Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.

Casia#1093 wrote:
Revisiting recoup for a moment.

24% of damage recouped as mana possible on ammy. suffix. (life as well, but we care more about mana/es) I do not know how mana catalysts effect these.
life recoup on jewels, no mana or es.

midnight braid belt. unique.
50% of damage taken recouped as mana.
30% inc life recovery from flasks.
+30-50max mana.
+5-10 all elem resists.
huh... these are real cheap on the market. theres even a corrupted one with 56% recoup.
Randomises the numerical values of explicit modifiers (like a divine Orb
), then applies a modifier magnitude multiplier of 0.78x to 1.22x.

so, 61 mana recoup corruption is possible.

20, 6, and 3 mana recoup in passive tree.

3% es recoup. is this the ONLY source of it?

so, ammy+passives could give us 53% mana recoup. (maybe more of quality works)
+belt, 103% as well.

lets say 3000 mana.

3000 damage hit, that takes out all your mana. leaving only life.
53% =1590 mana over 8s. 198.7mana/s before, 99m/s after mom.
103%= 3090 mana over 8s. 386m/s before, 193 after mom.
rapid river.
53% =1590 mana over 4s. 397.5mana/s before, 199m/s after mom.
103%= 3090 mana over 4s. 772.5m/s before, 386m/s after mom.
pliable flesh
53% =1590 mana over 3.2s. 497.5mana/s before, 248.75m/s after mom.
103%= 3090 mana over 3.2s. 965.6m/s before, 482m/s after mom.
oh, I forgot "arcane blossom" in those numbers. multiply them by 1.15.

3%es recoup.
90 es over 8,4,3.2s. 11/s,22/s,28/s. haha. note, if you have 24% mana recoup ammy, you don't have everlasting gaze, and thus don't have EB and Es. this seems pretty pathetic of course. im not sure if there is some way to do something with this.
oh shit, the ES node across from Arcane blossom is ES RECOVERY rate, not recharge. that would also effect this es recoup. I wonder what else.. zealot oath es regen.. grim feast is flat, not a rate.. this probably pairs with Eternal youth, or shaveronnes as I note later.

life recoup. 12 from pliable flesh, 9glazed flesh, and 30 heartbound
51%= 1530hp over 8,4,3.2s. 191hp/s, 382.5hp/s, 478hp/s

Grim feast. the first thing of course. I said 3k hit to your mana.. but 3k hit to ES BEFORE mana or life is even better. you'll be regening that life and mana before it even hits your life or mana.
of, course to hafe life, mana, and ES. you can't have CI. and either need to choose between gaze, or 24% of that mana recoup.

without mom?
103% damage recouped as mana, and Mom sounds immortal, (outside of degens that don't proc recoup), but of course its reducing that 103 to 51.5(59% with arcane blossom). granted natural mana regen and flasks are there too..
but, how much % damage taken from mana can we get without mom?
34% in passive tree. (does basically require mental pers to be annointed. its so far from anything good.)
4% per sapphire. (1% per notable on time lost sapphires) so, 3-6? 24% Chobi you said you stacked this at one point right? what were your sources?
58% of damage taken from mana.

EB and gaze. well, gaze is an option, and giving you that es, and midnight braid belt for that mana recoup. or, you drop gaze. get a mana recoup, +skills ammy. seems to think mana quality would buff the mana recoup.

life, grim feast es, and 58% damage taken from mana, gives a pretty big ehp. and higher ailment threshold. not sure if stun scales with life still. midnight braid is only 1 charm slot.

glazed flesh itself is also probably too far to justify. even if the 3/3/3 is neat.
mind eraser is also 5 points. could just have to decide which to take. mind eraser is prime for a timelost jewel though.

for the record shavronne;'s satchel also is pretty good.
giving life flasks to BOTH life and ES.

I'm playing recoup right now, since Energy Shield doesn't recoup well (very little support for it) I got rid of it and turned it into more mana with Eldritch Battery.
I recoup life and mana and split damage between them using the partial Damage Taken from Mana Before Life nodes.

Haven't had much time to play and I do it very slowly exploring stuff instead of strict minmax focusing but I have 80% life recoup, 20% mana recoup (could use the 50% belt but I'd need to shuffle my resistances from it and I can't be bothered to do it rn), and take 24% damage from mana before life.

