Who though that "1 death = all portals gone" adds value and enjoyment to the game?

Im fine with the one death per portal. They just need to add more content so that we have more options to beat the game. If it wasnt hard now then it would be easy when everything is released and they are dropping new league content, which will most likely make you stronger.
Granted they can always release new difficulty modifiers that make the game harder when th4e time comes. But I like the 1 portal a map. It makes it significantly harder to progress without investment and character growth. Unfortunately there's not a lot of that available right now.
If I’m level 98 and I go into a map and gets zapped and die I don’t care how many portals you give me I am NOT going in back there.

that's gr8. Now apply it to the beginning of the league, when you put a t(X) map into the map device and pray to get a drop of at least one t(x) map or it's back to t(x-6) for you. GL.

For me 1 portal is fine. Here's a "poe newbie guide to play the game in the most boring, standardized and no experiments allowing way possible" nobody asked for:

See above - you can simply "don't care how many portals are left" - you die = you "abandon" the map! You get what's fine for you and at the same time you don't force it to others - profit for everyone.
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Last edited by GoodbyeEmily#0467 on Jan 6, 2025, 11:25:18 AM
New to PoE? GGG has always done things to inflict maximum amount of misery on its players. It's par for the course. It's why we love these games, and keep coming back.
Last edited by darkdhaos#6939 on Jan 6, 2025, 11:29:14 AM
New to PoE? GGG has always done things to inflict maximum amount of misery on its players. It's par for the course. It's why we love these games, and keep coming back.

We love these games because they are good in general despite of the "no fun allowed". Good enough to bare this "rule".

Which "rule" is also exaggerated, GGG usually listens to people and makes changes to obviously stupid decisions
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Last edited by GoodbyeEmily#0467 on Jan 6, 2025, 11:46:13 AM
I honestly wouldn't mind the loss of portals nor the exp loss (though i wish it wasn't bumped to 15% instead of 10%), as it makes me learn to play more defensively and learn the mechanics of each mob but the atrocious frame drops during breach and the horrendous map layouts make doing breach and ritual a pain in the ass. Playing at 1080p still doesn't solve this issue.

I can't emphasize on how bad the layout of most maps are. Barely any big open maps and augury should straight up be removed.

Delirium encounters are also a huge issue as I keep getting knocked back when del mobs spawn.

XP loss is NOT 15%. It was NEVER 15%. It was NOT bumped. It is 10%, it has ALWAYS been 10%.

Have you made it to endgame? Have you died even once? It's not hard to see that it is NOT 15%.


See above - you can simply "don't care how many portals are left" - you die = you "abandon" the map! You get what's fine for you and at the same time you don't force it to others - profit for everyone.[/quote]

This is the truth until you realize these people dont actually care about what they claim.
The truth is they can do the one portal thing and use this as a ego boost to validate themselves over others who cannot.

I would bet these are the same people who used every single portal in poe1 and would never consider abandoning after 1 death because "everyone else isnt"

Pure hypocritical people who should be ignored.
Found the guy using portals in POE 1 as player defenses.
Valsacar#0268 wrote:
I honestly wouldn't mind the loss of portals nor the exp loss (though i wish it wasn't bumped to 15% instead of 10%), as it makes me learn to play more defensively and learn the mechanics of each mob but the atrocious frame drops during breach and the horrendous map layouts make doing breach and ritual a pain in the ass. Playing at 1080p still doesn't solve this issue.

I can't emphasize on how bad the layout of most maps are. Barely any big open maps and augury should straight up be removed.

Delirium encounters are also a huge issue as I keep getting knocked back when del mobs spawn.

XP loss is NOT 15%. It was NEVER 15%. It was NOT bumped. It is 10%, it has ALWAYS been 10%.

Have you made it to endgame? Have you died even once? It's not hard to see that it is NOT 15%.

Bruh check your informations.

I've read on the forums that someone on reddit spoke about a streamer saying one of his viewers had a friend playing with his cousin telling him it's 25%, so it's 25%.

Trust me.
While one portal is not a decision that enhances fun or replayability in any way, and in all honesty it does seem like a dumb design decision its not what burns me.

So many other things I want fixed first, such as ascendency, ES vs Life vs Armor vs Evasion, such as all monk/quarterstaff skills vs melee balance, the D4-like backtracking (POE2 backtracking is worse than D4 ever was, and they fixed it), and the POOR crafting.
Last edited by cesmode#5569 on Jan 6, 2025, 1:51:09 PM
It's bullshit and needs to go today!

Yes it does, 5 map portals doesnt make any sense on the map device, and you die and can only go in once ?

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