(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Why are there builds with mace included? Why is it consodeted helpful unique? Maybe I don't play path of economy like you and can't afford a t1 weapon in a week of playing. Reason I picked marohi? 1c dirt cheap and guide says its helpful. I started league mid January. My juggernaut build with lot of effort managed most red maps as I said.

I am using a Juggernaut right now in LSC, and I used a 2c Doomsower to get to Yellow maps. After which I got a Hezmana. The end game weapon is obviously Disfavour, but I don't see what you're getting at. Im comfortably doing yellows with bad gear (no attack speed on gloves, 4 affix belt, no quality on helm, etc). Im not even res-capped unless Im at 6 endurance charges.

The only notable item here is a 5L coil which cost me a few chaos recipes and I linked myself. Rings, helm, belt were all self-found.

I dont even have my 4th ascendancy yet which will give me another 42% increased damage from endurance charges, and my tooltip is 35k, more than enough for yellows.

So obviously this build has room to grow into a red map farmer. The fact you didnt manage to do it is no indictment of the build, but of your lack of understanding in the game. Like you haven't realized Herald of Ash at 25% res is better than Anger at 50% res on a Marohi Erqi. The reason why added flat damage sucks on high base damage is basic math. So as I said in my previous post, stick to cookie cutter builds so you don't have to make any such choices.

Lighty's guide is too flexible for you and you make incorrect choices. Stick to Ngahamu where you can have your axe, amulet, gem links, ascendancy, ascendancy choices, tree, flasks etc., all perfectly outlined for you and you can just copy it like a non-sentient robot and say "Im good at video games" to yourself.

I start to use this build in Legacy League and really new to this build. I am wearing lightning coil which everybody says that it is suitable for melee build. Then the lightning resistance becomes my biggest problem for leveling. I just wonder how I can improve my lightning resistance quickly. Thanks.

Its not popular, but if you are using Blood Magic Support, you can pick up the templar aura reservation cluster fit in a 35% reservation. Currently I am using Warlord+Blasphemy on a juggernaut. If I manage to pick up a Red Dream to make on kill endurance charges, I will try out Purity of Lightning. This should make my maximum lightning resist 80%, while also shifting 30% of my physical, resulting in a net mitigation of 24% before armour, charges and fortify. It also counter-acts the heavy downside of lightning coil.

The other solution is to stack lightning resists on gear, which isnt hard since this is an RT build and doesnt need crit, crit multi or accuracy.
Last edited by Samir316 on Mar 8, 2017, 11:13:27 AM
Just because a build guide says its uber lab / atziri / etc viable on a budget doesn't mean your going to go in and one shot the boss.

You need some skill and competence to defeat uber lab / atziri / etc with just about any budget build BUT the fact that it is doable on a budget makes it viable.

Really nice build so far, im enjoying it.
I can see the earthquake setup in your gear section, so i wanna ask - is it better for uberlab farming or i should stick to cyclone?

What do you think of new carnage heart amulet for this build ?


What do you think of new carnage heart amulet for this build ?

It's alright as an early map/starter unique, but not very good late game.

While the bonus attributes and Elemental resists help offset the loss of what you might typically look for in a neck slot, the other bonuses aren't as great as their opportunity costs.

The extra leech isn't very impactful for a Slayer (though would be of some use against single target enemies when not using Writhing Jar, or to non-Slayers), making it of questionable usefulness.

Meanwhile, 35% increased damage is decent, but only comes out to (in my calcs) ~3% overall DPS increase; less than you'd get out of a high rolled +phys damage rare neck.

Most importantly, like many uniques, it lacks +Life, and frankly you want as much of that as possible. There are much better uniques to wear for damage (Devoto's), and in my opinion the increased leech doesn't come close to competing with the extra life and increased resists you'd get out of even a cheap rare amulet.
Really nice build so far, im enjoying it.
I can see the earthquake setup in your gear section, so i wanna ask - is it better for uberlab farming or i should stick to cyclone?

