(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

I think this sums up pretty much it about my gear. Not sure which is legacy which is not. Probably nothing is really legacy. But if my astramentis is nothing special then perhaps i would get much more with other item instead.
I swear if they make some maven "Simon says" insta-death minigame, sirus, exarch ball minigame then i wont play poe2.
Last edited by webas on Dec 23, 2015, 3:09:13 PM
webas wrote:

I think this sums up pretty much it about my gear. Not sure which is legacy which is not. Probably nothing is really legacy. But if my astramentis is nothing special then perhaps i would get much more with other item instead.

Your rise of the phoenix, maligaros and goldwyrm are legacy and decently expensive, as in total like 20ex+? Check poe.trade for pricing but you have enough to start over any new build basically.
thought ill check back in and post my progress
having a fun time so far, not 100% happy with my gem setup but that was best i could do w/o wasting to mutch time
lvling is prio atm :d
only 72 but here we go

kinda couple backup pieces i sneadkd from my ranger, lacking a lil dex/int but will manage it somehow,
found 1 jewel with nice phys dmg aps inc dmg and some dex/str
planning on using 1 more similiar to cover some stats,
quite happy with BOR actually atm figured it take a while to get a 6l lightning coil or 6l my wpn and go with a 4-5llc, so i figured why not put it to use "fun part cost me like tripple of the worth of the bor to 4l it "4c worth = 30 fuse spent"
anyways sitting at roughly 45 "ho" 55-60 dps with charges
and rly enjoying the vaal cyclone setup

thanks for the guide and ur help!

ps thinking bout running cyclone on mana for a extra gem slot, got 12x mana free my cyclone cost 26 like it is
some manaleech on gloves maybe, not sure with the +2 mana on hit node
worth a try i guess
Last edited by Rufnet on Dec 23, 2015, 4:28:24 PM
Lighty, any crit staff build coming up?
Rufnet wrote:
thought ill check back in and post my progress
having a fun time so far, not 100% happy with my gem setup but that was best i could do w/o wasting to mutch time
lvling is prio atm :d
only 72 but here we go

kinda couple backup pieces i sneadkd from my ranger, lacking a lil dex/int but will manage it somehow,
found 1 jewel with nice phys dmg aps inc dmg and some dex/str
planning on using 1 more similiar to cover some stats,
quite happy with BOR actually atm figured it take a while to get a 6l lightning coil or 6l my wpn and go with a 4-5llc, so i figured why not put it to use "fun part cost me like tripple of the worth of the bor to 4l it "4c worth = 30 fuse spent"
anyways sitting at roughly 45 "ho" 55-60 dps with charges
and rly enjoying the vaal cyclone setup

thanks for the guide and ur help!

ps thinking bout running cyclone on mana for a extra gem slot, got 12x mana free my cyclone cost 26 like it is
some manaleech on gloves maybe, not sure with the +2 mana on hit node
worth a try i guess

Your gear is good and your weapon is fine basically until disfavour; pushing 540pdps. I suggest trying a Vaal Lightning Strike setup in your axe if you feel single target dps is lacking, you may enjoy it more than Vcyclone although the clear speed can be addictive. BoR is fine however a rare will surpass it later on. The mana option is better now than even considering the change to attack skill gem mana scaling, or lack of mana scaling at that. Try to grab some mana leech on jewels, the value is high per point compared to most gear slots. Let mw know how it goes.
PetuSchokk wrote:
Lighty, any crit staff build coming up?

If its requested enough I can re-estate the crit build as a subsection to cyclone. If you want I can post a tree and some gear choices aswell.
ilike the vaal lightning strike idea, atm i got a lil issue with sockets :D, already had to 3l my vaal cyclone and use the remaing sockets of my axe for cwdt warlords mark setup

atm ill stick to vaal cyclone, but when i sawp to light coil ill try out vaal cyclone for sure, just farming some t4-6 to lvl atm and maybe find some currency

will def post my progress especially with the on mana cyclone route
thanks again for ur feedback!
and enjoy ur christmas @all
Lighty wrote:
PetuSchokk wrote:
Lighty, any crit staff build coming up?

If its requested enough I can re-estate the crit build as a subsection to cyclone. If you want I can post a tree and some gear choices aswell.

It would be quite nice because i now have heggys era and lightining coil. Tried Ice Crash build didn't liked it, so if it's possible could you post tree and gear for Crit Staff build please)

P.S. Thank you in advance

Last edited by PetuSchokk on Dec 23, 2015, 8:18:44 PM
If I have 2 jewels and they both give 10% physical damage with axes does this stack? Thanks again in advance!
If I have 2 jewels and they both give 10% physical damage with axes does this stack? Thanks again in advance!


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