I use Enfeeble instead of Temporal Chains so that I tank lower hit numbers to make them more manageable and which then make me recoup over time.

For physical hits I use Cloak of Flame (with a life recoup corruption enchant).
If I had more currency I'd chase the life recoup+mana recoup+skill levels amulets as well as recoup+damage taken from mana before life jewels.

I found archmage rushing on all builds very boring so I skipped that and instead I stack levels on spells, so far it's been pretty good cold chronomancing with it. I just still need to fix my mana a bit better, most likely with jewels.
Last edited by TheEighthPanda#4917 on Jan 6, 2025, 10:55:08 AM
Casia#1093 wrote:

for the record shavronne;'s satchel also is pretty good.
giving life flasks to BOTH life and ES.

The issue I've found with Shavronne's Satchel after using it for a bit is that if your life is full, there will be no recovery to your ES from it. At least that was the state of it a few weeks ago.
Casia#1093 wrote:
im dumb. those numbers and the flask numbers are probably still wrong.

less recovery rate. still thinking of it as less recovery.
does mom just make the same total occur over 12s instead of 8? same with flasks.

need to check this later.

ok. some confirmation.
310 over 3s flask.
27% instant. 75.4mana/s over 3s. x1.15 arcane blossom. 87mana/s. as expected.

20% recoup. 4.4 over 8s.
mind over matter.
2.2 over 8s.
43.5 over 3s. flask.

ok, my original assumption was correct. MoM reducing the rate, reduces the reduces the total recovery, leaving the duration unaffected.
should never just assume though.

For the record, I also confirmed. life recoup does NOT work with zealot's oath. didnt really expect it to. but, thought I should make sure.

Hypothermia is called Frostbite in the gem support menu. haha.

how does richochet support work with snakepit frostbolt?

Font of mana support is an aura. but not a spell, so doesn't get any of the spell aoe. and poe2.db do not list level scaling for timesnap, or temporal rift, but they do.

level 19 time snap.
32.8s cd.

level 19 temporal rift.
5.2s cd.

level 22 time snap.
31.6s cd.

level 22 temporal rift.
4.9s cd.

heres a level 22 time freeze with my cdr gear.

and without +spell skill levels.

(my +spell skills wand has cast speed on it, thats not scaling)

Just in case anyone was curious.
Time freeze does not stop regen or energy shield recharge for enemies.
nor does it stop projectiles mid air.
Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 6, 2025, 2:41:52 PM
First of all, I want to say that you’ve done an excellent job with this post and in this community, and I really appreciate all the effort

Im writing this post with the hope that someone can help me understand what might be happening to me.. It’s my first time in PoE, and this is also my first character. Im currently level 71, and until now everything was working more or less fine up until level 60, when I decided to switch to a CoC-based build. This is where my problems started

I ve tried several different CoC-based builds. I’ve been following this thread and some Youtube videos, and with all of the builds, I have exactly the same problem: the CoC crit counter fills extremely slowly during clear mapping....
To give you an idea, for every pack of monsters, it fills by about 10-15%, so I’m casting my Comets every 7-8 packs. This leads to an extremely slow and clunky clear mapping

I ve seen other players, and in their case, the CoC % goes from 0 to 100% with each pack

I ve been reading this thread and trying to understand what might be going wrong, but there are many concepts that I don’t fully grasp, and I am missing some things

I’ve exported my exact build to Maxroll (build with qualities, spells with levels, passive tree with jewels) in the hopes that someone can help me figure out what the issue is

These are the stats of Ice Nova and Ice Wall:

I’ve tried the build with Icebolt and with Ice Nova, and with both I get the same result.

