(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Running this build. Got all my gear set out for me.

Currently Lv41, started using Cyclone on 31 and it really took off there. Leveling has been a blast, not to mention easy.

Current gear:

The Amulet and both rings are the ones I'll keep using up until Atziri's(hopefully). They might not be the best, but my Amulet more than makes up for the phys dmg I could get from them. I highly recommend that Amulet to be used the +2 to weapon range is a big deal and makes killing stuff quite a bit easier. The +10% move speed is nice and the +60% melee damage on full life (which we almost always are) is a big boost too.
Wallwalker22 wrote:
Running this build. Got all my gear set out for me.

Currently Lv41, started using Cyclone on 31 and it really took off there. Leveling has been a blast, not to mention easy.

Current gear:

The Amulet and both rings are the ones I'll keep using up until Atziri's(hopefully). They might not be the best, but my Amulet more than makes up for the phys dmg I could get from them. I highly recommend that Amulet to be used the +2 to weapon range is a big deal and makes killing stuff quite a bit easier. The +10% move speed is nice and the +60% melee damage on full life (which we almost always are) is a big boost too.

Sounds like your off to a good start! One thing you should be aware of is that Daresso's Salute is actually bad comparatively for 2H Cyclone for 2 reasons.
  • You wont gain the 10% movement speed and 60% melee on full life if your running Cyclone off bloodmagic since your never on full life when you initiate the attack
  • You wont gain the 10% movement speed and 60% melee on full life if your running bloodrage ( which you always do ) since it keeps your life at 99.99% when active

Because of this Daresso's grants you:
  • +(16 to 24) to Strength and Dexterity
  • +(30 to 40)% to Fire Resistance
  • +(30 to 40)% to Cold Resistance
  • +2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range

Which is strictly worse than most 10C rare amulets with life or flat phys. The only draw becomes the +2 weapon range which is nice but not worth the sacrifice of an important slot like amulet.
Last edited by Lighty on Oct 30, 2015, 3:22:49 AM

This is backup gear I have in case I find it underwhelming.
I come prepared ;D.

Seeing as we regen really quickly, wouldn't our damage just jump back up as soon as it's full again and initiate the +60% damage?

By the way, at what level do we start using Jewels?
If I can't use Daresso's, I'm going to use 2x Warlord's Reach.

My endgame setup would be something like this:

Can't wait to use it all. :D

Gonna take IR though so I can get the armour from my Carcass Jack + Devoto's Devotion.
Last edited by Wallwalker22 on Oct 30, 2015, 8:47:56 AM
How much DPS do you guys have?

I am using

to gain an additional passive skill. I am asking myself how much should my new mace have if i would change from kongor's.

On tooltip with HoA and Hatred aura i have 22,420 dps and with all buffs(onslaught, blood rage, 3 frenzy charges, fortify, unholly might) i have around 39k.

My gear:

My build : https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwEABLMFLQU8B3UJlgm7C2EMXw48ERoUIBRxGJEZ6RynITQhVScgLPs0jjkOOlI7OzwFPC1AoEE_RrdHfkh4SdVQR1HmU6VXVF4TXz9gkWDEYVJlTWhYaGVo8mvZcqlza3Ttdn92rHdTeHp673uMfuCCB4Nfg8yExITZhO-FUoY7hmCHaonYiiKKs5Ool3meV57FogCpJ6mUrY2vbLQvtz68n702vqfAZsCmxPbFU8auz37Tb9eW2L3ZYdl82sHcMtw95FHkreoY6wnvDu9O73zwH_Nv8932SPcy-Ov-Cg==
Level 77 Duelist
Hardcore League
Wallwalker22 wrote:

This is backup gear I have in case I find it underwhelming.
I come prepared ;D.

Seeing as we regen really quickly, wouldn't our damage just jump back up as soon as it's full again and initiate the +60% damage?

By the way, at what level do we start using Jewels?
If I can't use Daresso's, I'm going to use 2x Warlord's Reach.

