Massive Latency Spikes

Caillin#5359 wrote:
I'm in Australia too, and also started having these issues.

Hopping different NordVPN local exit nodes can often resolve the issue temporarily until it hits again.

Latency and jitter to the remote server host is nominal (17ms average over an hour, with 0.8ms jitter).

In-game latency spikes do not correlate with any ICMP latency spikes to the server, which suggests that it's a server-side processing issue that is delaying packets being sent and/or ICMP traffic is being prioritised.

I'm sure GGG is aware of this and hopefully looking to resolve given it looks to be happening globally (though sporadically).

Yeah sounds like there may be more than one issue then, and I agree yours sounds more like a server load issue (possibly specific to Australia region).
Last edited by muelch#3803 on Dec 11, 2024, 8:10:23 AM
Same here. Some maps run with a smooth ~10 ms ping, others will have constant lag spikes every 2-3 seconds. It seems to be pretty random.
Playing on Paris & Frankfurt.
Logged into poe2 this morning to over 20k ms and rising. Living in US, East Coast.
Last edited by Alavar#3052 on Dec 11, 2024, 9:50:31 AM
same here
same here :(

Played like +- 15 hours on my char last 3days -> all good, no spikes, 30-80ms (moscow/frank region)
But when i turned from my work today (11dec) its dead for me, 5sec of regular 30ms and then insane ms spikes to 300+ms, so its unplayble on any region...

Maybe last patch brick something idk

p.s Overwatch, 7days, LoL works fine, so i think problem is not on my side (i hope)
Last edited by zombies99didnothingwrong#1529 on Dec 11, 2024, 11:00:19 AM
insane spikes, from 10 to 1000ms, unplayable
I found the solution for this problem:
1) teleport to town
2) go to waypoint
3) hold ctrl and select the location you want to go to
4) in the opened window select "New"

Also, dying helps
I found the solution for this problem:
1) teleport to town
2) go to waypoint
3) hold ctrl and select the location you want to go to
4) in the opened window select "New"

Also, dying helps

Has been posted quite a few times already and doesnt work (for me at least).
I found the solution for this problem:
1) teleport to town
2) go to waypoint
3) hold ctrl and select the location you want to go to
4) in the opened window select "New"

Also, dying helps

Has been posted quite a few times already and doesnt work (for me at least).

Just try it until it helps. Sometimes I have to do it 2-3 times in a row
Even after this algorithm, randomly during map - network lags resumes...
Because of that, i cant kill boss... I just cant get to him before lags.
Anybody have any persistent fix for this? GGG?

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