(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Thanks for the awesome reply!

Push more +life, and armor on your gloves/boots. Your gear isn't bad, but it's mostly low rolls, so there's room for improvement.

Yep, easy enough

Speaking of Brass Dome, it's going to cost you a few regrets, but I'd highly recommend changing your ascendancy nodes. Unrelenting is priority

I've still got 11 passive refunds unused from quest rewards - so that part is easy.

Brass dome? Can do, I have 130 chaos sitting in the stash atm (I play on standard btw) and looks like that would cost me at least 40 which is doable, but might take a bit to get it to 5L to replace my current one.

There's really no reason to run Blasphemy - Warlords Mark, when you can just as easily run it on a L1 CWDT and use Herald of Ash instead.

Oh so only have lvl1 warlords on CWDT and then have a max skill herald of ash which is cast for more dmg?

One last thing to consider - you might consider running Veruso's Battering Rams instead of Devoto's Devotion (ie: using a good rare hat instead of rare gloves, a redblade helm would fit nicely)

Seems good, yeah it would take away the negative of the chest piece. The only issue is I can't use the vaal haste and blood rage gems if I lose the dex from the helm. I guess if I can get a belt that has dex on it?

I do have these already
Last edited by Shaddolf on Mar 12, 2017, 7:14:49 AM

what i can change?
can i do uberlab with that setup?
Shaddolf wrote:

Seems good, yeah it would take away the negative of the chest piece. The only issue is I can't use the vaal haste and blood rage gems if I lose the dex from the helm. I guess if I can get a belt that has dex on it?

Well keep your required stats first, but you can usually pick up +stats on jewelry pretty easily. It's not part of the prime build path, but there's also a pair of +30 int/+30 dex nodes just past Resolute Techniques, which I usually pick up early on and keep until my gear sorts itself out late game.

I don't know if the gloves would actually be a huge improvement. I only think it might be better than Devoto's overall (not including the Dex and Chaos Res, which are nice bonuses), and give you some more synergy between Juggernaut's passives and Dome. Ultimately capping resists and keeping a strong life pool are more important than picking up extra damage, and ultimately more difficult the more uniques you decide to use.
Feerz wrote:

what i can change?
can i do uberlab with that setup?

Damage wise, easily.

Defensively... I'm not so sure. Assuming your resists are capped, but your amount of raw life looks to be terribly low due to all the uniques, and few equipped rares have low rolls as well.

I'd strongly recommend replacing Le Heup, since rarity is a wasted stat and you can get all of those rolls and then some on good rares. As with the last poster, I would probably also recommend using Veruso's (if Juggernaut/Brass Dome) or Devoto's, but not both, because you're simply losing too many raw stat slots. Finally, I'd also probably replace Carnage Heart as well if you're playing a Slayer.

Read my last advice post, since a lot of the same applies. I wouldn't bother running Rallying Cry for anything but Atziri/maybe other bosses, and using Blasphemy instead of a L1 CWDT is simply wasting damage you could be getting out of HoA. I also see a lot of people running Vaal Haste lately, though personally I've never found it to be that important; Cyclone rarely has issues with clear speed, it has issues with strong single target bosses, and that's where an Ancestral Protector/Warchief (I prefer the second) shines.
Last edited by Archimtiros on Mar 12, 2017, 9:41:36 AM


Any tips on what to update next?
Running Onslaught Flask, Lions Roar and Promise...
I picked up
so now just trying to roll at least 5L, hope it doesn't take too long!
I have a few quick questions in regards to this build that have been asnwered in the past 10 pages, but I just want to check on them.

I have played Cyclone (NGMANGHAGMAHU Raider) in Breach and enjoyed it immensely, but ultimately dropped it due to being too fast for my friends to play in groups. Lately I was thinking of starting SSF Legacy SC character and since my "main" is a caster, I wanted a melee. I fell in love with Cyclone last league so I want to give Cyclone a try and this was the first build I was able to find that does not rely on specific items.

Disclaimer before questions: I do not intend to push it as hard as I can. If at some point I see that I can no longer SSF (red maps+) then I will just drop it to Legacy SC.

- uniques and SSF: From what I understand, this build does not require anything specific (although uniques help) therefore it's suitable for SSF fun?
- expectations: my expectation is the build should be able to carry me as SSF to red maps. That is all I am asking, anything above that I take as bonus. Any feedback on that?
- ascendancy: with SSF in mind, would Slayer still be the best choice? What is the difference between Slayer and Champion? Both mechanics of the ascendancies seem intriguing.
- weapon type: What do you suggest I should focus on in the end? For me, Axes seem the most fun items, but I would like to get professional opinion what would be best choice for possible/cheaper line of upgrades, if applicable.

So uh, this happened;

Just chasing a new rare belt now! and still need to sort out my gems properly. This is what I have now;

I levelled up and put one point into +10dex passive so I could use my gems which I lost the ability to use, having lost devoto's dex.

So still need a herald of ash in there. Going back over Arch's post, I should put in a L1 CWDT and L1 warlord's mark to replace my current warlord's and blasphemy? Then I still have 3 empty slots in my helm - can toss in herald of ash, arctic armor and what for the last spot?

Also I just checked the OP here again and it says to remove the life on hit after lvl80; as I'm now 82, I should put in a weapon ele damage instead of it?
Last edited by Shaddolf on Mar 13, 2017, 7:02:07 AM

First of all, very well writen build guide, just by looking at it you see the build is awesome.

Now, to go to the point; I want to build a dedicated uber lab character. Perfectly I would like to go with Duelist (Slayer) as its one of my favourite ascendencies in the game. I am not sure if anyone tried this build as a only Uber Lab runner, and I haven't seen it in posts. If anyone has played this build as a dedicated lab runner (it would be perfect if its on a budget too), please post what should I look gear-wise and maybe tips on when can I start doing uber lab, how much dps do I need and so on...

Thanks to those who take time to read this and good luck finding that mirror!! ;)
Shaddolf wrote:
So uh, this happened;

Just chasing a new rare belt now! and still need to sort out my gems properly. This is what I have now;

I levelled up and put one point into +10dex passive so I could use my gems which I lost the ability to use, having lost devoto's dex.

So still need a herald of ash in there. Going back over Arch's post, I should put in a L1 CWDT and L1 warlord's mark to replace my current warlord's and blasphemy? Then I still have 3 empty slots in my helm - can toss in herald of ash, arctic armor and what for the last spot?

Also I just checked the OP here again and it says to remove the life on hit after lvl80; as I'm now 82, I should put in a weapon ele damage instead of it?

You should focus on
- Getting more movement speed. With 20% boots only, -10% from chest and no devotos, your clear speed will be turtle paced.
- Replacing Hezmana with a disfavour (eventually).

Brassdome is not a great Cyclone chest because of MS penalty and no life roll. It makes it really hard to fit in a Devotos and a Voidheart which hurts a lot at end game. The armour isnt super amazing at end game compared to endurance charges, basalt, etc., at least until they change how armour works. Thats why Im really a fan of Kaoms Heart on life 2hd builds. Esp for Cyclone, which doesnt need a single target skill, just a conc effect gem swap.

But since yours is a 6L you may as well use it, I would definitely pick up Armour Mastery (3% movement) and the Dex node near templar (3% movement) though to make it a little smoother. And that level of armour is fine for up to t10-ish maps, including Uber lab where the chest really will help on Izaro.
Last edited by Samir316 on Mar 13, 2017, 9:41:19 AM

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