(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

partyboy79 wrote:
Hi Lighty !

I'm now lvl 64 and I'm thinking about my future gear upgrades (when I'll reach lvl 68-69)

I don't have a lot of currency (2ex and about 150chaos).

Here is my current gear :

I already have a Doryani belt and a devoto's devotion to put on when I'll reach the required level.
I can also get a 6L rare chest from an another char.
My question is about my weapon, my kaom's is about 400pdps. I can afford for 1ex max a 470/480+ pdps rare.

Is it worth it or it's better to wait for a better weapon 500+ pdps ?

Sounds like a good plan, I wouldn't bother investing in a sub 600pdps weapon as an upgrade to Kaom's Primacy ( don't forget to calculate the culling strike as 10% more damage ); Kaom's can last you through the low-mid 80's without issue. Id be interested to see your rare chest if you wouldn't mind linking it in a followup.
Hi! I'm thinking of making a marauder following this guide but I can't decide which weapon type to go for. Can you help me decide? :)
Lighty wrote:
partyboy79 wrote:
Hi Lighty !

I'm now lvl 64 and I'm thinking about my future gear upgrades (when I'll reach lvl 68-69)

I don't have a lot of currency (2ex and about 150chaos).

Here is my current gear :

I already have a Doryani belt and a devoto's devotion to put on when I'll reach the required level.
I can also get a 6L rare chest from an another char.
My question is about my weapon, my kaom's is about 400pdps. I can afford for 1ex max a 470/480+ pdps rare.

Is it worth it or it's better to wait for a better weapon 500+ pdps ?

Sounds like a good plan, I wouldn't bother investing in a sub 600pdps weapon as an upgrade to Kaom's Primacy ( don't forget to calculate the culling strike as 10% more damage ); Kaom's can last you through the low-mid 80's without issue. Id be interested to see your rare chest if you wouldn't mind linking it in a followup.

Thanks for your answer, here is the chest :

Now that I'm starting maps, I feel like I need more life / armor :)
partyboy79 wrote:
Lighty wrote:
partyboy79 wrote:
Hi Lighty !

I'm now lvl 64 and I'm thinking about my future gear upgrades (when I'll reach lvl 68-69)

I don't have a lot of currency (2ex and about 150chaos).

Here is my current gear :

I already have a Doryani belt and a devoto's devotion to put on when I'll reach the required level.
I can also get a 6L rare chest from an another char.
My question is about my weapon, my kaom's is about 400pdps. I can afford for 1ex max a 470/480+ pdps rare.

Is it worth it or it's better to wait for a better weapon 500+ pdps ?

Sounds like a good plan, I wouldn't bother investing in a sub 600pdps weapon as an upgrade to Kaom's Primacy ( don't forget to calculate the culling strike as 10% more damage ); Kaom's can last you through the low-mid 80's without issue. Id be interested to see your rare chest if you wouldn't mind linking it in a followup.

Thanks for your answer, here is the chest :

Now that I'm starting maps, I feel like I need more life / armor :)

I typically start mapping with around 3.5k life for cyclone; you gain a large amount of your life from levels themselves (+12 per level before scaling). Thats a solid chest to use for a while, depending on the itemlevel you can chaos spam it for better rolls; consult Poeaffix.net and the required gear section of the build guide for desirable rolls.
Pikabanga wrote:
Hi! I'm thinking of making a marauder following this guide but I can't decide which weapon type to go for. Can you help me decide? :)

I would suggest Axe to start with; it offers a great and inexpensive beginning weapon in the form of Kaom's Primacy. The Axe passive tree grants Onslaught from the Slaughter node which is a nice dps boost when starting off; not to mention Splitting Strikes. I suggest you prioritize both those as your first damage nodes upon acquiring Kaom's Primacy. Later on (lv85+) if you decide you want to stick with cyclone you can try to get an Atziri's Disfavour, the best unique weapon for cyclone that can last you forever.
Last edited by Lighty on Oct 24, 2015, 2:31:45 PM
Lighty wrote:
Pikabanga wrote:
Hi! I'm thinking of making a marauder following this guide but I can't decide which weapon type to go for. Can you help me decide? :)

I would suggest Axe to start with; it offers a great and inexpensive beginning weapon in the form of Kaom's Primacy. The Axe passive tree grants Onslaught from the Slaughter node which is a nice dps boost when starting off; not to mention Splitting Strikes. I suggest you prioritize both those as your first damage nodes upon acquiring Kaom's Primacy. Later on (lv85+) if you decide you want to stick with cyclone you can try to get an Atziri's Disfavour, the best unique weapon for cyclone that can last you forever.

Thanks a lot for the swift reply, I will go for the axe version then!
Pikabanga wrote:
Lighty wrote:
Pikabanga wrote:
Hi! I'm thinking of making a marauder following this guide but I can't decide which weapon type to go for. Can you help me decide? :)

I would suggest Axe to start with; it offers a great and inexpensive beginning weapon in the form of Kaom's Primacy. The Axe passive tree grants Onslaught from the Slaughter node which is a nice dps boost when starting off; not to mention Splitting Strikes. I suggest you prioritize both those as your first damage nodes upon acquiring Kaom's Primacy. Later on (lv85+) if you decide you want to stick with cyclone you can try to get an Atziri's Disfavour, the best unique weapon for cyclone that can last you forever.

Thanks a lot for the swift reply, I will go for the axe version then!

Sounds good buddy, Let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns!
So I am new to hardcore and was wondering if you can make a few sugguestions... Like Which is better,to Run Bloodmagic vs IR Grace/Deter? When is it a good time to start running Bloodrage. Do you still chose 8% atk speed over skill point for bandits?
Last edited by Hoodwinks on Oct 24, 2015, 9:56:45 PM
Hoodwinks wrote:
So I am new to hardcore and was wondering if you can make a few sugguestions... Like Which is better,to Run Bloodmagic vs IR Grace/Deter? When is it a good time to start running Bloodrage. Do you still chose 8% atk speed over skill point for bandits?

I have played cyclone in hardcore for many leagues now and its almost identical to softcore; you simply prioritize life and mitigation over damage early on. You run the same aura setup [ hatred + arctic armour + herald of ash + purity of elements(en-place of hatred for elemental weakness maps)]. Last league (1mflashbackHC) I played as bloodmagic keystone and I found the results surprisingly decent. I rushed Bloodmagic early (lv35ish) which helped leveling alot. Played safe and was able to run 2 Ming's heart's while staying above 5.5k life. Not only did this make reflect alot less of a hassle but mapping with capped chaos res is highly under-appreciated. Regarding bloodrage I opted to not run it; I found having the life regen was more beneficial and the fact I was mainlining life gain on hit meant I was almost always capped life in combat. Life gain on hit is also the reason why I prefer helping kraiten for 8% attack speed and running faster attacks over added fire damage in hardcore. Overall I would say going the Aura route vs bloodmagic keystone is still better but it feels less safe to me in a hardcore setting. If your just getting into hardcore and want to play cyclone safely; I would suggest going bloodmagic keystone, getting 1-2 Ming's and be patient.
Hey Lighty,

Have you done a break down on pro's and con's of armour choices and why you choose what you choose?

How much do you value armour rating of a good Rare vs the nicer mods of a unique?

Is losing 1,000 armour worthwhile to run a Lightning coil, Belly of the beast or Kaom's heart??

Is losing the potential defensive sockets and armour worth it to run Kaom's as well?

At present I use an 1800 armour with around 100+life and 60 or so resistances. I'd like to invest in a unique armour if it will improve my survivability.

Your thoughts?



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