(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

kjl1023 wrote:
im new to path of exile and wanted to try out this build and im in the process of leveling

im level 50 right now and was looking under the leveling section

my question is that I seem to be doing alot more damage with sunder linked with added fire damage support and faster attacks than i am with cyclone linked with blood magic and life on hit support

the guide says to swap to cyclone once your 28 but im still using sunder

am i doing something wrong?

I had the same problem, but I just gathered enough currency to buy a good weapon.
I'm having tons of fun!
The weapon I bought is this one:

You can get it pretty cheap for 1-2 Chaos
nvm found answers in previous posts!
Last edited by SoundwaveOiA on Mar 24, 2017, 10:30:35 AM
Is anyone able to write an order that the cyclone gems are best upgraded in using GCPs?

Cyclone first? Then which support?
Hello i have been playing a juggernaut cyclone build for a while now. My first poe character.

I can easily play maps up to tier 9-10 solo, but can't break t11.

As for gear i have a 5link kaom's chopper 220%phys and 5-link belly of the beast.
Can i link my items somehow to this post?

My question is would i benefit more if i followed this guide instead of my skill tree?

Here's my current tree.


Last edited by Ensi101 on Mar 25, 2017, 12:30:15 PM
RudeLion wrote:
not sure what i'm doing wrong with this but i seem to get one shot by just about anything, I hit lvl 87 and that seems to be the end of the viability for this. do i need the 500+ exalts for the op gear or what?

I have the same problem, Shit seems to keep 1 shotting me =/
Last edited by hampish92 on Mar 26, 2017, 9:37:44 AM
Would like some advice on gear to upgrade and how, love the build good job!

What level content are you running? I just levelled from 89 to 90 without a death, running t11-13 maps

Also I'm curious as to why blood magic gem is even really a thing in the guide for this build - the blood magic skill is so easy to pick up and surely it's better to lose a passive point than it is to lose an offensive support gem.
Last edited by Shaddolf on Mar 27, 2017, 12:32:24 AM
Hello, on the skill tree above the resolute technique passive, you take 3 life nodes, with Devotion passive.

Why not go instead for the 3 endurance charge nodes just below ?
Someone probably already asked this, but there are alot of pages. I see you listed a ton of weapon skills (axe, Mace, etc). Which is probably better or easier to use in terms of currency?

I dont have a ton of currency to spend on crafting high level rares, are useful axes more abundant later on, or does the culling strike from Maces make that big of a difference that I should just go maces?

Might seem like a loaded question, but I just started this league and am learning everything.
ok so I finally saved up enough and bought a 6L disfavour axe. I forgot that coming from Hezmana axe that I was effectively doing from a 6L to a 5L due to the fact that I now have to have a blood magic gem, so the upgrade wasn't as big as I was hoping for :(

It does mean that I have 2 6L items now and currently only actually using 4 of the 6 links on my chest. How can I best setup my gems from here?


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