(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™


Hello everyone, so here are my items, and my question is the one and only, what can I go about upgrading from here now? My tooltip dps is at 20k dps, and i want to know the direction that I need to go to make this character stronger and stronger. Thankyou

EDIT: Also, any recomandation on chaning the auras or any gems? thankyou

So essentially its upgrade all your rares, get 30% on boots, 6s/5-6l your marohi. If your not committed to maces Hezmana would be better and a more worthwhile investment. You should drop your second quicksilver for a defensive flask such as granite or basalt, Rumi's if possible. Assuming you have aspect of carnage your dps seems fine for lv71 and will jump with another gem link or more flat phys on gear. Id like to check out your passive tree so would you mind posting it here to get a better feel of the situation?
Lighty wrote:

Hello everyone, so here are my items, and my question is the one and only, what can I go about upgrading from here now? My tooltip dps is at 20k dps, and i want to know the direction that I need to go to make this character stronger and stronger. Thankyou

EDIT: Also, any recomandation on chaning the auras or any gems? thankyou

So essentially its upgrade all your rares, get 30% on boots, 6s/5-6l your marohi. If your not committed to maces Hezmana would be better and a more worthwhile investment. You should drop your second quicksilver for a defensive flask such as granite or basalt, Rumi's if possible. Assuming you have aspect of carnage your dps seems fine for lv71 and will jump with another gem link or more flat phys on gear. Id like to check out your passive tree so would you mind posting it here to get a better feel of the situation?


And on another quick thing, I saw that in a recent post of yours, you said that there are a lot of more viable builds for atziri/uber that are very cost efficient. Could you PM me some of those builds? (i'm new to the game, my first char is build with your guide <3)

I have selected the 2 +30 int/dex nodes because i needed them for the gems. As soon as i get gear with more atributes, i will swap them out. Please offer as much advice as posible in regards to upgrading as I am VERY new to the game, i have around 20-30 hours played in this game, but have been very lucky with the drops, thus having a pretty decent gear :)

Last edited by tranCeaddiCtedw0w on Apr 3, 2016, 4:15:41 PM
84 Champion 133k Hideout. Hard to find better stat/ideal stats for rares.
in general i have no issues running t10-13 so far and atziri

anything recommended? wed on rings?

Lighty wrote:

Hello everyone, so here are my items, and my question is the one and only, what can I go about upgrading from here now? My tooltip dps is at 20k dps, and i want to know the direction that I need to go to make this character stronger and stronger. Thankyou

EDIT: Also, any recomandation on chaning the auras or any gems? thankyou

So essentially its upgrade all your rares, get 30% on boots, 6s/5-6l your marohi. If your not committed to maces Hezmana would be better and a more worthwhile investment. You should drop your second quicksilver for a defensive flask such as granite or basalt, Rumi's if possible. Assuming you have aspect of carnage your dps seems fine for lv71 and will jump with another gem link or more flat phys on gear. Id like to check out your passive tree so would you mind posting it here to get a better feel of the situation?


And on another quick thing, I saw that in a recent post of yours, you said that there are a lot of more viable builds for atziri/uber that are very cost efficient. Could you PM me some of those builds? (i'm new to the game, my first char is build with your guide <3)

I have selected the 2 +30 int/dex nodes because i needed them for the gems. As soon as i get gear with more atributes, i will swap them out. Please offer as much advice as posible in regards to upgrading as I am VERY new to the game, i have around 20-30 hours played in this game, but have been very lucky with the drops, thus having a pretty decent gear :)

Tree looks fine and if your very very new make sure you price check any uniques/rare/currency you find on poe.trade to get an idea of items values. If your looking up rolls use poeaffix.net. Regarding uber viable builds there used to be a list that compiled them but its not being maintained very well although the classics still work from 2.1 to 2.2. Caustic Arrow, Summon raging spirits, Poison anything, chaos anything, dagger crit anything. Your best bet for seeing current uber builds is checking the poe reddit and looking for posts with "uber" in the title. Back to your gear make sure that you master craft any open slots such as flat armour on your chest, every bit helms. You can work towards getting quality gems and better lab enchants aswell.
sSasori wrote:
84 Champion 133k Hideout. Hard to find better stat/ideal stats for rares.
in general i have no issues running t10-13 so far and atziri

anything recommended? wed on rings?