Side notes:
- I’m level 71, so I still have a few passive tree nodes to add.
- I’ve prioritized "Critical Hit Chance for Spells" and "Critical Spell Damage - Bonus" in the weapon and jewels, as well as on the passive tree (I think).
- I’m aware that I don’t have "gain mana on kill" jewels, but they’re too expensive for me right now
- Spirit = 353 / Shield = 1739 / Mana = ~2000
- All passives are ON
- I am using the Polcikeln. Could it be causing an adverse effect?
- The Ice Wall skill is at a lower level because if I level it up more, I am unable to break the walls with either Ice Nova or Ice Bolt, so I ve left it at level 11

Thank you so much in advance, and sorry to be asking about this, but I am absolutely desperate

Last edited by MITSUI_SAN#2503 on Jan 6, 2025, 2:43:16 PM
Does anyone know if the +1 to Cold Skills on the Passive Tree is bugged? I'm currently at lvl 24 for my frost skills (No +1 level gem in any of my frost skills atm)
I was initially having mana problems due to my spells being too high a level so held off from slotting in that passive.

However, today after learning it. It seems that it does not increase damage/mana cost.

Anyone else experiencing this?

It's bugged atm, you need to change locations to apply changes.

Could we perhaps get a sequence of gem links in order of importance? So that players who don't have 6links yet know which supports are more important to link first before others, like in the Frostbolt, Frostwall and Cast on Crit gems in the main Cold Slowmancer build.

Sure, but a bit later. I'm busy closing remaining content of the game. Need just d2-d4 Orloth fights, and that's it for me. I completed everything else, besides citadels - They just ain't on my atlas for some reason. Bad seed or whatever.

After that I will revise lvling, progression, and budgets.

For the latter tho, idk about big budgets. I'm playing, basically, midgame build with 1-5d per slot, with the exception of body armour. Was lucky corruption for the 3rd slot, so it costs quite a bit more now.

Casia#1093 wrote:
how does richochet support work with snakepit frostbolt?

Not working even w/o snakepit. Frostbolt explodes on contact with the terrain.


I ve tried several different CoC-based builds. I’ve been following this thread and some Youtube videos, and with all of the builds, I have exactly the same problem: the CoC crit counter fills extremely slowly during clear mapping....
To give you an idea, for every pack of monsters, it fills by about 10-15%, so I’m casting my Comets every 7-8 packs. This leads to an extremely slow and clunky clear mapping

I ve seen other players, and in their case, the CoC % goes from 0 to 100% with each pack

Long story short - it procs more often with more damage on crit.
For early game in general focusing on frost bomb is the best bet. Sounds slow af, ikr. Been there.

Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 6, 2025, 2:47:11 PM
First of all, I want to say that you’ve done an excellent job with this post and in this community, and I really appreciate all the effort

Im writing this post with the hope that someone can help me understand what might be happening to me.. It’s my first time in PoE, and this is also my first character. Im currently level 71, and until now everything was working more or less fine up until level 60, when I decided to switch to a CoC-based build. This is where my problems started

Side notes:
- I’m level 71, so I still have a few passive tree nodes to add.
- I’ve prioritized "Critical Hit Chance for Spells" and "Critical Spell Damage - Bonus" in the weapon and jewels, as well as on the passive tree (I think).
- I’m aware that I don’t have "gain mana on kill" jewels, but they’re too expensive for me right now
- Spirit = 353 / Shield = 1739 / Mana = ~2000
- All passives are ON
- I am using the Polcikeln. Could it be causing an adverse effect?
- The Ice Wall skill is at a lower level because if I level it up more, I am unable to break the walls with either Ice Nova or Ice Bolt, so I ve left it at level 11

Thank you so much in advance, and sorry to be asking about this, but I am absolutely desperate


theres a few mistakes.

crit chance wand. good.

"- I’ve prioritized "Critical Hit Chance for Spells" and "Critical Spell Damage - Bonus" in the weapon and jewels, as well as on the passive tree (I think)."

no you didnt. you prioritized crit spell damage. you have a 28% chance to crit with frostwall, and 425% crit damage. (yes with supercritical)
but that is way too low for CoC.
Passives. Desense is crit damage, deadly force line is basically all damage/crit damage.
you need Controlling magic, critcal exploit, and critical overload probably.

you want your crit chance for wall, and your other primary activator to be at or over 50% at LEAST.

Frost wall is your primary builder for freeze, and crit. you do NOT want supercritical on it, nor controlled destruction, nor elem focus, nor anything else that prevents freeze buildup on it.

Monik generates more CoC then I do. much is that is specifically the aoe shotgunning of snakepit.


