(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Im in the process of majorly overhauling the guide in preparation of 3.0 as I assume alot will change for 2H RT cyclone along with the general state of POE during that update. So basically im pre-updating to make the 3.0 update easier; this is in the form of google url link shortens, removal of old/antiquated information ect. Below is the working update list and will be edited and resubmitted as changes are made.

Unique List➥


Life Flask:
Seething = 66% reduced Amount Recovered - Instant Recovery
of Staunching = Immunity to Bleeding during Flask Effect - Removes Bleeding on use

Movement/Utility Flask:
Experimenter's = (30 to 40)% increased Duration
of Adrenaline = (20 to 30)% increased Movement Speed during Flask effect
of Heat = Immunity to Freeze and Chill during Flask Effect - Removes Freeze and Chill on use

Granite Flask:
of Iron Skin = (60 to 100)% increased Armour during Flask effect


Brutal - (14 to 16)% increased Physical Damage with Maces
Sinister -(14 to 16)% increased Physical Damage with Axes
Vicious - (14 to 16)% increased Physical Damage with Swords
Judging - (14 to 16)% increased Physical Damage with Staves
Champion's - (12 to 14)% increased Physical Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons
Beating - (6 to 8)% increased Attack Speed with Maces
Cleaving -(6 to 8)% increased Attack Speed with Axes
Fencing - (6 to 8)% increased Attack Speed with Swords
Blunt - (6 to 8)% increased Attack Speed with Staves
Vivid - (6 to 8)% increased maximum Life
Hungering - (0.2 to 0.4)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Sharpened - (14 to 16)% increased Physical Damage
Warrior's - (4 to 6)% increased Attack Speed with Two Handed Melee Weapons

of Combat - (10 to 12)% increased Melee Damage
of Berserking - (3 to 5)% increased Attack Speed
of Blasting - (10 to 12)% increased Area Damage
of Wounding - (8 to 10)% increased Damage
of Zeal - (2 to 4)% increased Attack and Cast Speed

Lab Enchantments➥

25-40% increased Cyclone Damage
10-15% increased Cyclone Attack Speed

Decree of War on Kill

8-16% increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently
6-10% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite if you haven't Crit Recently
Damage Penetrates 6-10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently
0.4-0.6% of Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently
Regenerate 1-2% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently
Last edited by Lighty on Mar 13, 2017, 3:29:19 PM
Hey Lighty!

Two seasons ago (essence) I went Juggernaut for Uber lab and it made Uber lab a breeze. I could fairly easily make the leaderboard.

I took a season off but am looking to build another cycloner (I hear the weapon range changes are awesome). What considerations should I take into account when deciding between juggernaut and berserker this season? Have there been any major nerfs/changes? Is juggernaut still better for lab but berserker is better for difficult maps and the like?

Also, do you recommend axes or mauls now? After that changes to range is there that big of a difference?

Last edited by Linkinator on Mar 13, 2017, 4:32:42 PM
Samir316 wrote:

You should focus on
- Getting more movement speed. With 20% boots only, -10% from chest and no devotos, your clear speed will be turtle paced.
- Replacing Hezmana with a disfavour (eventually).

Brassdome is not a great Cyclone chest because of MS penalty and no life roll. It makes it really hard to fit in a Devotos and a Voidheart which hurts a lot at end game. The armour isnt super amazing at end game compared to endurance charges, basalt, etc., at least until they change how armour works. Thats why Im really a fan of Kaoms Heart on life 2hd builds. Esp for Cyclone, which doesnt need a single target skill, just a conc effect gem swap.

But since yours is a 6L you may as well use it, I would definitely pick up Armour Mastery (3% movement) and the Dex node near templar (3% movement) though to make it a little smoother. And that level of armour is fine for up to t10-ish maps, including Uber lab where the chest really will help on Izaro.

Ahh whenever one person tells you one thing, another tells you something different!

