don't need a lot of unique items on the build. the abyssus, wyrmsign and the belt of the deceiver can be replaces with good rares which will boost your life pool significantly.

for your gloves, try getting something with life, attack speed, and if you can, mana leech. something like this:
that way, you free up 3 passive points with the removal of the mana leech noes and the nodes preceeding that. these 3 points can be put into blade master which will significantly bump your dps. based on your POB, getting the blademaster path will net you an additional 19k dps.

for your belt, a decent rustic sash will give you comparable DPS to the belt while at the same time, taking care of resists, adding life, and armor. the additional resists can help you free up a ring slot for a dps-based ring such as this:
it looks strange but it has everything i feel a cyclone build needs. high life, attack speed, and some phys damage.

for your helm, i would rather go with a devotos rather than an abyssus. the crit multi affix is wasted since we are RT and the increased damage taken means that hard-hitting attacks become that much more deadly. and with how armor works in POE (diminishing returns), while small multiple hits are rendered insignificant by armor, the bigger the hit damage, the less armor is able to mitigate the damage from it. the devoto's allows you to attack and move faster which is a huge QOL improvement for cyclone.

carnage heart is a good amulet but yours is the legacy version which is really bad compared to the current version. as for your rings, look for life, res, attack speed, flat phys.

your gem setups can be improved. your cyclone and CWDT are ok. however, you don't have an ancestral warchief setup which is pretty helpful for single-target dps. you also have a blasphemy setup but you also have a curse on hit setup linked to vengeance so your curses will overwrite one another. put your portal gem in the weapon swap and put flame golem in the slot where the portal gem was. then put a faster attack gem on where the flame golem was, linking it to leap slam.
Last edited by anton2k4 on Sep 11, 2017, 5:52:21 AM

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