(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Hey guys, I´m looking for some advice for my cycloner. Its my first PoE-char so i dont have much experience.
I can clear T10 Maps easy but when I try to complete my Atlas with those corrupted t11+ maps i die quite often. I have around 200 Chaos and would like some recommendations where to spend it.

Profile should be public.

Thanks in advance
First off, thanks for the build guide. My Cyclone Slayer is currently the highest level PoE character I've ever gotten. Unfortunately, this means that I have also solidly left the area where gear upgrades are intuitive to me.

To that end, here is my current gear

Cyclone + Melee Phys + Added Fire + Faster Attacks + Bleed Chance (+ Blood Magic)
CWDT + Immortal Call + Blood Rage + Increased Duration
Leap Slam + Vengeance + CoH + Vulnerability (+ Blood Magic)
Warchief + Conc + Maim + Melee Phys (+ Blood Magic)

I know that the gloves and the Two-Stone ring are probably pretty mediocre, but I'm looking for suggestions for upgrades. Currently sitting around 70k tooltip dps with buffs (blood rage + 4 frenzy + onslaught + taste of hate when necessary), and 5.5k life. I've been looking for unique chests to replace my current one, but I'm under the impression (given the complete lack of comparable items on PoE.trade) that my chest is actually pretty decent (t1 max chaos, t1 life, t3 light/cold) so if there are other places I could make improvements, that'd be appreciated.

In addition, is there any way to find axes between a Hezmana's and an Atziri's? With the Blood Magic innate effect of Hezmana's, I'm basically running a 6L setup (and 5L on my leapslam/ancestral warchief), so anything short of a massive pDPS increase will actually cause a dps loss due to having to spend a socket on Blood Magic instead of chance to bleed. Should I just bite the bullet and 6L my chest or my Hezmana's, or should I direct resources towards an Atziri's Disfavor or a Kaom's Heart?

I'd also appreciate comments on my support gems for Cyclone, as I know there are a lot of differing opinions about the best support setups for cyclone.

tl;dr Should I invest in getting 6Ls on my existing gear, or save currency towards upgrading my chest/weapon/whatever else to better rares/uniques? Also, any cheap improvements I could make?
Last edited by Aquadrizzt on Aug 30, 2017, 6:38:33 PM
Hey guys, I´m looking for some advice for my cycloner. Its my first PoE-char so i dont have much experience.
I can clear T10 Maps easy but when I try to complete my Atlas with those corrupted t11+ maps i die quite often. I have around 200 Chaos and would like some recommendations where to spend it.

Profile should be public.

Thanks in advance

Some tip and recommendations:

- Immortal call - CwDT - Molten Shell - Blood Magic. CWDT doesn't use any mana, so you can swap out the blood magic gem for something like increased duration.

- You could do with better flasks. Atziri's Promise is a really cheap and good pickup, you can get one for 1-2c, it adds a lot of damage and offers good life leech. You also don't have any granite flasks (+3000 armour is a lot), Rumi's Concotion is another relatively cheap pickup that adds greatly to your survivability, popping those two flasks before spinning into a big mob helps a lot. Personally I also like running a Basalt Flask which provides additional 15% phys damage reduction and some dmg reflection.

- The Prismatic ring is pretty bad, you can definitely get a much better one for a handful of chaos. Aim for one with 70+ life, some res and +physical damage, +elemental dmg with attack skills or +attack speed. I'd also work on getting better boots, you only have 12% total res on the boots with boots being relatively cheap. Also you could do with getting gloves with better offensive stats, gloves can have high attack speed roll (as high as 13-16%, haku craftable 9-12%), also look for +phys damage. Once you have decent gloves and boots, get lab enchants on them! Lab enchants on gloves and boots can be really powerful.

For boots you can get something like +16% attack/cast speed if you've killed recently or +2% life regen if you've been hit recently. I find those two most useful but there are other good ones too.

For gloves I mostly see people recommend commandment of war (which scales of your weapon) but I personally like Commandment Of Fury the most, for my char it has 42k dps with 5sec cool down and looks badass flinging 10x burning copies of your weapon in every direction.

- Get ancestral warchief, preferably 4linked. Warchief adds some decent dps, especially against bosses, while also providing you with a dps buff.

- I dont' see blood rage in your gem setup? I highly recommend getting it, it adds a lot of attack speed, dmg and gains frenzy charges for you while also providing some life leech.

- Get +20% quality on your cyclone and melee phys damage. Some gems q20 doesn't do that much, but it does a lot for cyclone (increased AOE). One you have some extra chaos you can get melee phys q20 (+10% phys dmg) and blood rage q20 (+5% aspd). That doesn't have to be top priority though but good to have in mind.

- I'm not exactly sure on the state of maces as of now, but I think swords/axes are the way to go. Starforge sword build if you plan on going pure physical or Atziri's for aura/ele builds. You can always respecc later with some regret orbs once you can afford atziri's though.

Last edited by Ridman on Aug 30, 2017, 6:07:19 PM
Guys, about utility

Blood Rage + Blood Magic + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

what leap slam is intended to do in this setup? and faster attacks?
Yatori90 wrote:
Guys, about utility

Blood Rage + Blood Magic + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

what leap slam is intended to do in this setup? and faster attacks?

Leap slam for moving fast around the map or dodging shit. Leap Slam is based on your attack speed, so faster attack is just there for you to go even faster.
Last edited by Ridman on Aug 30, 2017, 7:36:03 PM
Hello someone can explain to me how i can get endurance charges for immortal call in this build ?
You could Curse on Hit with Warlord's Mark, which gives Endurances Charges on kill of curse enemies.
Vrazqu wrote:
Hello someone can explain to me how i can get endurance charges for immortal call in this build ?

several ways :

blasphemy-warlord's mark

endurance charge on melee stun

curse on hit-warlord's mark

self cast enduring cry

Daresso's Defiance body armor -- endurance charge on kill

Personally my favorite and the one I'm using in my set-up is Daresso's Defiance
Vrazqu wrote:
Hello someone can explain to me how i can get endurance charges for immortal call in this build ?

several ways :

blasphemy-warlord's mark

endurance charge on melee stun gem

curse on hit-warlord's mark

self cast enduring cry

Daresso's Defiance body armor -- endurance charge on kill

Personally my favorite and the one I'm using in my set-up is Daresso's Defiance
HI guys, just a quick question. Which skill can be used with this build effectively instead of cyclone?

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