(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Hello everyone.

So i'm playing the cyclone man since the beginning of harb and i'm doing good. Did some T11-12 map without any trouble, but i think i can still upgrade myself.

I have two question, because i'm a bit lost about the way to upgrade my character (i have 200 chaos on my pocket so i can buy some things).

1/ how to optimize my gem setup :

In my weap, i have this gem setup : Cyclone (obv) + Added fire + melee damage on full life + inc area of effect (i swap it for conc against boss) + maim + melee physical damage.

I don't know if it's any good. Should i swap one of this gem for a "fast attack support" ?

For survivality i use these :

- CWDT + IC + Molten shield + Increase duration
- Leap Slam + Fortify + Blood Rage + Faster attack + Blood magic
- Vaal Grace
- Vengeance + Curse on hit + Warlord mark + Endurance charge on melee stun

For Aura :
Hatred + Herald of ash.

1/ how to optimize my equipement :

You can look at my profile to see it. Basically, i want to upgrade my weap first, but i'm not sure... I have cap res, and 6.2k life, but i still feel squishy.

I use 3 uniques : Belly of the beast, Carnage heart and the Belt of the deceiver.

Thanks for any input !
sutasafaia wrote:
So you recommend holding off on Blood Magic keystone until I have Starforge?

Do whatever you want.
You can beeline straight into RT and BM as fast as you can, use brutality and never use any auras.
Or you use Auras ... cyclone with mana ... or you use the bm gem on cyclone...
It all works. It's a matter of taste.
And you can change these things on the fly, if you change your opinion.

The only thing that doesn't work is Starforge + Hatred, but you don't even have a Starforge, so why even think about it?

The other thing I'd personally not recommend is using Brutality, but with Auras.
I doubt we can really justify Haste/Grace/Determination over +35% life and "no worries ever about sustain". Maybe blasphemy+vulnerability would be an interesting aura for brutality, but again, I'd just take the 35% life and get my vulnerability from another source.


I was also tempted to stick Fortify directly into my Cyclone setup but I wasn't sure

I do this as I find it very inconvenient to stop spinning to get fortify.
As a Slayer or Berserker, you have enough damage on a "4L".
If you want more damage, put it on your leap slam instead.

Also confusing me is aura/utility setups. Not sure which to go with at all, it's been so long since I last played just not sure.

Hatred + Herald of Ash > everything else.

4L CWDT-IC-duration (+Phase Run/Vaal grace/Haste/Blood Rage)
2-4L Leap Slam-faster attacks (+blood magic/fortify if needed)
1-6L Warchief+Vengeance (with as many damage supports as you have sockets left)
Maybe a golem if you like golems.


I was tempted to also take Iron Reflexes but heck if I know if that's a good idea. I've heard some people like mixing dodge/armor and some prefer pure armor, but I don't know which is better here.

Again, a matter of taste.
Do what pleases you the most, it all kinda works.

I just stack HP and use Acrobatics (gear-independent 30% flat chance to avoid some attack damage). With Kaom's and no shield, I'll neither have great armour nor evasion, so why even try?

Stop overthinking, game isn't that hard. ;)
And a lot of these choices can be altered whenever you desire.


Hardtrox wrote:
5.3k HP

Once you have your final ascendancy, this will not be enough.
Your "real HP" then is a lot lower (10% increased damage taken).
Don't be greedy, take the life start in Marauder, not the upper damage path.

Also i try to get better jewels – mine are crap ^^ i think life, physical damage and phy mace damage are the best?

I prefer attackspeed over damage.
But yes, get better jewels with %life. Yours are horrible.

When i have mortal conviction the next and pretty last points are going into the damage mace clusters for skull crackling – bonebreaker – bloddy bludgeon, i think in that order – useful?

Of course these nodes are useful.

But: As for every Berserker out there, I'd highly recommend Vaal Pact.
But you're probably too deep into templar territory to find the spare points for this long travel, unless you eat a ton of regret orbs.

PS: you have 2 Vengeance gems. Remove the one in the helmet.
Try to fill your sockets with meaningful stuff, there are a lot of gems that don't help you at all (like a CWDT in a single socket, this could be enduring cry)
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Last edited by Peterlerock on Sep 12, 2017, 4:47:53 AM
Hi everyone,

I am slowly leveling my Slayer and loving the build so far. First of all thanks to Lighty and all the guys explaining the build and helping with questions.

Now my question: I want to try Atlas completion with this build. I am playing SSF, so no /820 possible. Are there any maps that this build severely struggles with or is unable to do? My first inclination would be Hall of Grandmasters. Anyone with a completed Atlas how can comment on this?

G'day guys, Just wondering if someone could have a quick look at my character and tell me if there's something I'm doing wrong. I feel a bit squishy and my DPS isn't as high as I'd like. I recently switched over to enfeeble as an aura to help with the damage I'm getting.
I was wondering which piece of gear I should upgrade next.

