(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Xavathos wrote:

You contradict yourself and otherwise once again repeat literally what I said. Do you read my posts at all?

Brutality builds are better right now even if you only have a Kaoms Primacy. But it is good to keep it a secret.

Cyclone-Brutality-Melee Physical-Dmg on Full Life-Ruthless-Bloodlust is the best DMG Setup you can have right now.
You need manaleech to sustain Cyclone so run Warlords Mark for Life/Mana Leech and Endurance Charges.

If you have insane gear, level and life you can maybe get away with playing without Endurance Charges and run Vulnerability as an aura instead of Warlords. You can reach sick damage so that 1 piece with mana leech and life leech is enough to keep you topped always.

Put up Ancestral Warchief with Maim, Chance to Bleed and Faster Attacks.

I melt Tier15 Bosses and I am lvl 88 with Kaom's Primacy still.

In Path of Building I reach 1.6+ Mio DPS with Lions Roar/Sulphur up, 8000+ hp with perfect gear, 20k Armor (46k with flasks up)


You can go more life with a Rare Helmet, Belly of the Beast, Headhunter Belt at the cost of dps.

Here you get to 1.34 Mio DPS with Flasks up 10k life but you also lose 3 Cyclone Radius and some movement speed.

Boots to use Immortal Call, Molten Shell, CWDT, Duration setup though I feel it does not accomplish much once you are already tanky and have such high armor.

You can also sac more life nodes for more dmg to push to 1.8+Mio dps with flasks up but you are losing 1k life.

You can't count with the bloodlust multiplier because you can't do bleed. Also, your AW will not be active 100% of the time on bosses. Also bosses have many resistances, and apply bleed on them is hard. Also you'll not be at max life 100% of the time, you'll not take the most of it (if any, at all).

Your DPS is this high only in theory, with perfect conditions.
Last edited by Shiiro95 on Aug 11, 2017, 11:48:53 AM
cutt wrote:
Guys NEED HELP! What is the correct way of solving mana issues? BM passive and hence no auras at all or just blasthemy+warlock's mark for mana leech? Having a hard time choosing.

There is not "one correct way".

Blood Magic is the worst however it should cost you the most DPS of all options.

If your dmg is high enough Mana Leech on one item should be enough to sustain your cyclone. You should not cyclone when there are no mobs anyway and in my opinion engage mobs always with Leap Slam+Fortify and possible Endurance Charges on Stun.

Warlords curse with Blasphemy does the job as well and gives you Endurance charges and dropping Vulnerability should be less dps loss than using Blood Magic.

For example if you run Grace+Blasphemy+Warlords Mark or Vulnerability + Englighten you should still have a 100 mana pool or something which is enough to leap slam between packs and use blood rage and start cycloning and when you hit mobs you are always at max mana.
Xavathos wrote:
loczek123 wrote:
Yes i know it and i dont need mana so i ask only about dps, with setup are better for more dps (ofc in Herald setup i will take Arctic Armour but its not dps at all) :)

DPS is meaningless. This isn't D3 where it's all about damage. PoE is a game where you learn to defend yourself before ever thinking about dishing out damage. The easy way, or the hard way, that's up to you, but you will learn. If anything, 3.0 made that much more the case than it was for a long, long time.

All these tooltip warriors are bad for the game. 700K DPS, 2M DPS, 20M DPS, who cares? Just 100K will do if you can stay alive. You won't clear maps any faster with 2M DPS, you just shave a few secs off of bosses. Bosses that may one shot you in those seconds and take 4 hours of your time, because you went glass cannon. A few seconds per map vs 4 hours when you die, do the math. There's much more to a good build than tooltip damage. :)

To answer your question: Hatred and Ash will provide slightly more damage than Hatred and Haste.


Also those fucking high dps are only in perfect contidions, for fractions of seconds, IF you can manage to beat all the stuff you are "simulating" on PoB.
Shiiro95 wrote:

You can't cound with the bloodlust multiplier because you can't do bleed. Also, your AW willn't be active 100% of the time on bosses. Also bosses have manu resistances, and apply bleed on them is hard. Also you'll not be at max life 100% of the time, you'll not take the most of it (if any, at all).

Your DPS is this high only in theory, with perfect conditions.

Um yes I can do Bleed, Vengeance applies bleed and Ancient Warchief Totem applies bleed.

And I am actually at max life pretty much all the time unless life leech is disabled (totems).

I am actually playing the build in harbinger league and doing Tier 15 maps with a Kaom's Primacy, 5k hp and -35% chaos resistance.. Bosses are tricky only because my defensive stats suck and I have not played for 2 years so a lot of them are simply new for me and I need to find out what do play around. Everything else, normal mobs in t15 pretty much dies in a second while cycloning through it.
Last edited by Quizzlemanizzle on Aug 11, 2017, 11:52:31 AM
cutt wrote:
Guys NEED HELP! What is the correct way of solving mana issues? BM passive and hence no auras at all or just blasthemy+warlock's mark for mana leech? Having a hard time choosing.