My endgame setup would be something like this:

Can't wait to use it all. :D

Gonna take IR though so I can get the armour from my Carcass Jack + Devoto's Devotion.

If your running Life Gain On Hit there will be times when you gain the on full life bonus's but it will not be consistent, I suggest you open your stats window and watch your movemetns speed while in combat; if you gain the 10% movement speed your also gaining the 60% damage.

You should get jewel sockets once you have jewels that are good enough to fill them; good enough meaning worth the passive points to travel to the jewel socket.

If I can't use Daresso's, I'm going to use 2x Warlord's Reach.

Once again I must be the bearer of bad news,Warlord's Reach is Limited to 1 and cannot be used with multiple copies of itself :P
Last edited by Lighty on Oct 30, 2015, 11:36:34 AM
onsy wrote:
How much DPS do you guys have?

I am using

to gain an additional passive skill. I am asking myself how much should my new mace have if i would change from kongor's.

On tooltip with HoA and Hatred aura i have 22,420 dps and with all buffs(onslaught, blood rage, 3 frenzy charges, fortify, unholly might) i have around 39k.

My gear:

My build

I would stay with Kongors until you can afford a 550pdps+ Rare; they can be anywhere from 5-15ex base and roll/league dependent. My current tooltip dps in combat is 75kish playing solo.
Last edited by Lighty on Oct 30, 2015, 11:38:51 AM

What do you think about Bringer of Rain as an alternative to run cyclone?
+ You get a 7-link cyclone, a great alternative for those who don't have tons of exalt to spend on 6-link chests and weapons.
+ You get blind (which is useful but not enough to take a normal socket)
+ % to block
+ 10% endurance charge on block
+ Conan-style cyclone

- You need to be a lot more selective about skills since you lose 6 sockets overall
- Most likely less % resist and armor/evasion due to lack of chest plate

What else do you think? I'm having a blast personally. Was always struggling to 6 socket (let alone 6-links...) my belly of the beast.
Xelnarox wrote:

What do you think about Bringer of Rain as an alternative to run cyclone?
+ You get a 7-link cyclone, a great alternative for those who don't have tons of exalt to spend on 6-link chests and weapons.
+ You get blind (which is useful but not enough to take a normal socket)
+ % to block
+ 10% endurance charge on block
+ Conan-style cyclone

- You need to be a lot more selective about skills since you lose 6 sockets overall
- Most likely less % resist and armor/evasion due to lack of chest plate

What else do you think? I'm having a blast personally. Was always struggling to 6 socket (let alone 6-links...) my belly of the beast.

Yeah its an Okay alternative that i'll add to the list, you may want to grab iron reflexes if your using bor. A while ago I theory-crafted a block staff bor build that could get around 45% block thanks to jewels and staff nodes; fell through after testing sadly.
Tested with Daresso's Salute. Mid-spin I regain my Movement speed, and my damage goes up.
So this basically confirmed Daresso's is a near-always +60% melee damage buff, which makes it very viable for a Unique Amulet, easily endgame viable.

The only downside would be against prolonged boss fights, where you usually do shorter spins, general mapping best fits its purposes.
Last edited by Wallwalker22 on Oct 30, 2015, 6:14:22 PM
Wallwalker22 wrote:
Tested with Daresso's Salute. Mid-spin I regain my Movement speed, and my damage goes up.
So this basically confirmed Daresso's is a near-always +60% melee damage buff, which makes it very viable for a Unique Amulet, easily endgame viable.

The only downside would be against prolonged boss fights, where you usually do shorter spins, general mapping best fits its purposes.

Just purchased a Daresso's and tested it myself only to confirmed my suspicions; it does not work with Bloodrage active which makes it basically useless lategame. If it was a more multiplier like the original melee on full life gem instead of 60% increased you can maybe merit dropping bloodrage for it; however that isn't the case. If you really want to use it for the +2 weapon range you can however a rare amulet will easily surpass it.
Last edited by Lighty on Oct 30, 2015, 7:31:19 PM

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