Thanks for any help.
check out my char to get an idea.
Last edited by Lordmazzik on Sep 12, 2017, 12:14:57 PM
I'm playing the starforge-slayer version of the build.. Should I take the trip to get DEVOTION? Also, is EXECUTIONER worth getting when I already have culling strike from slayer?
hello i love this build thx

few questions ? starforge is the best weapon for jugg?
why do you think about my gems? warlord is usefull on jugg or i need to switch for enfeeble /vulna?
DeVolulker wrote:
Hi, i have starforge 5l and im thinking about which gem i should input. Cyclone-faster attack,brutality,maim and concetrated effect ? Please help, thx

Cyclone - Melee Physical Damage - Maim - Brutality - Ruthless
Conc is only good for bosses.

tutstuts wrote:
I'm playing the starforge-slayer version of the build.. Should I take the trip to get DEVOTION? Also, is EXECUTIONER worth getting when I already have culling strike from slayer?

Devotion is good for defensive builds. Its an option... among many.

Executioner isnt great with slayer, you're better off using the points elsewhere.

Peterlerock wrote:

Faster attacks is al,ost never worth it in a lategame setup.
It's not a multiplier, it' a flat increase.

21/20 faster attacks gives you 55% flat increase. This maybe isnt great for Berserker which has 25% from savage hit along with everything else on the tree, but just to understand, a typical support, excluding MPD and Ruthless, gives about 30-40% more damage, so its still quite competitive. Also, it has a great advantage if you go crimson dance - more stacks!

A typical cyclone tree has 50% increased attack speed. At this value, faster attacks represents a virtual 36.7% more multiplier, very close to a typical support gem such as Maim (33%). The only two "locks" for a pure phys build are MPD and Brutality. Faster Attacks will only fall behind under very heavy optimization (16% attack speed on gloves, 35% from helm using devotos with an enchant and jewels with attack speed).

Anyway, for a pure phys build... the best set-up is generally imho:

Cyclone - Melee Physical Damage - Maim - Brutality - Ruthless - Offensive: Chance to Bleed/Defensive: Fortify.

Bring on the Crimson Dance meta boys!
Last edited by Samir316 on Sep 12, 2017, 5:11:03 PM
Samir316 wrote:

A typical cyclone tree has 50% increased attack speed. At this value, faster attacks represents a virtual 36.7% more multiplier, very close to a typical support gem such as Maim (33%).

Maim also has "enemies take increased damage", which is another multiplier.
This gem is on par with the best melee gems, only question is: Do I put it on a support skill like warchief (15% more DpS on your main attack) or do I want it up all the time?


The only two "locks" for a pure phys build are MPD and Brutality. Faster Attacks will only fall behind under very heavy optimization (16% attack speed on gloves, 35% from helm using devotos with an enchant and jewels with attack speed).

2h RT builds are super easy to gear for.
Flat phys doesn't add a lot (I tried on a steel ring with t1 phys and laughed about the ~3-4k to my 120k it offered), we already have tons of %phys in the tree, so attackspeed is all that's left to itemize for, unless we are in a luxury position (then use your steel rings).
Therefor I usually have AS on gloves, enchant and all jewels.
This stacking of AS leads to faster attacks support being overshadowed by real multipliers.
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Samir316 wrote:

tutstuts wrote:
I'm playing the starforge-slayer version of the build.. Should I take the trip to get DEVOTION? Also, is EXECUTIONER worth getting when I already have culling strike from slayer?

Devotion is good for defensive builds. Its an option... among many.

Executioner isnt great with slayer, you're better off using the points elsewhere.

Peterlerock wrote:

Faster attacks is al,ost never worth it in a lategame setup.
It's not a multiplier, it' a flat increase.

21/20 faster attacks gives you 55% flat increase. This maybe isnt great for Berserker which has 25% from savage hit along with everything else on the tree, but just to understand, a typical support, excluding MPD and Ruthless, gives about 30-40% more damage, so its still quite competitive. Also, it has a great advantage if you go crimson dance - more stacks!

A typical cyclone tree has 50% increased attack speed. At this value, faster attacks represents a virtual 36.7% more multiplier, very close to a typical support gem such as Maim (33%). The only two "locks" for a pure phys build are MPD and Brutality. Faster Attacks will only fall behind under very heavy optimization (16% attack speed on gloves, 35% from helm using devotos with an enchant and jewels with attack speed).

Anyway, for a pure phys build... the best set-up is generally imho:

Cyclone - Melee Physical Damage - Maim - Brutality - Ruthless - Offensive: Chance to Bleed/Defensive: Fortify.

Bring on the Crimson Dance meta boys!

I don't think I'm going for devotion then. I just killed two of the guardians, still need to find the maps to get to the other two.

I'm using Faster attacks but I'm also using Devotos, 15% ias gloves and some attack speed jewels.. Should I switch to chance to bleed? What do you think would be stronger? And where should I go with my next 4-6 passive points? Could you take a look at my profile? I'm playing the slayer called zetretinha.



Edit: Actually I'm not using FA, I was using it on my totem but since I got Kaom's its gone. I'm using conc/AOE.
Last edited by tutstuts on Sep 12, 2017, 5:33:56 PM

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