XP penalty and likely 1 portal is NOT going anywhere

There's no need for 1 portal. This is a horrible mechanic. It is off-putting and will and is driving away casual players. It's not hardcore. If you want punishing gameplay, go play hardcore. Stop worrying about how other people play.

HC is not about losing one portal on death. HC is complete removal of character from HC league on death. It's not the same ffs. I don't understand why people non-stop compare death penalties with HC.
Well, i just wasted time explaining something to a wall.

You actually wasted time proving my point right, but you're so far removed from the original post's discussion that you didn't even realize it.

This line proves it:

On range builds having good aoe clear is also layer of defense since you not letting melee mobs come close.

Read OP's original post. Read bullets 3 to 6 and then re-read what you said yourself.

Don't you think that if range build can kill everything screenwide, there should be something that can hit you back from range? Or you want range builds to just have screen aoe clear and never die?

And this part proves you're completely detached from how most people have been playing PoE 1 and 2 for the past 8+ years.

What you described is what happens in every league. People put 95% in damage and AoE and they only ever die to damage reflection (also why lots of chaos builds were so strong in PoE 1, since chaos couldn't be reflected and mobs having chaos resist was not common).

OP said removing 1-death-maps would kill build diversity, but 1-death-maps, coupled with cheap deaths, have never pushed players so much into going full-on AoE glass cannon.
And your testimony only proves how much you have to invest in defense to achieve the same result of an extremely cheap investment in DPS that you can do right out of the campaign.

By the way, another thing that forces the players' hands is your skewed idea that "if people can clear their whole screen we should add cheap from-out-of-screen deaths to force them". That's the same stupid GGG mentality of adding cheap band-aids instead of fixing the underlying issues
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Jan 22, 2025, 2:50:57 PM
Mash the clean
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:
There's no need for 1 portal. This is a horrible mechanic. It is off-putting and will and is driving away casual players. It's not hardcore. If you want punishing gameplay, go play hardcore. Stop worrying about how other people play.

HC is not about losing one portal on death. HC is complete removal of character from HC league on death. It's not the same ffs. I don't understand why people non-stop compare death penalties with HC.

yeh it's just so they can say "go play HC" or it's stupidity depends
_rt_#4636 wrote:
Well, i just wasted time explaining something to a wall.

You actually wasted time proving my point right, but you're so far removed from the original post's discussion that you didn't even realize it.

This line proves it:

On range builds having good aoe clear is also layer of defense since you not letting melee mobs come close.

Read OP's original post. Read bullets 3 to 6 and then re-read what you said yourself.

Don't you think that if range build can kill everything screenwide, there should be something that can hit you back from range? Or you want range builds to just have screen aoe clear and never die?

And this part proves you're completely detached from how most people have been playing PoE 1 and 2 for the past 8+ years.

What you described is what happens in every league. People put 95% in damage and AoE and they only ever die to damage reflection (also why lots of chaos builds were so strong in PoE 1, since chaos couldn't be reflected and mobs having chaos resist was not common).

OP said removing 1-death-maps would kill build diversity, but 1-death-maps, coupled with cheap deaths, have never pushed players so much into going full-on AoE glass cannon.
And your testimony only proves how much you have to invest in defense to achieve the same result of an extremely cheap investment in DPS that you can do right out of the campaign.

By the way, another thing that forces the players' hands is your skewed idea that "if people can clear their whole screen we should add cheap from-out-of-screen deaths to force them". That's the same stupid GGG mentality of adding cheap band-aids instead of fixing the underlying issues

Being range technically adds layer of defense, it has nothing to do with actual defense of characters like resists, life/es/armor/evasion etc. Don't need to take every word literally. My titan has good aoe too which technically is layer of defense, but its not actual defense of character.

That titan build i described didn't cost me much when it comes to defenses, rare shield was 60ex, life/attribute morior was 1 div, rest of gear are generic rares.

While i'm not clearing fast as range/casters and i'm fine with it, because i play the game not to grind divs/hr as fast as possible like my life depends on it, but for trying things in Early Access that i might never be able to in future. I don't die in maps at all almost, and when it rarely happens i'm not going to forums/reddit to cry and blame game because "why my character died when i invested into defenses".

If 1 portal as you say push people to play glass cannons, then let it be that way, play glass cannons and don't cry when you die.

If there's actual off screen stuff, it's getting fixed, not immediately, but it does. By range mobs i didn't mean offscreen, i mean actual range mobs that not bugged or anything.

And again, play glass cannon, all you want, but don't cry on forums when you die.
That titan build i described didn't cost me much when it comes to defenses, rare shield was 60ex, life/attribute morior was 1 div, rest of gear are generic rares.

This has to be a joke at this point...

Your shield alone costs 3x what I invested in my whole character, I have no mod restrictions on my waystones and I can probably play way riskier and much faster. Not to mention your 1 divine body armor and your "generic" rares that probably cost 10+ exalts each.

And coming back to the actual discussion in the post: this game has severe balancing issues regarding build diversity and investing in defenses. Allowing only 1 portal only makes it worse, not better. You're a living example of that and ironically your testimony only disproves yourself.

I see you trying to argue and all I can think of is the Invincible meme: "look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"
_rt_#4636 wrote:
That titan build i described didn't cost me much when it comes to defenses, rare shield was 60ex, life/attribute morior was 1 div, rest of gear are generic rares.

This has to be a joke at this point...

