(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

pyres wrote:
I am running this build as a juggernaut and it is probably the best league starter build I have ever played. I played a blade vortex shadow last league with a build done by LiftingNerdBro and it was really good too. I did not think there was a chance in hell that I would find a better build to start the league with ever but I was wrong. This is super fun too. I am writing this for 2 reasons. One to say thank you for the awesome build and reason two is I think the unique weapon Hiltless Reaver Sword should be added to the guide as an excellent weapon to start out the higher level content with until you can afford a disfavor or whatever you may be aiming for. I bought my hiltless reaver sword for 1 alch and managed to 5 link it super easily. It has blood magic on the weapon so I was effectively running a 6 link with over 400 pdps base on it right when I hit level 59. I am still using it as of writing this because it is working so well and I really like the Razer's Edge passive that gives 15% chance to cause bleeding on hit. But regardless of that passive its just a super cheap way to get a decent 6 link early and start doing uber lab. It has a pretty fast attack speed with 1.45 which is also good as I am still using life gain on hit. I one shot uber lab this time around on my first attempt. This may not sound like much of an achievement for some people but it was pretty cool for me as it usually takes me multiple attempts or a much higher level to complete.

On a side note, can anyone tell me how to link my gear on the forums? I really wanted to link my hiltless reaver here but I do not know how. I would also like some opinions on what to upgrade next. Thank you in advance. This build and the forums posts related to it have been fantastic.

You'd have to search around a bit, but I actually wrote pretty extensively on using Hiltless (including a potential Undeniable-Juggernaut crit build).

It's definitely a good weapon, though I personally favor Hezmana a bit more simply out of convenience; it can be expensive early in a league, but tends to drop rapidly in price after the first couple days.

First, Hiltless Blood Magic only affects the socketed gems, so you actually have to socket Cyclone in it, whereas Hezmana affects all attacks including any Totems or Leap Slam. Second, the reflected damage isn't debilitating, but it can be notable (though high armor, E.charges, & immortal call typically handle that). Finally, Hiltless' increased range and attack speed are nice, but Hezmana has better pure DPS, elemental conversion, and it's typically easier to gear around Resolute Techniques than Accuracy/Crit.
Last edited by Archimtiros on Mar 15, 2017, 5:03:14 AM
Devil wrote:
E: So I tried Uber-Lab today. Have around 6.1k hp and ~28k tooltip DPS when buffer. Died in the last Izaro phase (very close to culling him). I had troubles with him stunning me with his sword blows.

So I could use some hints for uber lab (maybe switch to another curse? special unique item that would help, etc). I'm currently running the following gear:

Get more armor, especially on your chest. Izaro is almost all physical damage, and Cyclone is really good for dodging his attacks since you can Cyclone right through him.

Three health flasks is redundant, you really only need one (instant staunching for anti-bleed/emergencies), trade out for Granite/Basalt/Stibnite (for Izaro), extra Quicksilver (for clearing/general QoL), Atziri's Promise (for damage/leech), Taste of Hate (for damage/leech if you're rich).

Regarding stuns; you can't be stunned while Cycloning, so if you're getting stunned it's because you stopped spinning... which is bad. Just spin in and out of his teleport, under him when he leap slams, through him when he slashes/shield slams, and you should be fine.

Last thing, your links are kind of questionable. If you're doing Uber, you're long past the point where LGOH adds anything appreciable; drop it for Added Fire. You also don't need Blood Magic on Leap Slam while using Hezmana (it's classified as an attack, as are Totems), but you do need it on Stone Golem. While Stone Golem tends not to live very long past ~Tier 5 maps, it's a great distraction if you end up having to kite around on Izaro (and the extra life regen is good for healing trap damage in Labs). Finally, you can just run L1 CWDT with Warlord's Mark, it's far more reliable than COH-Vengeance.
Thanks for the replies Archimtiros.

