(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

k0pfschuss wrote:
Thought's on if Vinktar's Square/Avatar of Thunder should be possible? It looks like it could be really tough. The only videos of it I've seen are builds that kite and fight offscreen.

And while we're at it, my current progress in SC Talisman! Level 90, sheet dps goes up over 70k with charges, atziri's promise, onslaught. 6L and/or weapon upgrade is going to be expensive...

Question though: Should I leave the WED roll on the axe, or roll something different?

Vinktar's Sqaure is certainly possible with this build! Just make sure you bring a Topaz Flask or two.

Here is the gear I was using for the map.

Trunksnail wrote:
Hello, could you help me with the CWDT setup aswell if there is anything else i should replace/think about?

This is my current passive tree

We spoke over pm's but essentially I said replace your helm setup with Cwdt - Immortal call - curse - golem and if your going to run Vcyclone in your gloves replace added fire damage with increased duration for a longer attack or melee phys for the highest dps increase.
Lighty, maybe you can help a little bit with Crit Staff Cyclone, so my build now is like this. I know you told that you will be releasing Crit Staff build in a few weeks, but i'm very eager to play it now.


Maybe you can suggest what i need to change or which passive nodes ill need to take in the future. I just got inspired by your 2.0 video and try to make something similar. Also using abyssus, kaom's heart and heggys. Also for the moment using mana with mana leech.

Any suggestions?
PetuSchokk wrote:
Lighty, maybe you can help a little bit with Crit Staff Cyclone, so my build now is like this. I know you told that you will be releasing Crit Staff build in a few weeks, but i'm very eager to play it now.


Maybe you can suggest what i need to change or which passive nodes ill need to take in the future. I just got inspired by your 2.0 video and try to make something similar. Also using abyssus, kaom's heart and heggys. Also for the moment using mana with mana leech.

Any suggestions?

Hey there. I know I'm not Lighty (nor am I as well-versed in the tree), but I made a few slight changes to your build which ends up saving you a few points and puts you closer to the 30 int/dex nodes should you need them.

Have a looksie


Now, My question would be, if using Hegemony's Era, would it make sense to go all-in on Power Charges? I am also brewing a massive crit staff tree but I stretched it from Templar start all the way to witch and shadow for the extra power charges.
This is MY proposed tree (with no testing yet but just theory craft)


Literally, my plan was to take a buncha crit/power charges while grabbing all the tanky goodness that Lighty proposes in all of his builds from the first page.

Any input appreciated!
Last edited by andrew8448 on Dec 25, 2015, 5:55:14 AM
andrew8448 wrote:
...Skipped text because of it's largesness...

Ty for your reply on my tree but still I'm thinking that my version is a little bit better because of the 3 point cluster on Accuracy and Crit, the crit chance and acurracy needed in our build. Also i'm using 0.76% of mana leech on my pendant, so i really dont need Battle Rouse imho.

I know that I'm also not a Lighty but tbh, Power charges are only good on mobs, on Bosses it's a little bit hard to generate them without PCoC, even with 10% Power charge on knockback. I've tested in multi times. On bosses i can suggest swap Atziri's Promise for Lion Roar granite flask for raw damage and additional chance to gain Power charges.

Also you are wasting to many nodes just for int, and getting this additional power charge isn't neccesary imho.

Better get some life/armor and buy Abyssus trust me. With 5l heggy and abyssus with my build i get around. 111k dps with Auras and Fully charged, while using Increased AoE. I use Hatred and Assassin's mark via Blasphemy. With Con effect fully charged it's arround 150-160k dps. On bosses i usually also swap Atziri's Promise for Lion Roar granite flask for raw damage and additional chance to gain Power charges.

Try it, really Heggy and Lions roar is a good thing together.

Anyhow add me to friend list. My IGN: PetuSchokk. Maybe we can chat and work something out together.

P.S. Sorry for the message being quite chaoticaly writen. I was in a hurry. Stay safe. And... HAPPY FIEST OF WINTERVEIL :D
Last edited by PetuSchokk on Dec 25, 2015, 6:42:28 AM
Sorry for wall of text! Also, i had an epic fail. I meant to click into Eagle Eye and not Battle Rouse! And thanks for clarifying your stats. And yes I am aware that with abyssus and all that the dps will be pretty fitting for endgame.
I will most probably cut the extra charge and spec more life/armour. I don't know what I was thinking.

Thanks for the input so far and have a Merry Xmas :D

Edit: Also, not trying to come across as a know-it-all. Totally already using Lion's Roar on my axe version of the tree :)
Last edited by andrew8448 on Dec 25, 2015, 6:53:32 AM
andrew8448 wrote:
Sorry for wall of text! Also, i had an epic fail. I meant to click into Eagle Eye and not Battle Rouse! And thanks for clarifying your stats. And yes I am aware that with abyssus and all that the dps will be pretty fitting for endgame.
I will most probably cut the extra charge and spec more life/armour. I don't know what I was thinking.

Thanks for the input so far and have a Merry Xmas :D

Edit: Also, not trying to come across as a know-it-all. Totally already using Lion's Roar on my axe version of the tree :)

Glab to help you with my little expirience. But anyhow hope Lighty can clarify both our builds in a couple of days.
What do you think about Physical to lightning gem. I replaced my WED with it and got a decent dps boost. I am using both Added fire and hatred.
Just tried atziri with cheap gear and want to share my experiences:

Vaal brothers were very easy, no notes for this. Just face tanked them. (well not their huge fckn punsh)
Trio were also easy with some hit and run tactic. (Like Lighty mentioned)
Atzri, here I came had some troubles. It took me to long to kill her or her clones with nearly 30k dmg. Her healing phase came up to often, well at least i did it with 1 portal remaining.

All ressis 75 Chaos 0
Hp 5.2k
Dmg. 30k


Well really need to upgrade my Ring2, Amulett and Gloves, also boots and the weapon.
Last edited by sno0ze on Dec 26, 2015, 2:54:30 PM
sno0ze wrote:
Just tried atziri with cheap gear and want to share my experiences:

Vaal brothers were very easy, no notes for this. Just face tanked them. (well not their huge fckn punsh)
Trio were also easy with some hit and run tactic. (Like Lighty mentioned)
Atzri, here I came had some troubles. It took me to long to kill her or her clones with nearly 30k dmg. Her healing phase came up to often, well at least i did it with 1 portal remaining.

All ressis 75 Chaos 0
Hp 5.2k
Dmg. 30k


Well really need to upgrade my Ring2, Amulett and Gloves, also boots and the weapon.

What order did you follow in trio?
I've been thinking about trying atziri too but I'm not sure if I could survive, 5.5khp atm but 1700 armor and only +5 endurance charges, plus having negative chaos res.

Also general question, I've seen that physical to lighting outperforms other gems in my setup but I don't see that gem being mentioned in OP, is it because you lose physical lifeleech using it?
Last edited by Shibajusty on Dec 26, 2015, 4:01:31 PM

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