(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

So, how do you generate frenzy charges as a berserker? Is it just a matter of spamming bloodrage? Also, are the uniques ordered from best at the top or is there no particular order to them?

You don't need to spam blood rage as it refreshes whenever you get a kill (your totem doesn't count), you can generally run through a whole map on a single blood rage if there's good density, failing that you only need to cast it on occasion or on bosses if it falls off and there's no adds. I use increased duration with mines as a quality of life.
Back again! :)

So I finally caved and bought Disfavour, It was about 12k TT DPS increase over tidebreaker, though I did lose the XX% phys damage increase with endurance charges rolling.

At one point, the guide was suggesting Faster Attacks gem, in the 5/6 link.
Now Faster Attacks is gone, and Ruthless Support is added...

There was a big chunk of TT DPS taken away when I swapped a 20/20 ruthless in for faster attacks...

Now I KNOW TT DPS can be misleading and I'm probably noob or an idiot for basing my decisions off of it.

Obviously TT DPS can't account for ruthless DPS increase...

What I'm looking for is a definitive answer if ruthlessness is better.

ALSO, any tips for increasing my life/armor/dps with item upgrades you can see by just glancing over my current gear are greatly appreciated...

Polszevik wrote:
Hey. A noobie question (66 lvl so far): if I want to go with berserker, where do I put all those remaining skill points (which would otherwise be spent on endurance charge nodes)?
Also, which (unique) weapon is best for berserker?

There's specific weapon skill point dumps on the far left side of the tree, axe/sword/mace

Also, if you select the 3.0.0 Berserker Tree version, which you might of already, there's points laid out up to level 84.
M1mez wrote:

At first i have to say i am really glad i found this build, since it is one of the most fun builds i've ever played! Thank you very much for that! :D

I am currently Lvl 85 and seem to struggle with bosses with high HP.
Also i find myself on low life pretty often, which doesn't feel right.

Would you mind a quick peek into my equipment and giving me some tips what to tackle next?
I'm currently saving up for Atziri's with about 2/3 of the way to go, but I wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer if it helps the cause :)

Thank you very much in advance!

Humble bump :)
Can anybody take a lookat my char and let me know if I'm doing something wrong?

I'm farming tier 7/8 maps right now, could push harder but kinda wan't to level up a bit more before that.

I have 75% in all resistances except for chaos. I have 7.5K armour, with 40% physical damage reduction, the tooltip tells me I have like 70 k DPS approx.

I could improve gem set up in gloves and boots.

I Have Hezmana's equipped but I also have an Ngamahu's Flame. Which one is better?

I still cannot afford Atziri's Disfavour.
M1mez wrote:

I am currently Lvl 85 and seem to struggle with bosses with high HP.
Also i find myself on low life pretty often, which doesn't feel right.

You could have more life on your gear.
Boots - 30 -> 80
Gloves - 45 -> 80
Rings - negative and none -> 80
Amulet - none -> 80 (but I'd keep that for farming)
Torso -> Keep or Belly/Kaom's

Other than swapping into 2h Axe and Disfavour, remove Bloodmagic gem in Cyclone, use it on mana, you have specced into mana leech, use it. Get rid of Determination if you have trouble sustaining, it's pretty useless anyways.
Use a DpS gem instead, like maim or added fire. Also a 6L would help tremendously.

Not a huge fan of your Ascendancy Choice, I'd have chosen Slayer and put Fortify on Leap Slam or in the 6th Link of Cyclone. Slayer's leech is incredible for Survivability, and he deals more damage.

Get rid of your Survival Instincts Jewel, use a %HP/Damage one.
Get 6-7% life on every jewel.

Endurance Charges:
Cannot find Enduring Cry in your Gems, how are you generating EC for IC?

You have two sources of Intimidate (Belt and Ascendancy), why?

DpS against Bosses:
That's the way it is in 3.0, they have double HP.

3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Last edited by Peterlerock on Aug 28, 2017, 3:45:44 AM
Guys, I'm struggling to push past t10. Can you take a look at my profile and tell me where to improve? I've got about 200c.. Thanks!
tutstuts wrote:
Guys, I'm struggling to push past t10. Can you take a look at my profile and tell me where to improve? I've got about 200c.. Thanks!

With Fortify and BM in your 5L Cyclone, you basically only have a 3L.
That's just not enough Damage.

Especially since you're missing the 40% more damage from your Ascendancy.
Without Vaal Pact, I'd respec out of 100% leech.

Also, as above: Life rolls on gear.

Also: Shit jewels, upgrade into life / damage.

3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Last edited by Peterlerock on Aug 28, 2017, 4:44:22 AM
So I've decided to not run cyclone on blood magic.
I originally was using Hatred + haste. (running 100% of my mana)
Then running cyclone 5 link off of blood magic gem.

I've changed that to Hatred + Herald of Ash, gaining a socket for a gem in my 5 link for cyclone.

Is Ruthless Support good? Is that what I need to put in my fifth link?

Also I'm wary about Faster Attacks, as it was originally in the gem setup given on page one, but now isn't.

I take a massive TT DPS loss when removing Faster Attacks...

tutstuts wrote:
Guys, I'm struggling to push past t10. Can you take a look at my profile and tell me where to improve? I've got about 200c.. Thanks!

Your rings/amulets looked really lacking, when I briefly looked over your gear.

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