XP penalty and likely 1 portal is NOT going anywhere

No issues there so why would there be here? Did anyone even know it would be one portal? I didn't know.

Yep, no real issues with 6 portals back in the day, and plenty of people ran glass cannon builds that rarely died in heavily juiced maps. In fact, that was half the balance problem of PoE1 in that defenses became kinda useless and the only hope was to screen wipe before something could tag you in the 14 frames it took to reach you from the edge of the screen. Glass cannons only become more desirable in a game with punitive death penalties because if you kill them first before they can threaten you, you'll never die anyway.

It's almost like the pro one-attempters don't have much of a leg to stand on. It certainly speaks volumes to the current state of the game's balance, too, that it compels "path of least resistance" thinking only further exacerbated by one-attempt maps and how punitive the penalty for death is. Knowing such builds are not dying as much as, say, my slam warrior only further adds to the frustration thanks to the game's poor state of balance. In a softcore league, penalties really do need to be limited. Dying should elicit a simple "Oh god damnit..." and try again, not a "fuck this game" rage quit.
Dying should elicit a simple "Oh god damnit..." and try again, not a "fuck this game" rage quit.

Yeah, when I die in juiced map and lose everything + 10% exp then I say "Oh god damnit..." and I try again.
Dying should elicit a simple "Oh god damnit..." and try again, not a "fuck this game" rage quit.

Yeah, when I die in juiced map and lose everything + 10% exp then I say "Oh god damnit..." and I try again.
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:

Yeah, when I die in juiced map and lose everything + 10% exp then I say "Oh god damnit..." and I try again.

Precisely.....the normal player response.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
One portal means the end game isn't for everyone. My main rarely dies in t15/16 maps but the specter of losing the map upon death doesn't add to my enjoyment ... it detracts from it. I have a competent build and I'm running the maps now, but once I've seen everything ... IDK if it'll be worth it to run in leagues.

I'm not sure why they went this route, given there is a hardcore mode for those who want a harsh penalty upon death.

I genuinely enjoy the story mode and look forward to the future development of new zones and character classes, but I think my end game experience will be in POE not POE2.
Last edited by timewarden#5596 on Jan 28, 2025, 6:16:16 PM
I played chrono with mace, and I found out armor and max life is trash, I can't imagine the life of warrior player with it, so instead, I respec and retrade my gear and spent it all on aura/curses temporal chains, and I rarely die after that,

is it my own build problem? yes
is it my problem that the armour are trash? no

the dev provide 3 defences and warrior tanky player decide to make a tanky build
with armour and max life, but its also a problem if they forced to use energy shield instead, that makes them think "why don't I play sorcerer instead of warrior if I forced to use their gear?"

that leads to a conclusion to becoming me, a sorcerer with warrior on the outside

is that a problem to me? no, I love it
is that a problem to those who loves warrior class? yes it is!
Imagine GGG remove xp penalty, and give us 6 portals, what would it mean?

1. Literally 0 reason investing into defense at all or above bare minimum.
2. It doesn't matter if you die or not, you still have more portals anyway.
3. This encourage more and more people play exactly same fastest range builds.
4. This encourage people play builds that clear screens with half of gear being rarity and 0 defenses.
5. It just deletes build diversity, when most of players play same build.

Not denying that some stuff there in maps do hit hard. And it hit harder if you don't care about mods on your waystones that can make easy map into deadly map.

If you die in maps on your 1500 life build, its not game problem, its your problem.
If you die in maps because you didn't bother investing into defenses, its not game problem, its your problem.

Game will change a lot and not once during Early Access. Work around to make your character good, instead of complaining about "game problem" that is your build problem in reality.

Some tips that might help you:

- On builds that naturally don't have high life, you should definitely go into hybrid life/es, or life/es/evasion, its good, its worth it.

- You might know that armor is bad, work around it, get a bit of armor against smaller hits, just stack more life against bigger hits instead of going hard into armor, since currently there's just nothing in the game that hit for more than 4k phys damage, so for example 4k life character with 5k armor will tank higher hit than 3k life character with 15k armor.

- Most of stuff that kill you in maps is elemental but not phys. So max resists and higher life/es is the way to make melee character tanky. Very few mobs that you find in maps can hit hard with phys damage, but almost all if not all of those mobs are very slow and easy to avoid.

Edit: changed some points because some people take every single word literally.

LOL Im fully geared full defenses even Chaos and still get one shot from stuff what the fuck are ya talking about?
I played chrono and I found out armor and max life is trash, I can't imagine the life of warrior player with it, so instead, I respec and retrade my gear and spent it all on aura/curses temporal chains, and I rarely die after that,

That's funny cause armour nodes are on the opposite side of the tree.

is it my own build problem? yes
is it my problem that the armour are trash? no

Like 10 pages ago, when someone else brought this up as an argument against 1-portal, this was exactly my point.

Warrior (and armour) are problems. The one-portal is irrelevant to THOSE problems. Once warrior gets rebalanced, and armour fixed, those playing warriors and having a much harder time will find there is far less to complain about with the 1 portal.

Because except for these very real problems with warrior....deaths are almost entirely preventable.
Starting anew....with PoE 2

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