There is not "one correct way".

Blood Magic is the worst however it should cost you the most DPS of all options.

And no. With BM, with the correct setup, you can do more damage than elemental, because of monster resistences and map mods. Also because you free up a slot on your main setup, multiplying the damage effectively.
Shiiro95 wrote:

You can't cound with the bloodlust multiplier because you can't do bleed. Also, your AW willn't be active 100% of the time on bosses. Also bosses have manu resistances, and apply bleed on them is hard. Also you'll not be at max life 100% of the time, you'll not take the most of it (if any, at all).

Your DPS is this high only in theory, with perfect conditions.

Um yes I can do Bleed, Vengeance applies bleed and Ancient Warchief Totem applies bleed.

And I am actually at max life pretty much all the time unless life leech is disabled (totems).

I am actually playing the build in harbinger league and doing Tier 15 maps with a Kaom's Primacy, 5k hp and -35% chaos resistance..

Oh, sorry, I didn't count with it.

But yeah, still bosses are hard to apply bleed.
Shiiro95 wrote:
cutt wrote:
Guys NEED HELP! What is the correct way of solving mana issues? BM passive and hence no auras at all or just blasthemy+warlock's mark for mana leech? Having a hard time choosing.

There is not "one correct way".

Blood Magic is the worst however it should cost you the most DPS of all options.

And no. With BM, with the correct setup, you can do more damage than elemental, because of monster resistences and map mods. Also because you free up a slot on your main setup, multiplying the damage effectively.

If you are playing physical builds you have to drop one of brutality, phys dmg, dmg on full life, ruthless, maim or bloodlust or even faster attacks/conc effect/area of effect for blood magic. Those are huge losses.

In my setup with the ultimate gear the worst gem I could drop for Blood Magic would be Ruthless and that drops 450k dps (25% of total).. While at the same time using Vulnerability instead of Warlords Mark is worth only 180k dps.

Last edited by Quizzlemanizzle on Aug 11, 2017, 11:57:15 AM
Last edited by McGuscha on Aug 11, 2017, 1:13:07 PM
Shiiro95 wrote:

Oh, sorry, I didn't count with it.

But yeah, still bosses are hard to apply bleed.

AS far as I know there is no boss or monster in the game that is immune to bleed and I can't find anything to back up your claim that applying bleed to a boss is specifically hard such that a warchief totem with 6 attacks per second and 25% chance to bleed couldnt apply bleed.

Also my gameplay experience tells me that this is not true because for example I kill Kaom in T15 Abyss in like 10 seconds (with Kaom's Primacy, lvl19 gems without quality and only 50k dps in cyclone tooltip) unless I have to dodge a lot and don't do dmg.

If anything I would remove the Bloodlust gem before bosses and swap it in before the boss because even at T15 I still kill the mobs so fast that it is generally a waste of time to put up the Warchief Totem at all unless the whole screen is full of mobs.

Also I am uncertain how effective Vengeance is at proccing Bleed, I'd imagine it would only be effective with Atziri Axe since it has Bleed% on the axe already in addition to a few nodes you pick up along the way.
Last edited by Quizzlemanizzle on Aug 11, 2017, 12:12:40 PM
you dont even get the burning damage, herald is useless

you should use Grace (and Iron Reflexes node) + blasphemy/vulnerability or another curse such as Warlords thats gives you leech and endurance charges and you should be able to drop Blood Magic from your Cyclone because that is a HUGE DPS loss.

If you are using Physical only you should be using Brutality gem and full physical obviously.

Look at my post before, check out these path of building strings, they might give you some ideas.

Useful pastebin, thanks. After analyzing it I get the following ideas:

I cannot replicate your tree as I'm playing Juggernaut. Nodes on your tree match mine most of the time though (except for the right side of the tree, which I cannot access).

If I get Razor's Edge passive, Voidheart can be swapped, right? I see you're using Bloodlust on Cyclone and Bleed on Ancestral Warchief. If I don't have a 6-Link chest can I skip using Bloodlust and in turn skip using Bleed on Ancestral Warchief?

Your Ancestral Warchief has Maim-Faster Attacks-Bleed. I'm thinking about a 5-Link with Maim-Faster Attacks-Concentrated Effect-Melee Physical. The reason for 5-Linking Ancestral Warchief is that I don't have Enlighten for a 5-Link aura setup right now. I would still 4-Link Blasphemy-Vulnerability/Warlord's Mark-Grace-Blood Rage paying 85% Mana then.

Why use Vengeance on Leap Slam instead of Faster Attacks and why not use Faster Attacks on Cyclone?

I'm not surprised to hear that using Blood Magic makes me lose DPS but in turn I thought it was a better using it still since the OP stated that "Running 100% of your mana into auras the best thing to do overall and will require you to run your utility skills off bloodmagic."

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