Here is my profile now which hopefully you can see;


So should I ditch rallying cry (I don't seem to use it much) for AA? And then put blood magic gem in there instead of the increased duration support.

I'd need blood magic linked to leap slam too. So my weapon 4links could be leap slam, AA, blood magic, blood rage. It means I lose out on faster attacks for leap slam though, unless there is another way I could juggle the gems?

I've bought some new flasks today which I think give me a nice compliment of 5.

As you've said, my biggest issue is life. I currently only have 3714 life. I could try get some boots and rings with more life, the trouble is just also keeping above res cap and keeping enough dexterity to use all the gems. I currently only just have enough dex (after putting a point into +10dex) so losing the 12 all attributes from my right ring isn't really on unless I can find another with it also.

My resists are 89/89/80 so can only lose 14 fire / 14 cold / 5 lightning to stay capped.

Also what did you mean that having less movement speed can make cyclone quicker?
Last edited by Shaddolf on Mar 15, 2017, 8:41:47 AM
1) Axe, Mace, Sword? Does it matter in new patch since all ranges are identical now?

2) Berserker or Juggernaut? Which is better for uber lab? Which is better for mapping?
Linkinator wrote:
1) Axe, Mace, Sword? Does it matter in new patch since all ranges are identical now?

2) Berserker or Juggernaut? Which is better for uber lab? Which is better for mapping?

Unique Axes are better than Mace/Swords.
Well-crafted Rare Maces are better than Axe/Swords.
Swords tend to be worse outside of Accuracy/Crit builds (which are typically worse anyway).

Berserker is offence and little defense, Juggernaut is mostly defense with little offence. Either can be successful, but Juggernaut is typically safer for uber labs, given the high amount of physical damage contained within.
Last edited by Archimtiros on Mar 16, 2017, 1:42:54 AM
Shaddolf wrote:
Thanks for the replies Archimtiros.

Here is my profile now which hopefully you can see;


So should I ditch rallying cry (I don't seem to use it much) for AA? And then put blood magic gem in there instead of the increased duration support.

I'd need blood magic linked to leap slam too. So my weapon 4links could be leap slam, AA, blood magic, blood rage. It means I lose out on faster attacks for leap slam though, unless there is another way I could juggle the gems?

I've bought some new flasks today which I think give me a nice compliment of 5.

As you've said, my biggest issue is life. I currently only have 3714 life. I could try get some boots and rings with more life, the trouble is just also keeping above res cap and keeping enough dexterity to use all the gems. I currently only just have enough dex (after putting a point into +10dex) so losing the 12 all attributes from my right ring isn't really on unless I can find another with it also.

My resists are 89/89/80 so can only lose 14 fire / 14 cold / 5 lightning to stay capped.

Also what did you mean that having less movement speed can make cyclone quicker?

Rallying Cry is only useful if you're actually using it. Typically only for bosses in which you want to manually cast Immortal Call (Atziri).

As I said earlier, you don't need Leap Slam linked to BM while using Hezmana, it's classified as an attack.

Roll your life flask to Panicked/Staunching so you can use it to counter bleed - it's Cyclone's biggest weakness.

Aside from higher life rolls on gear, you're missing a ton of life nodes in the passive tree. Take another look at the passive trees linked in the guide; you could easily be in the upper 5->6k range at this point. Typically you go for life and then grab the weapon damage nodes later, but even aside from that, you've deviated quite a bit from the typical passive build, and it's costing you. If you really need extra Int/Dex from passives, there's an easy +30/30 cluster next to Resolute Techniques, which you can grab for 2 points without having to go out of your way.

