Death Penalty System - EXP Loss in particular
" Yes, to answer your silly questions... I have had different opinions from the devs, but not on this issue. XP loss on death doesn't need to change. That's my feedback. Sorry you're dying all the time. It okay you WILL get over that wall and feel better. It's really okay buddy. Your feedback of "this game is too hard, change it" is useless and not helping early access. The game has been this way for over a decade and other games also. It's in the game design. It's not changing. Move on to another issue that makes the game too hard for you. |
" Unfortunately, some people will have to accept they will never reach 100 and that is the way it is. There are people on here with over 4000 hours in POE1 that never reached level 100.. and they still played the game for that long. Were they complaining? No, they came back for every single league and level to 95 or whatever and were happy with their toon. It's a niche thing and not for everyone. |
I see repeatedly newer players, or players with less time brought up as a reason why to remove the XP penalty. To me it sounds like these players are used as a false pretense or as a scapegoat.
To me personally, losing XP is a choice. The game gives 100% control over the difficulty each player selects. Dying is a result of their decisions. If a player loses more XP failing than they earn succeeding, then maybe they are simply doing something wrong and should try doing something else. |
" Well said, bravo. Thank you. |
" I have raised other concerns, just not in this thread since it was focused on the XP penalty. In other threads, I've talked about problems with defense not being nearly as effective as it should be. On-death effects are out of control. Armor is particularly bad. I didn't realize how bad until I listened to a few streamers talking about how damage mitigation works, so they all just stack ES. It's often hard to know what you died to because the screen gets cluttered with hundreds of mobs and dozens of ground effects. People often say they want challenge and difficulty because it forces people to play smarter and put more thought into their gameplay instead of just building glasscannons and blasting through the maps. Ironically, I'm finding that the current design is achieving the opposite. The most successful builds I've seen are the glasscannons that melt every enemy before they can even touch you. Turns out, there's very little risk of dying if you can just delete everything off your screen with one attack. With defensive attributes being as bad as they are right now, the only true defense is overwhelming offense. | |
" |
" You keep repeating the same pointless none sense because you are not even remotely able to understand any of the points here. Yet again... I died today because of these freaking server lags we had in EU Frankfurt realm... For what reason do I get punished if the servers are not stable enough? After that I started another map... got disconnected and my portal was closed... and another... After that I changed to another Server. So in what universe is any of that a difficulty I picked? 3 Maps los, on lv 93 10% EXP lost, 2 nice atlas mods lost... great deal. |
Same story, I quit playing PoE because you are grinding for hours exp and then loose everything for no reason.
PoE never was balanced unlike Diablo 2. In Diablo 2 you always know before that things are going south. In PoE you run five maps and you health bar is staying full all the time, then you are running the next exactly same map, boom, you are dead, one shoot. You dont even know what it was. |
" It is not "pointless none sense". You guys simply refuse to understand. You are proposing to remove a mechanic that is not the cause. You having lag and disconnecting is the cause. The correct way is to reduce lag and disconnects. It really is that simple. No need to change a working mechanic. I am baffled that you don't want to understand this. You must either be trolling or you are so fixed on the wrong solution that absolutely nothing can change this wrong point of view. |
" Stop doing challenging content and go back to what you can easily clear... This is not good game design. Saying "it's a choice" is avoiding the issue. It's the devs choice to add punishments on top of death. That's the choice we're talking about and think should be changed. |