(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™


The build can easily be used with Earthquake instead of Cyclone, though you'll want to change up some of the gem links.

Slayer is typically agreed upon to be the best Ascendancy. Having played both, I really favor Champion as well, especially for ease of use as it doesn't require you to chain kills for maximum benefit. Berserker and Juggernaut are also acceptable alternatives. My advice is to not worry so much about what's "best", as that's a very fluid concept in PoE, and instead pick whatever you think will work for you the best.

* Slayer offers everything Cyclone wants - attack/movespeed, inc AoE, Leech, and Bleed immunity. However, Slayer requires you to chain pull, if you're a slower player who doesn't rush from pack to pack, or tries to pick up everything, you might not get the best use out of it.
* Champion is straightforward and consistent. Free Fortify gives you an extra gem link (ie: you don't have to use the fortify gem), and it offers a good mix of damage & defense.
* Berserker is the powerhouse - highest damage potential, but also offers the little defensive benefits.
* Juggernaut is the opposite of Berserker - little offense, but the highest defense.

Thank you, very much appreciate the info, still trying to "find my footing" in this game and this has been super helpful.

Just realized Archi educating me another game ~_~ lol, cheers!
WarriorGuts wrote:
Thank you, very much appreciate the info, still trying to "find my footing" in this game and this has been super helpful.

Just realized Archi educating me another game ~_~ lol, cheers!

I'm always watching! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Otherwise you have little damage with your Cyclone ,no matter what you do. Your auras take shitton of mana and if you don't have Blood Magic on Cyclone ,forget spamming even if you have boot encahnt ,two fingers mana gain on hit and also jewels. A 5 -link Cyclone just takes too much mana ,so you just have to go with BM to use Cyclone. So I just stuck to Anger/Hatred and Herald of Ash.

I've been playing this build for basically 2 years - you have tried it for 1 league.

Maybe you just did it wrong?

First of all, you are using Anger + Marohi Erqi and a physically-scaled tree. This set-up leads me to believe your understanding of mechanics is rather poor. Herald of Ash is the natural choice as it scales off the melee physical damage of Cyclone.

Anger is a flat scaled fire damage added to attacks, and it is better with small but high-frequency hits. But then, you use one of the slowest, highest-base damage items in the game, Marohi. If you want to use Anger on Cyclone, the best config would be dual wielded elemental foils with t1 attack speed where you pick up elemental scaling for both your attack and your aura, and that is a whole other (and 10x more expensive build).

Now the use of Marohi itself is also a terrible choice (regardless of Aura). The best scalar of damage for a 2h cyclone build is attack speed, because it already has high base damage. Marohi is good for slow, big hit skills like Earthquake, or builds that rely on killing with as few hits as possible like Flicker Strike.

On the choice of ascendancy, well, several of us were doing red maps even prior to ascendancy at all. I was doing T13 maps with a Marauder and a Doomsower in early 2015.

We are day 3 into Legacy and you should already be able to afford a Kaom's Primacy if not a Hezmana. If not - there are tons of cheap options including high dps rare items.

Regarding mana issues, it is not really recommended to run Cyclone on Mana early on, because it requires sustain which is hard to get from Marauder start. OTOH, you can use Hatred+HOA+Blasphemy+Vulnerability with just the templar mana res nodes, and this will give you more damage than Anger. Also, it is a defensive choice, because Cyclone prevents stuns and you therefore have less of a chance to die while Cycloning. And if you run out of mana, you will eventually get stunned, even with 8k life. OTOH, use of blood magic support generally means you can cyclone without ever needing to leech.

These are all subtleties of the build you missed. So don't blame the build. It has stood the test of time. Ask yourself why you are running a setup with no life on chest, no life on helm, a slow mace, master crafted life on a bunch of slots, the incorrect aura and then come back and criticize the build.

Now as it regards ascendancy, you do realize that every single one of them makes Cyclone better. And if this build can do red maps without any allocated ascendancy, that means any ascendancy can do reds. You just have to build around it. For example, as a juggernaut, focus on picking up endurance charges which will also scale your damage, but because it offers so much defense, you can actually drop some toughness on the tree and get more offense or AoE (such as using Vulnerability and mana res reduction instead of life nodes).

You ran a Berserker and are running an Armour chest made for Juggernauts. Berserker is best at not getting 1-shot and leeching it back. This suggests Berserker is better done with a Kaoms Heart and picking up leech nodes. You picked a damage ascendancy and then didn't work with that ascendancy's main tools (leech!).

Ngahamu is a strong build, but it requires very specific uniques to work. Some people don't like that. But looking at your gearing choices and how little you get the game, you are probably better off sticking to absolutely cookie cutter builds where you need to know nothing, understand nothing and everything is spoonfed to you.

