Massive Latency Spikes

I don't understand how this is happening to me on PoE2, when i tried playing on PoE1 just now on a t16 fully juiced map and this wasn't an issue at all.

My ping stays stable in a new instance until a lot of things start happening during combant eg. when I start fighting alot of mobs and the jagged ground fissures start chaining + rage on hit, then the network bar on the monitoring on top fluctuates wildly. The game then stutters like hell at like 1 tick a second.

Im on a i9 13900hx + 4070 laptop. Ping is 30 stable when idling, but then fluctuates to 200-1000 once PoE stuff starts happening.
Hi, same problem. I play with ps5, wifi, from Italy.
The first days: no lag, all ok.
Yesterday: Severe Lag Spikes every few seconds/minutes, the same lag that Poe1 on PS5 had when I tried it (and that made it impossible for me to play it). I tried change server from auto to Milan and Paris, but lag persisted.
Today (after downloading the latest update): first 30 minutes without lag, then again, although a little better than yesterday.
The game is great, but this lag makes it an unpleasant experience. I hope things don't stay that way or I'll have to request a refund.
I love poe2 but im experiencing the same issues - started just after the weekend either monday or tuesday most of the campaign with basically the whole weekend played.

On poe1 i have between 1 to 6 ms on fiber and a decent pc but poe 2 once evening hits which is the only time i can play after work its unplayable.
Ms goes from from 3ms to 600+ multiple times a second i even have a f1 graph which in a small scale shows the spike around 12 times.....

Tried both clients, with or without vpn, wifi no wifi cable no cable.
the weird thing is that even though i have the exact same pc my brother has in the same household i have the issues while he doesn't at all.

Pc was scanned, updated os and drivers, disk checked etc nothing that could indicate why im experiencing it and he doesn't.
PS5 works fine but i much prefer the pc experience.

Posting for nothing more but to bump the post its always on eu servers (any both on steam and standalone client from 8pm cest up until 1am not sure if consistent cause i just close the game whenever it doesn't stop in 10 minutes)

As per Henry_GGG post with request to provide specs and evidence:

Computer specs:
CPU: Ryzen 7 7800X3D
GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 4700Ti Super
RAM: DDR5 2x16GB 6000
Game Settings:
Renderer: all 3 with issues using mainly dx12
Triple Buffering: on and of didnt help either way
Multithreading: on and of didnt help either way
Clients used: PC Standalone and Steam
Different PC with exact same specs and a ps5 work fine
all settings in youtube link

edit: uninstalled league witht he riot vanguard thing and seems to be working for now at 11:55pm... dx12,adaptive,nvidia dlss, ultra performance,hiugh, 8x, sh+gi, high,high,high,on,no trile buffering, multi threading yes - will edit once again it stops was able to play for an hour without lags will report back tomorrow if it persists
Last edited by Katsurou#4254 on Dec 12, 2024, 5:38:54 PM
Responding again to bump thread.

This is insane the amount of spiking that's happening. Also it seems to be at almost all time of the day. From EU, if that helps diagnose where the networking is going wrong.

Tried also connecting to NA servers, but same problem.
When i play normally, i have zero ms issues. 10-15ms.

As soon as i start streaming on twitch, i will go above 1000ms. Never had this issue in any other game, nothing helps. Has nothing to do with my internet speed.
I have the same problem for 2 days now ms spikes from 30 to 1000+ and sometimes can just skyrocket to 100k+ on a bad instance
this is just straight up stupid now. loads into map everything is fine after 2 hours of lag spikes. nearly at boss and spikes comes back... like wtf is actually going on. it has never been this bad before

like many others i also tried everything. even spend 20 bucks on vpn with a dedicated ip. and nothing have helped.
Joined: Dec 14, 2011
Update, anyone who hasn't tried this I'd recommend doing so as this seems to have fixed the issue for me. This is from the general trouble shooting tips posted by GGG in this subforum. You can check out the full list of tips here:

2. Clear your client's cache
If any cached client data has become corrupted it could also cause a variety of problems, from visual anomalies to crashes.

To clear your client's cache, go to "%AppData%\Path of Exile" on your computer and delete the cache folders.

Clearing your client's cache will clear out several temporary storage locations that Path of Exile uses for things like downloaded images and graphics shaders. After clearing cached shaders your client performance will be temporarily degraded while the client regenerates the shaders it needs. For this reason we recommend only clearing your client's cache as a last resort when troubleshooting a crash or other graphical problem, or if the size of the caches has become a problem.
Last edited by Saf3tyhazard#3440 on Dec 12, 2024, 7:40:25 PM
Last edited by OSYRHIS#5208 on Dec 12, 2024, 9:07:54 PM
Same, no lag spikes at launch and over the weekend, smooth gameplay overall. Fired it up tonight for first time since Sunday and in game network monitor shows 200ms spikes frequently , both Washington and DC servers, makes the game incredibly jerky and had zero of that first three days.

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