(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Any impact to Cyclone after that AoE Changes?
Probably gonna run this for Legacy League. Thanks for updating your guide Lighty, you 'da best ;) !
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updating with whatever new info we dont know about and uniques in real-time so checkup for any big changes over the next few days
Last edited by Lighty on Mar 3, 2017, 1:01:45 PM
what do you think about swords after 2.6 changes? worth dropping resolute technique?
Last edited by Enrovy on Mar 3, 2017, 7:46:54 PM
Hi, I'm a new player so apology in advance if any of this is common knowledge/stupid questions. First, thank you for very much for the build just a few questions.

I notice in your gear looking at the gems I don't see Cyclone but I do see Earthquake, is this bugged or do you use both?

Also I saw an earlier question about which is best ascendancy class and I believe you answered Slayer, does this mean that Duelist would be best to start with overall?

My main goal is just a two handed weapon melee build that is enjoyable doesn't require tons of specific gear, not being squishy is nice too ;) But I think this seems like a good build for me just wanted to be clear on a few things before I jump in, thanks!
WarriorGuts wrote:
Hi, I'm a new player so apology in advance if any of this is common knowledge/stupid questions. First, thank you for very much for the build just a few questions.

I notice in your gear looking at the gems I don't see Cyclone but I do see Earthquake, is this bugged or do you use both?

Also I saw an earlier question about which is best ascendancy class and I believe you answered Slayer, does this mean that Duelist would be best to start with overall?

My main goal is just a two handed weapon melee build that is enjoyable doesn't require tons of specific gear, not being squishy is nice too ;) But I think this seems like a good build for me just wanted to be clear on a few things before I jump in, thanks!

The build can easily be used with Earthquake instead of Cyclone, though you'll want to change up some of the gem links.

Slayer is typically agreed upon to be the best Ascendancy. Having played both, I really favor Champion as well, especially for ease of use as it doesn't require you to chain kills for maximum benefit. Berserker and Juggernaut are also acceptable alternatives. My advice is to not worry so much about what's "best", as that's a very fluid concept in PoE, and instead pick whatever you think will work for you the best.

* Slayer offers everything Cyclone wants - attack/movespeed, inc AoE, Leech, and Bleed immunity. However, Slayer requires you to chain pull, if you're a slower player who doesn't rush from pack to pack, or tries to pick up everything, you might not get the best use out of it.
* Champion is straightforward and consistent. Free Fortify gives you an extra gem link (ie: you don't have to use the fortify gem), and it offers a good mix of damage & defense.
* Berserker is the powerhouse - highest damage potential, but also offers the little defensive benefits.
* Juggernaut is the opposite of Berserker - little offense, but the highest defense.
Last edited by Archimtiros on Mar 5, 2017, 2:47:20 AM
Hello there all, I still kinda new to PoE and all these posting and guides are really great boost to us newbies!!! Thank you lighty for this. Just wondering if the changes been made to the passive tree yet?

Cheers and ty
Is it difficult to respec into a ngamahu build?
I don't recommend this build as league starter. Especially as Marauder. Ngmahu's flame Cyclon as Scion is much better. I played this in Breach and let me tell you how it went - a huge disappointment !

For this build to work as your league starter you have to be good trader and really lucky and buy the build -centered , Atziri's Disfavour.

Otherwise you have little damage with your Cyclone ,no matter what you do. Your auras take shitton of mana and if you don't have Blood Magic on Cyclone ,forget spamming even if you have boot encahnt ,two fingers mana gain on hit and also jewels. A 5 -link Cyclone just takes too much mana ,so you just have to go with BM to use Cyclone. So I just stuck to Anger/Hatred and Herald of Ash.

I was Juggernaut at first and I had to ask for help for Uber Lab since I just couldn't do it because I thought instant EC node was to be taken last ,but it's wrong. You gotta take that by Merci! It's really a tremendous help.

Even with lots of Uniques ,like Veruso's battering rams ,that helm , my damage just wasn't enough to deal with most red maps bosses. I went with the cheap unique Marohi Erqi because despite having -10 AS% ,it had increased AoE and great phys dmg which for me it's the top damage for "cheap build" before getting Atziri's Disfavour axe.

For flasks I have Taste of Hate , Atziri's flask and onslaught flask to boost DMG ,other two are utility.

I 5-linked my Marohi and used Fortitude on leap slam+end charges setup ,but it still wasn't enough to boost damage.
Some are piece of cake other are not - I killed Kaom t15 without a problem. But most bosses are just insane and not forgiving to low damage.

Later decided maybe Juggernaut isn't fit for this build and spend shitton of regrets to convert to Berserker. A little more damage and a lot more deaths was the result.

So the key to this build is having either a Mirrored weapon or Atziri's Disfavour Axe.
And of course 6 -link.

I am not a good trader and most of my currency had dropped. As for chest I went with The Brass Dome because for defense this item is superb for Cyclone Marauder.

As Juggernaut I specced in EC nodes and I had like 8 Endurance Chargers. I had max RES ,chaos res 45% and with flask even Chaos Res was 75% !

Juggernaut is way tankier and does almost just as much damage as Berserker Ascendancy.
Berserker is useless on single reflect map. With juggernaut I managed double reflect (life leech and life gain on hit instead of melee phys dmg and added fire dmg).

I used all 8 portals to do normal Atziri with Life Gain on Hit ,how can I even dream of taking down Uber Atziri?