Either work fine. EQ may be the slightest bit safer due to range; though if you're good at dodging mechanics, I find Cyclone to be very effective against Izaro.
Last edited by yyamamotoo1 on Mar 11, 2017, 8:10:38 PM
Oops, beauty? Can someone help me to optimize my char? I'm following the build but I think I can improve many things just do not know what.

As I do not know how to link the items here could enter the acc and look at the char ILIKECHURRASCO = ILIKEBARBECUE

Tks guys
Hi, I've been playing for 2 weeks and this is my first/only real character and wondering if I can get some feedback on what I should be looking to upgrade and what to? So far I know I need gloves similar to what I have but not corrupted, but otherwise not sure where I need to put effort;


Any suggestions appreciation, cheers!

Last edited by Shaddolf on Mar 11, 2017, 10:41:11 PM
Shaddolf wrote:
Hi, I've been playing for 2 weeks and this is my first/only real character and wondering if I can get some feedback on what I should be looking to upgrade and what to? So far I know I need gloves similar to what I have but not corrupted, but otherwise not sure where I need to put effort;


Any suggestions appreciation, cheers!

Push more +life, and armor on your gloves/boots. Your gear isn't bad, but it's mostly low rolls, so there's room for improvement.

Interesting choice on Belt of the Deceiver. I'm a bit torn; the resists and life are low, but gaining intimidate and reduced extra damage from crits is nice... still I'd think I'd drop it in exchange for a good rare belt and try to pick up Brass Dome instead.

Speaking of Brass Dome, it's going to cost you a few regrets, but I'd highly recommend changing your ascendancy nodes. Unrelenting is priority - it's a major part of what makes Juggernaut strong (maintaining full Endurance charges). If you're not going to be able to do Uber Lab anytime soon, I'd recommend swapping Unyielding for it asap; it's going to give you more damage and more defense overall. Once you get to the point of doing Uber Lab (I'd suggest whenever you pick up a high armor chest piece like Brass Dome), I'd suggest taking Unbreakable instead of Unyielding with your final points; the increased armor will be worth it.

Finally, I'd recommend you change up your gems. There's really no reason to run Blasphemy - Warlords Mark, when you can just as easily run it on a L1 CWDT and use Herald of Ash instead. L1 and L20 Warlord's Mark offer the same leech, while L1 has only 9% less stun threshold and chance for endurance charge (21% vice 30%; keep in mind that Juggernaut will often sit at maximum E.Charges with Unrelenting anyway). Running Arctic Armor with the last 25% mana is optional, it's not very impactful since Cyclone is always moving, but there's no reason not to, and you can simply link Blood Rage & Golem with Blood Magic. If you end up dropping Hezmana and don't want to run Blood Magic supports for your attacks, you can also consider dropping Arctic Armor and running Cyclone off mana with a small amount of leech, though it's a bit tight if you ever end up spinning without hitting anything.

HoA will add much needed damage, but you can also run Ancestral Warchief totem on a 4-6L if you'd like. It's a bit annoying to put down, but adds a nice chunk of damage and it's classified as an attack, so Hezmana makes it free.

One last thing to consider - you might consider running Veruso's Battering Rams instead of Devoto's Devotion (ie: using a good rare hat instead of rare gloves, a redblade helm would fit nicely). Since Unstoppable keeps your Cyclone at 100% movespeed, stacking movespeed is less important than for other ascendancies (though still useful if you get enough of it, you just don't need a base amount of it), and the anti-shock would synergize quite well with Brass Dome, while the increased stun duration is nullified by Cyclone/Unbreakable. Ultimately, I don't know if it's the best option, but it'd certainly be an interesting one, at least if you end up using Dome and you find Shock to be prohibitively debilitating. That said, resists and life are your number one priority.
Last edited by Archimtiros on Mar 12, 2017, 4:30:53 AM

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