Yeah now that its 6L I will definitely use it. I'm only up to T9 maps atm and I definitely felt the armor helping last night. Didn't really feel the loss of movement speed either, despite the new setup losing me 30%. What even really rolls MS besides boots anyway?

Definitely working towards a disfavour, might take a lil while as I'm pretty poor now!

Also what makes voidheart so good? If you have a Disfavour then the bleeding doesn't even do anything, is poison that good?
Last edited by Shaddolf on Mar 13, 2017, 5:17:06 PM
I feel like i'm hitting a wall, first time not playing CI and I find myself dying a ton currently.

What's my next step in moving forward with my cycloner?

So I've just changed around some of my gems. The only thing I'm not sure on now is if I should replace life on hit with ele weapon damage? I think I should right?

Running this build as Slayer Duelist and I'm happy so far. Survivability is nice and I'm enjoying not dying all the time vs my other league builds that were pretty much paper.

I managed to get merc lab done pretty easily and even run it for like 10x a row but got tired of it as the drops very really bad vs maps.
So I went on filling the atlas and grinding maps to get myself ready for uber lab, but I figure I didn't actually know what do I need to be ready for uber lab.

So here's my question, what are the bare minimum stats I would want have to be able to farm uber lab?. I'm currently at 6k life and around 25k tooltip DPS (when all buffs on etc). In merc I didn't have many problems with Izaro, but the one time I tried Argus, it destroyed me.

E: So I tried Uber-Lab today. Have around 6.1k hp and ~28k tooltip DPS when buffer. Died in the last Izaro phase (very close to culling him). I had troubles with him stunning me with his sword blows.

So I could use some hints for uber lab (maybe switch to another curse? special unique item that would help, etc). I'm currently running the following gear:

Last edited by Devil on Mar 14, 2017, 4:09:48 PM
I am running this build as a juggernaut and it is probably the best league starter build I have ever played. I played a blade vortex shadow last league with a build done by LiftingNerdBro and it was really good too. I did not think there was a chance in hell that I would find a better build to start the league with ever but I was wrong. This is super fun too. I am writing this for 2 reasons. One to say thank you for the awesome build and reason two is I think the unique weapon Hiltless Reaver Sword should be added to the guide as an excellent weapon to start out the higher level content with until you can afford a disfavor or whatever you may be aiming for. I bought my hiltless reaver sword for 1 alch and managed to 5 link it super easily. It has blood magic on the weapon so I was effectively running a 6 link with over 400 pdps base on it right when I hit level 59. I am still using it as of writing this because it is working so well and I really like the Razer's Edge passive that gives 15% chance to cause bleeding on hit. But regardless of that passive its just a super cheap way to get a decent 6 link early and start doing uber lab. It has a pretty fast attack speed with 1.45 which is also good as I am still using life gain on hit. I one shot uber lab this time around on my first attempt. This may not sound like much of an achievement for some people but it was pretty cool for me as it usually takes me multiple attempts or a much higher level to complete.

On a side note, can anyone tell me how to link my gear on the forums? I really wanted to link my hiltless reaver here but I do not know how. I would also like some opinions on what to upgrade next. Thank you in advance. This build and the forums posts related to it have been fantastic.
Samir316 wrote:
Shaddolf wrote:
So uh, this happened;

You should focus on
- Getting more movement speed. With 20% boots only, -10% from chest and no devotos, your clear speed will be turtle paced.
- Replacing Hezmana with a disfavour (eventually).

Brassdome is not a great Cyclone chest because of MS penalty and no life roll. It makes it really hard to fit in a Devotos and a Voidheart which hurts a lot at end game. The armour isnt super amazing at end game compared to endurance charges, basalt, etc., at least until they change how armour works. Thats why Im really a fan of Kaoms Heart on life 2hd builds. Esp for Cyclone, which doesnt need a single target skill, just a conc effect gem swap.

But since yours is a 6L you may as well use it, I would definitely pick up Armour Mastery (3% movement) and the Dex node near templar (3% movement) though to make it a little smoother. And that level of armour is fine for up to t10-ish maps, including Uber lab where the chest really will help on Izaro.