Gains 1 Energy per Power of enemies you
Critically Hit with Skills, modified by the percentage of the enemy's Ailment Threshold the Critical Hit will deal

this is important. I don't actually know what can effect this, other then raw damage.
however, the key point is abilities which hit like a wet noodle.. eye of winter, looking at you, while hitting many times, and possibly critting many times per cast, generate very poor CoC energy.
While those that HIT hard, and ALSO hit many times, generate a TON of crit energy.

eye of winter dealing 500 damage per hit and hitting 15 times against frost walls. generates like 15 energy maybe..
frost bomb dealing 8000 damage, and hitting 10 frost walls, will generate like 60 energy.
frost nova is also pretty weak. but aoe so is like 1000ish, 10 frost walls. maybe 25 energy.
frost bolt without snake pit pierces. 1200 damage, hits like 3 walls. maybe 9 energy.
frost bolt with snakepit instead explodes aoe, for 30% more damage. 1700 against 10 walls. 50 energy.
(not real numbers, just used to paint the picture)

now. heres the thing. if the damage is enough to POP the frostwalls, they TOO then explode aoe, proccing more crit chances against enemies, and OTHER unexploded frost walls.
and THAT is where you are seeing the absolute vometing of comets coming from.
frostbolt+snakepit is very strong at this. as its a bit more localized and can start this chain reaction. frost bomb does an ok job at this. but tends to just blow them all up at once. and this is whats happening versus bosses. as you spam walls, and comets come down, pop the walls, and the walls crit each other and the boss, causing more comets to be cast.

Eye of winter is then good to increase crit chance. but it, itself does not hit hard enough to pop walls, nor generate CoC energy itself. (unless someone can figure out a way to make that happen. reducing threshould, more proj? idk. maybe with enough archmage it would hit hard enough? maybe with crit damage it also gets high enough)

snakepit+frostbolt is a very effective way.

reducing Frost wall hp, via passive, and support so its easier to pop them is an option.
(not needed if your bombs/comets/bolts hit hard enough)

Frost bomb. especially if Echo'd should hit hard enough, and TWICE to generate a ton of crit energy, and pop walls.

your 71 and your frost wall with +skills is only level 11? that doesn't sound right.
oh, checked other image. 17 nova. better. 37crit there.
and I see your comment now. no don't leave it low level. yes, its easier to pop. but its also one of the primary damage sources, and as noted, raw damage, effects energy gain.

CoC does gain more energy as you level it. you have "inspiriation" which reduces mana costs, but not impetus, which increases energy generation, nor energy retention, which.. retains energy making hte next CoC go off faster.

conc effect, fast cast, astral proj, +cold skill, considered casting frost Nova might work better. it doesnt hit hard enough for 1 ambush to work. so fast cast spam ought to be better. 25% more elem focus is not high enough, while also, not applying the freeze buildup is dangerous. conc effect should just let it hit harder, and narrow it down for wall chain pops.

swap supervritical with leverage on wall.
Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 6, 2025, 3:38:09 PM
Life flask effect, ES recovery effect, and eternal youth:

"My ES recharge rate in the video is 9229,7/s with 81% max fire res."

Even without this silliness. I think chobi has the right idea.

vitality for 1% life regen and/or some minor life recoup/life on kill.
Then we take eternal youth.

Life flasks are much stronger then mana flasks.
I have a 1681 over 3s life flask. (5% quality/removes 15% of life recovered from mana)
that would be 336 instant with a 20% belt alone. never mind any other source of life/es recovery increase.
Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 6, 2025, 5:57:46 PM
one more thing..

I had a nice Malice scepter drop. 66% inc spirit.
ok mana, inc presance aoe.

so I tried it again, instead of rattling. 32 extra spirit, meant clarity and vitality or herbalism.

its working a lot better then I remembered. applying crit weakness faster.
Which checking that.. it IS scaling with level.

level 18 Malice. every .66s
level 17 Malice. every .68s.
level 12 Malice. every .78s.

so, .2 per level.

a level 20 Malice should be every.62s.
Thought I would add some of my thoughts, as I've been playing a cold Chronomancer homebrew and arrived at a lot of the same conclusions, but with some notable differences.

Big ones are I am not running Archmage or ES and am using Spark for the trigger spell.

