(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Hey guys.

I made a Duelist/Slayer(lvl87) following this build and i am unsure now how to continue my tree.

The last node i took, was the extra frenzy charge. Seemed worth it, because while clearing i am always at full frenzy stack and it gave me about 6k extra tooltip-dps.

Lifewise i am currently at 5,7k, with updated gear (most is at ilvl 70ish) i could propably go beyond 6k.

I am currently on maptier 8 which is way under my xp-level. Because of that i cant realy tell if i need more dps or more life in the near future.
At the moment i kill and clear quite fast and only die to stupidy.


There are two clusters i wanna get:

DPS - "Splitting Strikes" (2H Axe Damage)
Def - "Purity of Flesh" (Life and Chaos Res)
There are also a handfull of minor lifenodes in reach, which i havent taken yet.

Is it worth going 4 int nodes to get the chaos res and life? I propably can unspec the 30Int node if i take this route.


But what should i do next?

My current plan is, to go for dps and getting the minor life nodes if i run into trouble. Doing the chaos res and life cluster at last.
If my gear allows it, i would also unspec the single-res nodes i allready took.


Bleed vs Maim?

The other thing i am unsure about is whether i take maim or bleed as cyclone support. The guide prefers bleed and supports the totem with maim.
My totem uses "damage at full life" instead and i have maim in my cyclone setup. Switching it with bleed lowers my tooltip-dps sifnificantly. Even tough i know this shouldnt be the main-indication for potential damage i stick to maim beacause of that.
But using bleed would propably proc the "more damage with ailments" mods i have in my tree.
But like i said, i am unsure.

Any suggestions there?

Last edited by SiXRaX on Aug 28, 2017, 5:45:35 AM
OberstGruber wrote:
Hi! Quick question:

What do you think about Vitality Void? I dont need mana leech (Hezmana) and could spend 2 more points to simple life leech. That way i could get 3 more points ... is Vitality Void (specialy increased life leech rate) that good?

Any help please?
Leveling should I rush the AOE part or not? I mean the templar nodes
Thank you VERY much for your help, great tips!! Some question came up after reading :D

Get rid of Determination if you have trouble sustaining, it's pretty useless anyways.

Does that mean, i could also do without armour on my gear? Or because of some sort of diminishing return? Gear with the right values but without armour is way cheaper :(

Cannot find Enduring Cry in your Gems, how are you generating EC for IC?

I actually assumed the base duration would suffice, shame on me...
So i would incite either blood rage and endurance cry before swirling?
Also, since endurance cry doesn't sustain itself, how would i refresh it?

You have two sources of Intimidate (Belt and Ascendancy), why?

Oh... a relict of long forgotten days.
I must've left it in because of the increased phys. damage and the res :/
Will be swapped out as soon as i find something in trade :)

This build suck.

If you don't have currency for Kaom's Heart and other survivability items, you will be dying all the time like me. 89 lvl and mobs from 13+ tier can kill me on shot.

Thank you for nothing.
Hi guys.

Returning to the game after a long layoff. I am currently using an old character from Standard League but respecced for Cyclone.She's an Ascendant : Slayer + Raider

I have about 7400 hp as I specced into blood magic passive and got the juicy increased % life nodes gated behind the blood magic keystone.

I specialize in maces since I have a carryover mace from longtime ago.

Pure physical : cyclone-increased phys--brutality--maim--increased phys on full life----/increased area/conc effect. I don't used heralds or auras so I don't have to worry about elemental reflect.

I run a blood rage linked to enhance+empower+increase duration.

I find my DPS for my equipment and level (94) pretty low : around 80,000 unbuffed.

Could you guys look over my tree/gear/jewels/gem links and suggest further ways to improve my DPS?

Last edited by lokomotor on Aug 29, 2017, 4:51:41 AM
M1mez wrote:

Get rid of Determination if you have trouble sustaining, it's pretty useless anyways.

Does that mean, i could also do without armour on my gear? Or because of some sort of diminishing return? Gear with the right values but without armour is way cheaper :(

1. If you don't have crazy high armour on your gear, Determination does help a bit, but it doesn't do as much as it could. For its reservation cost, you should be able to find more meaningful stuff to add.

2. Imho "more Armour" isn't the solution for the problems a 2h build is facing.
Don't get me wrong, armour is great against normal attacks of normal mobs, but that's about it.

But a) I'd rather have this type of mitigation from Fortify, Lion's Roar Armour, Endurance Charges and a Basalt Flask.

And b) there are too many damage sources (elements, chaos, DoTs, explosions) in lategame that armour does nothing against.

That's why I started to stack damage avoidance (Evasion and Dodge/Spelldodge, since block isn't really available). On my Harbinger 2h dude (Name: GronkHammerhead), I went all the way to Acro/Phase Acro. Vaal Grace is great as well, Quartz Flasks are also pretty useful.

And of course you need some strong life recovery.
Berserker + Vaal Pact or Slayer Leech are the obvious choice, other Ascendancies will have trouble reaching similar sustain.


Also, since endurance cry doesn't sustain itself, how would i refresh it?

Just get used to click Enduring Cry from time to time.
Link it with blood magic if you cannot pay the mana cost.


drago128 wrote:
This build suck.

You could have known this before.
It's an entry level build.
Unless you invest some serious currency, those tend to hit a wall in higher tier content.

(Though I certainly don't get "oneshot" by white mobs in tier 13+ maps. They do hurt, but then again, I have Vaal Pact for a reason.)


lokomotor wrote:

Could you guys look over my tree/gear/jewels/gem links and suggest further ways to improve my DPS?

You can take Wrecking Ball instead of one of the Leech clusters, you should have more than enough leech to reach the cap.

Maybe swap into Axes, they have better DpS nodes.

Add levels and quality to Maim and Brutality.

Buy crazy expensive 3 damage stat + life jewels.

But other than that, you have pretty much reached the cap of what you can get.
Using pure physical damage and no auras is a pretty rough self-restriction.
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Last edited by Peterlerock on Aug 29, 2017, 7:36:02 AM

I'm quite new to the game and have a question. This Guide says to take Immortal Call but I just cant see where I get the endurance charges for it to give me the invulnerability.

Please help me to understand this.

Thank you!
In your gear list it doesn't even show you have a cyclone gem inserted, Only see an Earthquake....
For uber lab farming until I get into the mood to level up a duelist, should I go berserker or juggernaut with my marauder. Could anybody who played both tell me their pros and cons? I got a real hard time to pick up one up, thanks.

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