Your shield alone costs 3x what I invested in my whole character, I have no mod restrictions on my waystones and I can probably play way riskier and much faster. Not to mention your 1 divine body armor and your "generic" rares that probably cost 10+ exalts each.

And coming back to the actual discussion in the post: this game has severe balancing issues regarding build diversity and investing in defenses. Allowing only 1 portal only makes it worse, not better. You're a living example of that and ironically your testimony only disproves yourself.

I see you trying to argue and all I can think of is the Invincible meme: "look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"

Bro I don't know what tier of maps you are currently running but if you are anywhere at least or around T8 and you have not invested more than 20ex total on your character, that is clearly the reason why you die a lot.
You've got to find some ways to make currency, even during progression and invest it into your build.
You are just not going to get anywhere near the later tiers of maps while rocking basically campain trash (no offense)
With or without 6 portals.

Last edited by LFA01#0120 on Jan 22, 2025, 4:18:24 PM
LFA01#0120 wrote:
_rt_#4636 wrote:
That titan build i described didn't cost me much when it comes to defenses, rare shield was 60ex, life/attribute morior was 1 div, rest of gear are generic rares.

This has to be a joke at this point...

Your shield alone costs 3x what I invested in my whole character, I have no mod restrictions on my waystones and I can probably play way riskier and much faster. Not to mention your 1 divine body armor and your "generic" rares that probably cost 10+ exalts each.

And coming back to the actual discussion in the post: this game has severe balancing issues regarding build diversity and investing in defenses. Allowing only 1 portal only makes it worse, not better. You're a living example of that and ironically your testimony only disproves yourself.

I see you trying to argue and all I can think of is the Invincible meme: "look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"

Bro I don't know what tier of maps you are currently running but if you are anywhere at least or around T8 and you have not invested more than 20ex total on your character, that is clearly the reason why you die a lot.
You've got to find some ways to make currency, even during progression and invest it into your build.
You are just not going to get anywhere near the later tiers of maps while rocking basically campain trash (no offense)
With or without 6 portals.

Nice way to chime in mid-discussion without knowing the context.

I've invested 20-25 exalts on my build: 5ex on my weapon, around 3-5ex on other gear pieces. Helmet, Gloves and Amulet were what I had dropped so far in the campaign or while mapping.

I didn't have capped resists, had 10% chaos resist, less than 3k HP + ES, less than 70% evasion with Acrobatics.

I went as far as to run 3-4 rare corrupted T15 maps, fully modded, on irradiated maps with breach/corruption/bosses with very little effort.
After that I stopped playing. This had proven to me that this was just PoE 1 2.0 and wasn't meaningfully challenging to me. It was just the same artificial time-killer GGG created when they started changing too much of PoE.

So no, I was not dying. Quite the contrary.

My only personal issue with 1-death maps were pinnacle bosses, and not because I imagined they'd be hard, but because having a single death would 100% force people to learn about the fight outside of the game instead of trying in-game. GGG already addressed that.

But because I didn't face issues with the current system, it doesn't mean I'm blind to the fact it's dumb for the majority of the casual playerbase, nor I'm stupid enough to believe it has no impact in build diversity and players' freedom of choice.

And let me quote what I said in another post:

By the way, GGG is very aware of this fact and they deliberately don't do it the right way.
Their revenue mainly comes from that exact situation: every new league they release broken builds and nerf the previous ones to the ground.
That cycle is what attracts gullible players that end up buying MTX and supporter packs. You can check that cycle in action here: https://steamdb.info/app/238960/charts/#3y

And they've already stated, officially, that the current endgame is working how they intended and the issue is the transition between a slower campaign and zoom zoom maps.
So don't expect PoE 2 to change anything. Unless they change their stance, it will be a cycle of broken builds in new leagues and nerfing the previous builds to oblivion.

So, despite my blind faith, I have very little actual hope GGG will change anything meaningful from PoE 1
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Jan 22, 2025, 5:04:10 PM
_rt_#4636 wrote:
That titan build i described didn't cost me much when it comes to defenses, rare shield was 60ex, life/attribute morior was 1 div, rest of gear are generic rares.

This has to be a joke at this point...

Your shield alone costs 3x what I invested in my whole character, I have no mod restrictions on my waystones and I can probably play way riskier and much faster. Not to mention your 1 divine body armor and your "generic" rares that probably cost 10+ exalts each.

And coming back to the actual discussion in the post: this game has severe balancing issues regarding build diversity and investing in defenses. Allowing only 1 portal only makes it worse, not better. You're a living example of that and ironically your testimony only disproves yourself.

I see you trying to argue and all I can think of is the Invincible meme: "look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"

Joke is that you consider 60ex a high investment.
Run maps for 3 days, 3h each day, you will have way more.
Shield i bought for 60ex is extremely good, meaning that i would be just fine with much cheaper one. I one that not cry on forums after every death. You do.
Run maps for 3 days, 3h each day, you will have way more.
Shield i bought for 60ex is extremely good, meaning that i would be just fine with much cheaper one. I one that not cry on forums after every death. You do.

Run maps for 3 days, 3h each day

Run maps for 3 days

3h each day

What are you? 14? You come back from school every day, food on the table, house clean, kiss from mommy/daddy and only play PoE?

Now I understand why you have the attention span and reading comprehension of a kid.
You LITERALLY quoted me saying I don't die to say I cry about dying and you completely missed the point I'm defending here.
Last edited by _rt_#4636 on Jan 23, 2025, 2:28:35 PM

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