(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Hello! nice build. I'm currently leveling it!

I'm just curious as to 2 things

1: In the guide it seems to me that we choose Oak, which makes perfect sense. But on the poe planner, it states 2 skill points.

2: I may haven't looked everything thoroughly through, but what exactly in the build is going to grant us frenzy charges?

Sorry for the noob question, hope you can help me!

Btw, do you have a pastebin for path of building?
Freddydaking wrote:

1: In the guide it seems to me that we choose Oak, which makes perfect sense. But on the poe planner, it states 2 skill points.

2: I may haven't looked everything thoroughly through, but what exactly in the build is going to grant us frenzy charges?

1: Oak is best for leveling - but in lategame you want as many skill points as possible. So choose "kill all"

2: Frenzy charge = See "Bloodrage"
Hi Lighty,

Do you still choose Oak for Bandits in 3.0? I see most people choose the skill points for killing them all. I wanted to make double check with you that your Bandit choice was updated for 3.0.



Nevermind, I see someone already answered this question on the post right before mine very recently.
Last edited by Savitr on Sep 11, 2017, 1:44:45 PM
Hi, i have starforge 5l and im thinking about which gem i should input. Cyclone-faster attack,brutality,maim and concetrated effect ? Please help, thx
DeVolulker wrote:
Hi, i have starforge 5l and im thinking about which gem i should input. Cyclone-faster attack,brutality,maim and concetrated effect ? Please help, thx

Faster attacks is al,ost never worth it in a lategame setup.
It's not a multiplier, it' a flat increase.

As a berserker, you already get a "free" faster attacks gem whenever you are savagely hit (50% increased attack speed).
Try ruthless, melee physical damage... real multipliers.

I'd highly recommend you swap your phase run into CWDT and blood rage out of it.
And WTF are you doing with blasphemy-Warlord's Mark? You're a Berserker with free leech, you don't need that shit.

...and your flasks could be upgraded into something useful... basalt flask, onslaught flask, lioneye's roar, atziri flask...

3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Last edited by Peterlerock on Sep 11, 2017, 3:18:09 PM
So, first time back playing this game in a fairly long time. Cyclone is finally good again!

I was looking through your guide and noticed lots of suggestions, but was wondering which was the best way to start? You have a lot of info but also multiple builds and it's a little hard to tell sometimes which info is for which build. Are they more or less the same while leveling? Maybe I should do standard instead of league? I do have some stuff laying around that would help me out, but missing league might be sad.

Obviously Starforge is out of range for me to start, but would it be a good or bad idea to start building towards it? Would I be better off playing a different cyclone build entirely instead of pretending to have Starforge and hoping to get it later on down the road?

Sorry for so many questions, it's just been so long since I last played I'm not sure where to start at all. For example, I see your basic slayer tree, but I noticed no sword upgrades in it...so is that the tree I should be using if I want to aim for starforge someday? It also doesn't take blood magic. Is that only useful for starforge? I only see final trees also, nothing for leveling unless I'm just missing something.

So lost T-T
Last edited by sutasafaia on Sep 11, 2017, 7:46:53 PM
sutasafaia wrote:

Obviously Starforge is out of range for me to start, but would it be a good or bad idea to start building towards it? Would I be better off playing a different cyclone build entirely instead of pretending to have Starforge and hoping to get it later on down the road?

In the end, starforge is just a very good physical DpS sword.
The only build-defining thing it does is that you cannot deal elemental damage, and that's actually a drawback, not a feature.

You can just use any other 2h sword, be it a well rolled rare or one of the cheaper uniques.

... and then pretend you'll one day have a Starforge.

By that point, if you haven't done this before, you remove your auras and swap into brutality and the blood magic keystone.
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
So you recommend holding off on Blood Magic keystone until I have Starforge? Or just picking it up later down the line whether I have it or not? I'm having a really hard time deciding which passives to aim for first since many of them seem useful, and while it's mostly a straight line, choosing when to branch was pretty important if I remember correctly.

I was also tempted to stick Fortify directly into my Cyclone setup but I wasn't sure, especially since I'll likely be lacking more than 4 links for a while, although I guess a random 5 link is pretty cheap as a general rule.

Also confusing me is aura/utility setups. Not sure which to go with at all, it's been so long since I last played just not sure. Do I want all of those utility setups in the long run? Are there other good options? Aura especially, just not sure what I want to use. Hatred is a must, but beyond that...