Ran Mana Flare for the longest time (really enjoyed it on Eye of Winter, to make that skill actually do damage), but the sheer quantity of Comets being triggered means that I had to pull back on mana costs elsewhere.

Currently level 92 and breezing through T15 Breach maps in more or less alch 'n' go fashion on 5Ls and about 3 Div of gear. (Waiting on the next patch to really spend.) Six Ascendancy points (and eleven Ultimatum fragments that do not match). I do not care for Sanctum do not speak to me about Sanctum.

I will say I do not know if the Frost Wall interaction where each individual explosion is counted for CoX energy purposes is intended But leaving that aside, I've managed to kill the Chimera boss in Ultimatum accidentally using just Spark to trigger Comets, before he had a chance to leave the spawn area.

If you are going to give up a ring slot for a unique, I think Spark with band of the Brotherhood is the smoother option. You can "pre-cast", which also means you can Frost Wall wherever you see fit knowing that ambient Spark damage will explode them almost immediately. You can also cast less and run more while clearing, since they race ahead of you and can handle white mobs. (T13 or under, I can just spam Spark and run around brainlessly.)

This does mean I scale duration, so Frost Bomb is out. Running both Icicle support and Shattered Crystal to ensure that Frost Walls die in two casts (one if you're willing to wait for the bounceback). Pierce on Spark over Fork, since you want higher single hit for Cast on Critical and you definitely want some sort of projectile continuation on Spark at any cost.

Defenses, I went Recoup! So I'm using Eldritch Battery "ethically". (No mana on kill, just running a large amount of regen and exploiting Temporal Rift.) Took all of the damage-to-mana nodes on the tree for 34% (Mental Perserverance is a cheap anoint) and then another 13% from jewels for 47%. 2.2K life, which is 4.1K single hit. 68% recoup (Ascendancy, 26% amulet, 12% Pliable Flesh cluster).

The combination of damage-to-manage and recoup is pretty great. Most importantly, it means that all hits (that aren't lethal) recoup more than what I lose in health. I am only ever below full due to DoTs. Also worth noting that if you keep stacking damage-to-mana, it becomes progressively more valuable per point. Perfect jewels would allow for another 15%, giving 62% total of a single hit pool of 5.7K.

Character details:
- 2.2K HP, 3K mana (500/s with Arcane Surge; I've had 600 or more in the past which felt amazing, but not strictly needed)

- Mostly standard caster gear (not running anything weird like bow/quiver). I did run The Black Doubt for "The Agnostic" effect for the longest time (bought a 20% recoup corruption), but after some point uniques in that slot just cannot keep up. However, it felt great having an addition 300 life regeneration on top of the recoup.

- Running all meta energy jewels and all the points on the tree for over 200%

- 205 spirit for CoF, CoC, Arctic Armor, Cannibalism, Clarity [I think AA is slept on; it hits like a truck and I am really liking it for the cost-to-benefit ratio.]

- CoF : Comet : Spell Cascade : Rising Tempest : Energy Retention [This is the "clear" setup and has 211% energy gain and 60% to retain half energy. I like Spell Cascade specifically for the coverage and Energy Retention is both spikier (fine for clear) and I think numerically the weaker of the two.]

- CoF : Comet : Spell Echo : Inspiration : Impetus [This is the boss setup. It doesn't trigger all that often while mapping but CoF is more than sufficient. I don't know if there is a way around Inspiration. My current plan for the 6L is Concentrated Effect.]

- Spark : Arcane Tempo : Persistence : Acceleration : Pierce

- Frost Wall : Icicle : Magnified Effect (so they overlap) : Considered Casting (torn on this) : Cold Mastery (but running out of good supports)

- Eye of Winter (purely as a debuffer, so level 13) : Unleash : Cold Exposure : Strip Away : Chain

- Hypothermia ("boss nuke") : Heightened Curse : Expanse : Cursed Ground (personal preference) [I ran Mana Tempest for a while here instead because there are some incredibly juicy supports, but it felt finicky. Note that you can really exploit the quality bonus with high cast speed.]

- Ball Lightning and Lightning Warp as utility spells (poor man's Blink, and because I am invested in both AoE and duration the shocked ground is enormous and lasts for 16 seconds)
Last edited by dandylions#0610 on Jan 6, 2025, 9:30:16 PM

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