Storm Call

banezilla wrote:
lock on auto atkk will do nothing for this skill, all you would be doing is marking where the mob was and not where it is or will be. by the time it casts the marker and then hits with a delay the mob has moved on and takes no damage. this is a lead skill that actual takes some "skill" to use properly and imo thats what makes it more fun then your lock and spam skills

I know it wouldn't let you lead the target and you'd be better off not locking on in most situations, but as I said being unable to lock on is an annoying disadvantage in some situations. That's why it would have to be a controllable feature like stand-still with shift.
mythrin wrote:
soul4hdwn wrote:
try adding passives to that, and yes thats how it works... but now i'm glad you didn't say "2.2" =p

I made a crit-based witch using Lightning Warp (base crit 5) and Q17 Storm call (base crit 4, 68% increased critical strike chance ~ which translates to an additional 2.72 crit chance) and Arc (base crit 4)

Character Sheet Spell Critical Strike Chance displays the following:

Lightning Warp = 35.1%
Storm Call = 30.8%
Arc = 28.1%

30.8 - 28.1 = 2.7

Therefore, 17% Quality Storm Call just added 2.72 Crit Chance. Passives that increase crit work only on the base 4% crit. The base crit is not modified by the quality on the gem.

Hence, quality is very lackluster. 1% quality on the gem adds a measly 0.16% Crit chance.

Meanwhile Ice Spear's quality does nothing useful for it besides increasing its already long range - Still one of the strongest spells in the game.

No really, how strong do you expect quality to be if 80% increased crit (almost a free Increased Critical Strikes support) isn't good enough? The skill already hits multiple times (not simultaneously) per detonation making triple shock stacking easy.

Before you compare it to Shock Nova or Arc, they are extremely different skills. Shock Nova can only hit around the caster and even has that dead zone in the middle, and Arc hits maximum 3 targets which is why they're allowed to have strong quality boosts.

The quality is lackluster because crit is only effective when stacked. Therefore, in order to take advantage the quality of the gem, players are forced to build crit. But the quality does not increase the base crit of the gem. It only adds 3.2% crit chance with max quality.

Meanwhile, increased crit chance on weapons work on the base crit chance of the weapon and further multiplied by passives.

I am not comparing the quality of the gem with the quality of other spells. I am saying the quality is lackluster because I had hoped that spells would be given a boost in general and storm call was a step in that direction.

While spells do about 3K DPS, melee and ranged attacks, with skills that scale tremendously with weapons, reach 50K DPS to 200K DPS.

Mytharia - Summoner (Ambush)
Mythriadne - EK Scion
Myriadne - Summoner

Then again, DPS numbers are incredibly useless when comparing effectiveness. Spork Totems have like 300 DPS.
about the only thing I really enjoy about this skill is that it's damage effectiveness is awesome so added damage can really help this skill out. not that it really needs it..
Everyone seems to build for storm call crit, which sounds incredibly counterproductive. Double totem + elemental proliferation + static blows obliterates absolutely everything, tho, and saves you the hassle of dealing with the awkward targeting. Instant triple shock stacking gets you free hugs in parties, too. Swap out elemental proliferation for concentrated effect vs bosses while someone else (zombies, party members, maybe even yourself!) tank them into standing still.

Of course, I did wish the quality bonus was something else completely different (increased AoE, reduced duration, chance to shock, whatever), but the way things are at least I don't have to bother with getting a quality gem.
Say I have 3 storm call with different level, one is not linking to any support, another one is linked with life leech, and the last one is liked with mana leech, what will happen if I cast them one by one? Any different if cast order is different?
each cast is its own thing, its only the first cast that determines when the rest explode.
Crit is very powerful with this skill. The reason the base multiplier is so low is simply because crit on lightning spells is so damn powerful. Think that you can easily get 300-400% crit multi just from passives alone then add the crit multi from gear THEN add crit weakness that adds around 100% MORE crit multi and shock stacks that add 90%. The pathetic 6 or 8% spell damage nodes are like specks of dust compared to this damage.

Even after spork was nerfed to 4% base crit every single good build still used crit and rocked with it. I seem to remember people reaching 60% crit chance and speccing out of static blows simply bacause its a waste of points when you are critting half the time.

Splift wrote:
Even after spork was nerfed to 4% base crit every single good build still used crit and rocked with it. I seem to remember people reaching 60% crit chance and speccing out of static blows simply bacause its a waste of points when you are critting half the time.

60% crit chance is +1400% from 4% base. Mind if I ask how exactly do you get +1400% crit chance while still being able to survive a sudden change in wind direction?
how does "Cast on" support gems currently work with this skill?

Example: Does Cast on Critical Strike linked to Storm Call place the marker at the feet of the mob critically struck?

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