I was tempted to also take Iron Reflexes but heck if I know if that's a good idea. I've heard some people like mixing dodge/armor and some prefer pure armor, but I don't know which is better here.

Masters are a good question too...which general order should I be trying to get them into my hideout? I know space is limited for a good long time. I'm guessing at least start with Haku + Elreon, not sure after that.

Just a lot to take in all at once :)
Last edited by sutasafaia on Sep 12, 2017, 4:27:39 AM
Hi together,

first of all i love that build and i love the cyclone skill, but i have a litte bit trouble with my gear and a few questions:

Actually i run t6 maps smooth, but t7 I get high damage income and if i am not careful i die – a lot  can someone check my gear / skill points to see if i had mistakes here?
Yesterday I changed my weapon from Hezmana to kongor (wich is actually not 6 link) and respect from resolute tenique to the blood magic cluster. Trough that I lost a bit dps (actually i have 30k if i remember right) but managed to get 5.3k HP, the next point goes into mortal conviction. The next things i try to get is a vaal haste (that i can 3-link haste, grace and increased duration) – make that sense? Also i try to get better jewels – mine are crap ^^ i think life, physical damage and phy mace damage are the best?

When i have mortal conviction the next and pretty last points are going into the damage mace clusters for skull crackling – bonebreaker – bloddy bludgeon, i think in that order – useful?

Thanks for your help and also thanks for the guide
anton2k4 wrote:

so i checked your POB stats and here's what i found:

your attack speed is really low which impacts cyclone dps. cyclone, at its core, is about hitting smaller hits as quickly as possible. scaling attack speed is generally better than scaling phys damage.

i'm more concerned about your life pool to be honest. 4.6k as a marauder is a joke. you don't need a lot of unique items on the build. the abyssus, wyrmsign and the belt of the deceiver can be replaces with good rares which will boost your life pool significantly.

for your gloves, try getting something with life, attack speed, and if you can, mana leech. something like this:
that way, you free up 3 passive points with the removal of the mana leech noes and the nodes preceeding that. these 3 points can be put into blade master which will significantly bump your dps. based on your POB, getting the blademaster path will net you an additional 19k dps.

for your belt, a decent rustic sash will give you comparable DPS to the belt while at the same time, taking care of resists, adding life, and armor. the additional resists can help you free up a ring slot for a dps-based ring such as this:
it looks strange but it has everything i feel a cyclone build needs. high life, attack speed, and some phys damage.

for your helm, i would rather go with a devotos rather than an abyssus. the crit multi affix is wasted since we are RT and the increased damage taken means that hard-hitting attacks become that much more deadly. and with how armor works in POE (diminishing returns), while small multiple hits are rendered insignificant by armor, the bigger the hit damage, the less armor is able to mitigate the damage from it. the devoto's allows you to attack and move faster which is a huge QOL improvement for cyclone.

carnage heart is a good amulet but yours is the legacy version which is really bad compared to the current version. as for your rings, look for life, res, attack speed, flat phys.

your gem setups can be improved. your cyclone and CWDT are ok. however, you don't have an ancestral warchief setup which is pretty helpful for single-target dps. you also have a blasphemy setup but you also have a curse on hit setup linked to vengeance so your curses will overwrite one another. put your portal gem in the weapon swap and put flame golem in the slot where the portal gem was. then put a faster attack gem on where the flame golem was, linking it to leap slam.

A lot of good insight here, so thanks for taking the time.

The Carnage Heart thing is dumb, I bought one for a few Chaos on Harbinger, so I dunno why I never noticed it was Legacy (I've had it forever, which is the case with a lot of gear in my stash). I literally just hooked up a high-roll new one, it's kicking me up to 5k HP right off the bat.

I swapped out for a Devoto's, I was using one on my Ngamahu's Slayer on Harb, but was unsure of whether the DPS drop was worth it. Though without the Abyssus' +attribs, I'm really Int starved. I had to repurpose some points to grab another +30 Int passive just to run the curse. I dropped Enfeeble, but now I'm wondering whether I need Vengeance at all? What would be a better 6L? Gonna have to test some stuff.

I did a little buying, a little chaos-spamming, and came up with some temporary gear to fill spots while I try and come up with even better stuff:

I think right now I'm trying to hunt down a really nice Steel Ring.

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