While its main use is to counter Chill/TempChains, Unstoppable makes it so that you can't be slowed below your base movespeed, which includes the penalty inflicted by Cyclone. So if you have absolutely no +movespeed on your gear, Cyclone actually moves faster with Unstoppable (100% normal movespeed) than it would without (-30% movespeed). If you have a ton of movespeed on your gear, the effect is ignored. You still want as much movespeed as you can get for Cyclone, but not having it is less of a hinderance for Juggernaut than others. Typically you get the majority from flasks anyway (I use one for anti-freeze, and another for +movespeed/charges).
If I'm running the 4-L red CWDT set up with Immortal Call, what is the source of my endurance charges? My only guess is Warlord's Mark, if so would I be linking it with blood magic and manually casting or a second cwdt set up? Feels like I need so many sockets and links -_-
Archimtiros wrote:
Aside from higher life rolls on gear, you're missing a ton of life nodes in the passive tree. Take another look at the passive trees linked in the guide; you could easily be in the upper 5->6k range at this point. Typically you go for life and then grab the weapon damage nodes later, but even aside from that, you've deviated quite a bit from the typical passive build, and it's costing you

Ok so I have dropped a bunch of regrets and now I have 5,151 life:


Did lose 8k dps on cyclone just with auras up which hurts, but I guess dying hurts more!

Are there anywhere you can see I could make changes for a good boost from here?

Why don't the builds tend to run path of the warrior? It seems such a good return for one passive point.

Also I've been meaning to ask, is it worth running warlords reach jewel for the +1 weapon range? Or would a rare tend to be better?
Last edited by Shaddolf on Mar 16, 2017, 8:31:01 AM
Shaddolf wrote:
Archimtiros wrote:
Aside from higher life rolls on gear, you're missing a ton of life nodes in the passive tree. Take another look at the passive trees linked in the guide; you could easily be in the upper 5->6k range at this point. Typically you go for life and then grab the weapon damage nodes later, but even aside from that, you've deviated quite a bit from the typical passive build, and it's costing you

Ok so I have dropped a bunch of regrets and now I have 5,151 life:


Did lose 8k dps on cyclone just with auras up which hurts, but I guess dying hurts more!

Are there anywhere you can see I could make changes for a good boost from here?

Why don't the builds tend to run path of the warrior? It seems such a good return for one passive point.

Also I've been meaning to ask, is it worth running warlords reach jewel for the +1 weapon range? Or would a rare tend to be better?

Good rares are much better, though of course expensive. Generally you want some combination of Life%, AoE damage, 2h/axe damage, 2h/axe attack speed, and resists (if needed).

+1 weapon range is ok for helping speed clear, but overall weak. You have to think of it in terms of investment - you're spending 1-3 points to get that jewel slot, you want to put a jewel in that's worth those points (or preferably more). They're typically the last thing I pick up, but you can take them whenever you have a jewel worth using.

Path of the Warrior isn't as great as it sounds. 12% increased Physical damage isn't that high, 10 static armor is nothing when you idle at 7k+, and 20 strength is minimal next to the usual 450+.

Your dps should be fine for typical clear, Cyclone is generally good at that; if you want more single target damage, I recommend running a 4+ link Ancestral Warchief totem. It can be a bit invasive to use, since you have to stop spinning, but it's a substantial dps increase (both to Cyclone, and its own direct damage). You don't need to put it down for every pack, but it should be used whenever you come across a particularly difficult group of mobs, a boss, or any area that's going to see a lot of mobs spawning. It would most likely come at the expense of your Vaal Haste and Rallying Cry.

You won't see much further increase in damage outside of upgrading your rares which will be of minimal benefit. Your next best investment is in a new weapon - Kitava (if cheap, its leech can eliminate the need to run BM), a high Pdps rare, or Disfavour are your best options, in that order.
I've definitely got my eye on a disfavour axe even though it will take me a few weeks to save up for. Playing on standard the price is around 6 ex.

I'll grab a few more regrets and drop some of the jewels slots to get more of the axe damage nodes I think.

What do you link with ancestral warchief? I might look at it down the track, for now I like the Vaal haste gems and make sure they are both up for bosses which then drop pretty fast.

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