Catching back up here, but the reason I suggested Brass Dome is because he's a Juggernaut. First, he gets double armor off of it, which is a huge amount, and second, he can't be slowed below base movespeed, so having low movespeed bonuses isn't nearly the hinderance it is for regular Cyclone builds. In fact, it can actually speed up Cyclone if you don't have any movespeed, and you can always use quicksilver flasks (I run two of them while mapping easier content).

Kaom's Heart is decent, but unfortunately a bit of a dated build now, since Cyclone can actually make great use out of the extra links (totem support).
Last edited by Archimtiros on Mar 15, 2017, 4:43:42 AM
Shaddolf wrote:
So uh, this happened;

Just chasing a new rare belt now! and still need to sort out my gems properly. This is what I have now;

I levelled up and put one point into +10dex passive so I could use my gems which I lost the ability to use, having lost devoto's dex.

So still need a herald of ash in there. Going back over Arch's post, I should put in a L1 CWDT and L1 warlord's mark to replace my current warlord's and blasphemy? Then I still have 3 empty slots in my helm - can toss in herald of ash, arctic armor and what for the last spot?

Also I just checked the OP here again and it says to remove the life on hit after lvl80; as I'm now 82, I should put in a weapon ele damage instead of it?

I don't run life on hit at all even at lower levels, but it's all based on whenever you feel like you're safe without it. At higher levels, you tend to operate well enough off of life regeneration and leech that LGOH is redundant.

If you're gonna use HoA, AA, and Hatred, you'll need Blood Magic to use Blood Rage. Regarding your extra links, I run Warchief Totem for extra damage against strong targets.

I'd also still recommend pushing for more health on your rares. Armor should be less of a concern with Unbreakable-Dome, but you could double to triple the amount of max life on most of your gear fairly easily.
Last edited by Archimtiros on Mar 15, 2017, 5:23:03 AM
Rahana wrote:
I have a few quick questions in regards to this build that have been asnwered in the past 10 pages, but I just want to check on them.

I have played Cyclone (NGMANGHAGMAHU Raider) in Breach and enjoyed it immensely, but ultimately dropped it due to being too fast for my friends to play in groups. Lately I was thinking of starting SSF Legacy SC character and since my "main" is a caster, I wanted a melee. I fell in love with Cyclone last league so I want to give Cyclone a try and this was the first build I was able to find that does not rely on specific items.

Disclaimer before questions: I do not intend to push it as hard as I can. If at some point I see that I can no longer SSF (red maps+) then I will just drop it to Legacy SC.

- uniques and SSF: From what I understand, this build does not require anything specific (although uniques help) therefore it's suitable for SSF fun?
- expectations: my expectation is the build should be able to carry me as SSF to red maps. That is all I am asking, anything above that I take as bonus. Any feedback on that?
- ascendancy: with SSF in mind, would Slayer still be the best choice? What is the difference between Slayer and Champion? Both mechanics of the ascendancies seem intriguing.
- weapon type: What do you suggest I should focus on in the end? For me, Axes seem the most fun items, but I would like to get professional opinion what would be best choice for possible/cheaper line of upgrades, if applicable.


The build works fine for SSF, though (like most builds) you'll hit a speed bump once you get into maps until you find a good weapon.

Since we can assume you'll be playing with rares more than unique weapons, any of them are viable really, though Swords tend to be the weaker option due to not needing accuracy. If you're using Maces you'll have access to Vaal Ground Slam, but you're probably using those links for a Totem anyway. Personally, I suggest simply not investing in weapon nodes until you have a weapon worth doing so.

Likewise, Slayer is fine. Champion is a good ascendancy - stronger than most people think (I actually clock it as slightly higher overall dps than Slayer, especially pre-6L) though it lacks cull which is very strong against bosses, and defensively Champion focuses on mitigating damage via increased armor&evasion rather than healing via leech (which is strong against degen, etc). Ultimately, I can't really say which is strictly better, but both can be strong in their own rights.

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