Fuck this "☠Great For Legacy league☠ Atziri Farming,Budget,Uber Lab,Eazy" build

The wall for this build to do every content is the weapon and you need shitton of currency to buy a good one.
Can do all map mods as Juggernaut ,but that doesn't include all red maps. Again because of low damage and weapon. If I had a top tier weapon I wouldn't write this ,but this clicky-baity build got me and left me dissapointed so :


This is not a Budget Marauder build. Maybe another class can use this one as Budget but certanly not a Marauder !
Honestly I feel this build should be removed from the Marauder section because all I see being discussed in this thread that's its great when used other X class and ascendancy ,just not any Marauder based one . This clicky-baity title tilted me pretty hard when all was over.

Those who can play Path of Economy and get enough currency for their first league starter char to buy a fucking tier 1 weapon are probably using an Uber Lab farmer like Whispering Ice build -because it would be 10x times easier than using this one.

Last edited by Lafielaq on Mar 5, 2017, 3:00:47 PM
Lafielaq wrote:
I don't recommend this build as league starter. Especially as Marauder. Ngmahu's flame Cyclon as Scion is much better. I played this in Breach and let me tell you how it went - a huge disappointment !

For this build to work as your league starter you have to be good trader and really lucky and buy the build -centered , Atziri's Disfavour.

Otherwise you have little damage with your Cyclone ,no matter what you do. Your auras take shitton of mana and if you don't have Blood Magic on Cyclone ,forget spamming even if you have boot encahnt ,two fingers mana gain on hit and also jewels. A 5 -link Cyclone just takes too much mana ,so you just have to go with BM to use Cyclone. So I just stuck to Anger/Hatred and Herald of Ash.

I was Juggernaut at first and I had to ask for help for Uber Lab since I just couldn't do it because I thought instant EC node was to be taken last ,but it's wrong. You gotta take that by Merci! It's really a tremendous help.

Even with lots of Uniques ,like Veruso's battering rams ,that helm , my damage just wasn't enough to deal with most red maps bosses. I went with the cheap unique Marohi Erqi because despite having -10 AS% ,it had increased AoE and great phys dmg which for me it's the top damage for "cheap build" before getting Atziri's Disfavour axe.

For flasks I have Taste of Hate , Atziri's flask and onslaught flask to boost DMG ,other two are utility.

I 5-linked my Marohi and used Fortitude on leap slam+end charges setup ,but it still wasn't enough to boost damage.
Some are piece of cake other are not - I killed Kaom t15 without a problem. But most bosses are just insane and not forgiving to low damage.

Later decided maybe Juggernaut isn't fit for this build and spend shitton of regrets to convert to Berserker. A little more damage and a lot more deaths was the result.

So the key to this build is having either a Mirrored weapon or Atziri's Disfavour Axe.
And of course 6 -link.

I am not a good trader and most of my currency had dropped. As for chest I went with The Brass Dome because for defense this item is superb for Cyclone Marauder.

As Juggernaut I specced in EC nodes and I had like 8 Endurance Chargers. I had max RES ,chaos res 45% and with flask even Chaos Res was 75% !

Juggernaut is way tankier and does almost just as much damage as Berserker Ascendancy.
Berserker is useless on single reflect map. With juggernaut I managed double reflect (life leech and life gain on hit instead of melee phys dmg and added fire dmg).

I used all 8 portals to do normal Atziri with Life Gain on Hit ,how can I even dream of taking down Uber Atziri?

Fuck this "☠Great For Legacy league☠ Atziri Farming,Budget,Uber Lab,Eazy" build

The wall for this build to do every content is the weapon and you need shitton of currency to buy a good one.
Can do all map mods as Juggernaut ,but that doesn't include all red maps. Again because of low damage and weapon. If I had a top tier weapon I wouldn't write this ,but this clicky-baity build got me and left me dissapointed so :


This is not a Budget Marauder build. Maybe another class can use this one as Budget but certanly not a Marauder !
Honestly I feel this build should be removed from the Marauder section because all I see being discussed in this thread that's its great when used other X class and ascendancy ,just not any Marauder based one . This clicky-baity title tilted me pretty hard when all was over.

Those who can play Path of Economy and get enough currency for their first league starter char to buy a fucking tier 1 weapon are probably using an Uber Lab farmer like Whispering Ice build -because it would be 10x times easier than using this one.

First off, just because one build might be considered strictly "better" doesn't mean another build is necessarily "bad".

Second, this guide was made long before Ascendancy was a thing, and at the time Marauder had the best start. While it could be recreated and placed in the (eg) Duelist section, it still very much works with Marauder Ascendancies, which you might expect from an "easy/jack-of-all-trades" build.

Third, Disfavour certainly isn't "required" by any means, and your use of Marohi Erqi (which is specifically mentioned as not a great choice) was the wrong one. Hezmana's Bloodlust is your pre-Disfavour weapon, being both cheap and effective (not too far behind Disfavour actually).

Finally, just because the build has more expensive options doesn't mean they are required; Disfavour certainly is not. The build is labeled as "budget" because it doesn't require any said items to succeed - as evidenced by your own admission that you're able to do T15 maps despite unoptimized gear. The build is further labeled "easy" because it's simple to play. It may not be the build for you, but that certainly can't be considered the fault of the build.

It seems your real problem is with Ascendancies - you bemoan that Juggernaut is tanky yet weak, while Berserker is strong yet rippy... when that's the best way to describe both those Ascendancies, regardless of what build or skill you're using. The idea is to build around those strength/weaknesses. Perhaps you should try Duelist instead, or maybe Cyclone just isn't for you.

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