Last edited by Samir316 on Mar 6, 2017, 5:38:52 PM

i just started to play this game 3 days ago. i just finished normal act 4. currently i am lvl 41. At first i was spending my points just the way i liked. later i found out that you can't reset it so i thought i was f+++ed. Luckily i found this build around lvl 25. When i checked the talent tree i noticed that i put almost all my points like in your build except for like 4. So i thought i just take this one and see how it goes.

So far i like the cyclone build and i am looking forward to maxing out the talent tree.

Now that i finished normal difficulty i went ahead and bought all the missing gems. And here comes my problem.

How am i supposed to use all these gems on cyclone?

I have

- life gain on hit
- fortify
- blood magic
- weapon elemental damage
- 2x melee physical damage

Am I even supposed to use all of them at the same time and all on cylcone?

I'm a bit lost here. I thought maybe i had to use 2 cyclone gems but that doesnt work lol.

Thanks in advance!
madnardos wrote:

i just started to play this game 3 days ago. i just finished normal act 4. currently i am lvl 41. At first i was spending my points just the way i liked. later i found out that you can't reset it so i thought i was f+++ed. Luckily i found this build around lvl 25. When i checked the talent tree i noticed that i put almost all my points like in your build except for like 4. So i thought i just take this one and see how it goes.

So far i like the cyclone build and i am looking forward to maxing out the talent tree.

Now that i finished normal difficulty i went ahead and bought all the missing gems. And here comes my problem.

How am i supposed to use all these gems on cyclone?

I have

- life gain on hit
- fortify
- blood magic
- weapon elemental damage
- 2x melee physical damage

Am I even supposed to use all of them at the same time and all on cylcone?

I'm a bit lost here. I thought maybe i had to use 2 cyclone gems but that doesnt work lol.

Thanks in advance!

Using a life gain on hit, blood magic and fortify with your cyclone should easily get you to the act 4 merciless.
madnardos wrote:

i just started to play this game 3 days ago. i just finished normal act 4. currently i am lvl 41. At first i was spending my points just the way i liked. later i found out that you can't reset it so i thought i was f+++ed. Luckily i found this build around lvl 25. When i checked the talent tree i noticed that i put almost all my points like in your build except for like 4. So i thought i just take this one and see how it goes.

So far i like the cyclone build and i am looking forward to maxing out the talent tree.

Now that i finished normal difficulty i went ahead and bought all the missing gems. And here comes my problem.

How am i supposed to use all these gems on cyclone?

I have

- life gain on hit
- fortify
- blood magic
- weapon elemental damage
- 2x melee physical damage

Am I even supposed to use all of them at the same time and all on cylcone?

I'm a bit lost here. I thought maybe i had to use 2 cyclone gems but that doesnt work lol.

Thanks in advance!

Hey dude, the Cyclone set up at the top of the guide just lists the gems in order of priority, the max number of gems you can have on gear is 6 (with either chest or 2h weapon). So starting off for this build the good solid core is a 4 link Cyclone + Blood Magic + Fortify + Life Gain on Hit, this will take you far. Don't worry about adding more gems until you progress further but the best one to add for the 5th link would be Melee Phys. And only 1 skill gem (Cyclone) is needed, hehe.

Feel free to shoot me any questions or add me IG, i'm pretty new to PoE also, have been running this as my 2nd ever proper build SSF HC, so far so good. Thanks for the sweet guide Lighty, interested to see 2.6 passive updates
Let me tell you this in case you didn't get it earlier. The build is great, but not as marauder starter with those instructions. Figures out you "elites" would know what to ignore from the provided information in OC post.After so many leauges playing this build I'd be surprised if you didn't.

Like weapon to use and not to use. In the post its described what weapons (t1 end game) we should aim for and then helpful uniques to help us meanwhile. Do you think to some noob like me, I should know not to pick marohi?

Why are there builds with mace included? Why is it consodeted helpful unique? Maybe I don't play path of economy like you and can't afford a t1 weapon in a week of playing. Reason I picked marohi? 1c dirt cheap and guide says its helpful. I started league mid January. My juggernaut build with lot of effort managed most red maps as I said.

Also I ran with hatred and hoa as the build said. No curse because I don't have atziri axe and i am marauder which is life build.

And for that specific idiot that didn't read my post, you are fucking idiot not to release I "bankrupted" by using whatever currency I had to make Juggernaut work.

I just gave up after a few days playing as Berserker when I realised I actually ended up worse than Juggernaut. The gear and currency I had also made me further drop this char.

So I will say this so other people don't end up dissapointed like me !

This is far from a budget build as Marauder.

This build can take you to red maps.
Can it farm Atziri normal? Very hard if you don't have end-game weapon.
Can it farm reliably Uber Lab with all keys? Highly unlikely ,it is already hard with no extra keys/powers ,because it's just as much a gear check for Marauder as Uber Atziri is.

