Molten Strike

Damage from this skill is way too high and should be toned down. Something like 100% damage effectiveness (currently 120%) and 30% damage from projectiles (currently 40%). Currently this skill easily overpower infernal blow (like 1.5x more dmg in most cases)
Can the projectiles crit?
They are Attacks. They work just like any other Attack.
Does anyone know who that streamer was who as using bino's and Molten strike with something like 160k+ tooltip dps? if so can you give me his name/build?
I haven't looked around to see how other people are breaking the skill, but I'm really liking it in my usage.

Right now I'm building all Fire damage with Avatar of Fire and using Molten Strike in a 4-link with Conc Effect, CoC, and Flame Surge. With the Molten Strike crit igniting the enemy I get the more damage bonus on Flame Surge, which combined with the more damage from Conc effect and the potential for extra casts (from projectile crits) thing melt pretty good. I'm also using Searing Bond, which helps get burns on multiple targets on top of being a strong skill in its own right. When I can get more links there's several gems I want to try adding - Fireball, Firestorm, Empower, Fire Penetration, maybe a couple others.

I also tried using Three Dragons to shock things instead of igniting them, but I'm not sure I like that setup any better. I didn't have a leveled Flame Totem (if that works) to go with it though. It probably is better numerically, with shock being what it is - just not as much fun.

I just got a Supreme Truth to boost my elemental damage, but other than that my gear's pretty bad. I also want to try single and dual-wielding daggers for more crit, since I'm only at about 30% right now. Sadly though, I won't be getting much further in this build. The endgame grind is boring as hell, I can't do it.
how is the tooltip damnage of the skill calculated? does it takes into acount all the projectiles combined damage, only one, or what?
That's the damage of the initial hit shown, gotta calculate the damage of the projectiles yourself (which is 72% of that).
Sorry Exile, but your loot is in another dungeon!
IGN: Delirii
Delirii wrote:
That's the damage of the initial hit shown, gotta calculate the damage of the projectiles yourself (which is 72% of that).

Not quite. The Melee Hit benefits from Melee Damage modifiers, whereas the Projectiles do not (they benefit from Projectile Damage modifiers instead, unsurprisingly). If you link Melee Phys, your DPS will shoot up, but the Projectiles deal exactly the same Damage as before.

You have to manually calculate your Projectile's Damage per Hit.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jul 8, 2014, 7:15:19 AM
halo all,

I am not too familiarize about melee build,

can anyone tell me
for the add xx~yy phy/fire/ice/lightning damage
will they apply to both initial physical hit & projectiles?

and affix on ring added XX% elemental damage on weapon
will it buff up the fire damage converted on the projectiles?

thanks guys
Yes, +damage applies. +100 fire damage is +120 base fire damage on the hit, +72 base fire damage on the balls.

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