No easy way to say other than "upgrade all rares forever until ever". Your gloves and amulet are the weakest but with legacy kaoms,6l disfavour, HH and other dank gear your at the hyper expensive stage of gearing cyclone. When I first reached that point where most rare upgrades were close to mirror range i check to see what mirror items were out there; of which most slots dont exists for cyclone. So I began crafting my own gear aiming for 4-6 t1 rolls and thats essentially where im at now. Its insanely expensive to get minor improvements at this stage but thankfully your running alot of uniques. You can go for vaal/enchant implicit's,21/20-20/23 gems or 4t1 jewels: any of these 3 routes will most likely be cheaper than trying to craft your own gg gear. Eventually you'll finished getting your implicits,jewels and gems then your back to making your own or hoping someone makes a mirror version of a useful 2h rt melee piece. Crafting gear is what keeps this build alive for me, also that you can swap between 6-8 skills without changing tree/gear/colors. let me know what you decide because im basically there with you.
you can check my character link
I don`t have super jevel 4 affix. I have 4 jewel and only one have 4 affix, the other is just 3.
I don`t have 21\20 gems:
Cyclone 20\20
Phisical dmg 21\20
Concentrated effect 20\20
EWD 20\20
Fire dmg 20\23
I don't have such super things like mace and helmet.
My mace have 604 pDPS (1.56 AS) cost 32ex on poe.trade and my helmet "Fairgraves' Tricorne" cost 1c
And my rings + amulet don`t have super stats.
My ring №1: AS + pDMG + HP + 2 resist. (4 affix)
My ring №2: AS + pDMG + HP + 1 resist. (3 affix)
My Amulet: pDMG + HP + 2 resist + INT. (5 affix)
The Retch cost 6ex on poe.trade
But i have legacy vinktar and Taste of Hate
sSasori wrote:


Its insanely expensive to get minor improvements at this stage but thankfully your running alot of uniques. You can go for vaal/enchant implicit's,21/20-20/23 gems or 4t1 jewels any of these 3 routes will most likely be cheaper than trying to craft your own gg gear.

Sure thing. I'll keep at it, might have to start crafting then and buy more jewels as I progress.
Most of my gems are 21/20 so far and I only have one good jewel.

Eventually you'll finished getting your implicits,jewels and gems then your back to making your own or hoping someone makes a mirror version of a useful 2h rt melee piece.

Haha, hopefully. I was thinking I could sell Kaoms and go with LC to save up and afford a mirror 2H.

let me know what you decide because im basically there with you.

Same to you

Headhunter and legacy kaom's? but mastercraft life on amulet?
More flat phys and better jewels is basically what you need (but I guess you knew that!)

Nice roll on that disfavour though!

Carlovski wrote:
Headhunter and legacy kaom's? but mastercraft life on amulet?
More flat phys and better jewels is basically what you need (but I guess you knew that!)

Nice roll on that disfavour though!

Its difficult to line up your rares to fit your personal situation. For example I knew I needed all dex & int on mine so i had to craft my own to meet what I required and im sitting at exactly 159 dex; enough for lv21 bloodrage.
Lighty! Thanks for being so involved in this thread! you've really answered a lot of questions for noobs like me!

Quick question. While leveling this build, there are a lot of gear options out there. When it comes to weapons, there are a few that come up more frequently. I have a Marohi Erqi sitting in my stash waiting for me... but i see a lot of people using Kaom's Primacy instead.

Is there any way you could clear it up a little and fill us in on your preferred mid-tier weapon(s)? If you have a few chaos sitting around, and are not married to any weapon type yet... What do YOU pick?

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