There are plenty of builds that truly can farm Uber Lab and reg atziri on budget ,this one is NOT one of them.

If you know how to shuffle as Path of Economy and get an end-game weapon in a week, which for a new League, its most likely Atziri's Disfavour Axe ,then this build is for you.

Or if you are some noob who just wanted to have fun and reach end-game with this fun cyclone skill ,then I'd recommend you to do brainlessly Chaos recipe for a month before you can buy a an end-game weapon. If you don't have much time to play per day ,you'd understand how unfun the second choice is. (My currency came dropped because I can't shuffle.As I said earlier I bought chest and taste of hate ,that's all).
Last edited by Lafielaq on Mar 7, 2017, 1:26:27 PM
Lafielaq wrote:

I just gave up after a few days playing as Berserker when I realised I actually ended up worse than Juggernaut. The gear and currency I had also made me further drop this char.

So I will say this so other people don't end up dissapointed like me !

This is far from a budget build as Marauder.

This build can take you to red maps.
Can it farm Atziri normal? Very hard if you don't have end-game weapon.
Can it farm reliably Uber Lab with all keys? Highly unlikely ,it is already hard with no extra keys/powers ,because it's just as much a gear check for Marauder as Uber Atziri is.

There are plenty of builds that truly can farm Uber Lab and reg atziri on budget ,this one is NOT one of them.

If you know how to shuffle as Path of Economy and get an end-game weapon in a week, which for a new League, its most likely Atziri's Disfavour Axe ,then this build is for you.

Or if you are some noob who just wanted to have fun and reach end-game with this fun cyclone skill ,then I'd recommend you to do brainlessly Chaos recipe for a month before you can buy a an end-game weapon. If you don't have much time to play per day ,you'd understand how unfun the second choice is. (My currency came dropped because I can't shuffle.As I said earlier I bought chest and taste of hate ,that's all).

Cutting out the more insulting portions of your post; I still fail to realize why you cite this as an issue with Marauders. The build works perfectly fine as Marauder, and you already said you had some success as a Juggernaut, even though you didn't follow the build plan.

If you do follow it, the build can easily farm normal Atziri with a mid-tier weapon (Kaoms, Hezmana, even Erqi); it certainly doesn't require Disfavour as I've done it many times playing largely SSF. That said, as stated in the guide, Atziri is not a fight which you Cyclone through like it's a normal map and expect to win; the mechanics quite simply aren't designed that way.

Likewise, the build can easily farm Uber Labs without a "T1 weapon", though it does take a bit more gear for survivability concerns - this isn't so much a weakness of the build as a simple fact of playing melee in Path of Exile. Note that Juggernaut is actually one of, if not the, overall best Ascendancies in the game for Uber Labs, so I'm not really sure why you think that this build "doesn't work with Marauder".

Finally, the build has never been promoted as an Uber Atziri farmer, and if you bothered to read through the guide in the first place, you'll note it specifically states that it's not efficient or set-up in any way to take her on.

Neither I, nor anyone else, can really help it if you can't understand the difference between "league starter/easy build" and "afk farming Uber Atziri". They aren't the same thing, and extremely few builds in the game could ever hope to be.

In closing, none of the issues you've cited have anything to do with starting as a Marauder, as they're all issues you would have encountered had you started as Duelist, Ranger, Scion, or any other class. Your true issue is that you failed to follow the guides advice, and instead of coming here to look for help/improvement, decided to come bitch that you didn't get what you wanted. Maybe the build simply isn't for you, but that's not necessarily the builds fault, as many others have managed to be quite successful with it.
Last edited by Archimtiros on Mar 8, 2017, 5:53:46 AM
I start to use this build in Legacy League and really new to this build. I am wearing lightning coil which everybody says that it is suitable for melee build. Then the lightning resistance becomes my biggest problem for leveling. I just wonder how I can improve my lightning resistance quickly. Thanks.
Aaronnonono wrote:
I start to use this build in Legacy League and really new to this build. I am wearing lightning coil which everybody says that it is suitable for melee build. Then the lightning resistance becomes my biggest problem for leveling. I just wonder how I can improve my lightning resistance quickly. Thanks.

I wouldn't really call Lightning Coil a leveling unique (although I guess it depends on what you define as "leveling"; I guess technically going from 70-90+ could still be considered leveling, despite being more or less a part of end-game content).

Anyway, the reduced resists are definitely the drawback for using Lightning Coil, but there's no real secret to compensating for it - you simply need to get more Lightning Resists on your gear!

If you're having trouble with gear, you can also always try using a resist jewel or two. It's not quite an ideal use of a jewel slot, but it's an easy spot for customization until your gear catches up.

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