Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.

Finnaly i think i got stuck on the game as a cold spellcaster, act 3 cruel at the viper map, too many mobs, they dont die quick enought, they hit very hard, i run out of mana and ice walls, havent found the heart there yet.

Crazy how the best freeze builds do not use cold spells(besides comet)

I just cleared this very map this morning with the build I posted a couple pages back. Pure ice. No Archmage.
monik390#5560 wrote:
O_Aga8opswlhs#5728 wrote:
Anyone figured out a way to do damage without Archmage?
xD If you see any "decent" youtube vids everyone is using Archmage to promote his/her build as overpowered,whilst the skill is actually broken to not use...I dont think something can compete with it at the moment.

There is a fundamental problem that forces us to use Archmage anyway.

I understand it, I do really.
The issue is though that Frost element was an issue on Casters that was in need of balance and isn't on Monks right now?

Chronomancer as it is, is in no way comparable with ascendancies like even Blood Mages even in terms of survivability. I am not talking about Weavers, they are just busted.

I also started from day 2 as a Cold Chronomancer, but with the other builds I've seen and tried I feel like it's a C rank build, C+ tops.

And it's kinda sad with all the effort been made here trying to make this work and also considering that Poe2 didn't want to bring on the table this early, the ungercy and necessity of meta builds into the community, still you have Weavers owning on SC and Infernalists on Hc but yeah Comet And CoF was the issue.

Long story short
If you are new and wanna play this. Don't.
If you aren't and wanna meme it's ok.
Casia#1093 wrote:
Casia#1093 wrote:

Also, testing the circular heartbeat atm. 42% life recoup. 20% mana recoup. 145mana regen. 34% damage taken from mana.

ive mentioned it before but it is pretty solid.
if I take a 1000 damage hit. 340 of it goes to mana. 415 to energy shield. 245 hp to life. I then recoup 420 life, and 200 mana over 6.5s. (with pliable, and not second ascend) so, I recoup the full damage taken, not the damage taken to my hp.

Hi Casia Im not sure Im think right or wrong
From your example means If I take 1000 dmg hit. no matter what it go through. All recoup proc with 1000 dmg?
Like If I have recoup 4 sec node (The Rapid River)
40% life 1000 * .4 = 400 over 4 sec = 100 per sec
10% ES 1000 * .1 = 100 over 4 sec = 25 per sec
50% mana 1000 * .5 = 500 over 4 sec = 125 per sec

If I did not run MOM or any damage taken from mana, I still get 500 mana for free?
and as recoup no cooldown means If I get seccond hit it will proc new recoup again?
then how about block or evade?
If it still proc recoup....
If it really like this I think I really underrate the recoup method.....
That belt recoup 50% mana is the must

each hit is a separate instance of recoup.

so if hit two times for 1000 damage each. and have 40% life recoup.
you'd get 400 hp over 4s two times. that stack. 100hp/s+100hp/s giving you 200hp/s recovery. you can open your character sheet and watch this. the 200hp/s would drop down to 100hp/s as the first instance wears off.

and yes, each individually count from the original 1000 damage hits. 400 life, 100 es, 500 mana in your example.
the value is after DR though. so the actual value that gets through. 1000 fire damage hit, that is DR'd down to 250, gives you 50% of 250, not 1000.
did not test block/evade, but I would assume its like that. no damage done, no recoup.

recoup IS very good. however, recoup is great for sustain, but does not protect from oneshots, or massive fast damage. so do remember it can't be your only line of defense. ES, enfeeble, damage taken from mana, armor, max capped resists.

Thank you Casia for your answer, that right i forget all POE we still die from one shot and dot dmg.... but it still a good support.
O_Aga8opswlhs#5728 wrote:

Long story short
If you are new and wanna play this. Don't.
If you aren't and wanna meme it's ok.

I mean, we all kind of knew that right?


Sup. Monik is here again, so it's time to make another off-meta build.
This megathread is about Making Chrono Great Again during the early access. Collective theorycrafting is immeasurable, a lot of big brains here share their builds and ideas so we can make our Chrono at least playable.

Monik said it right in his opening post.
I certainly looked at the ascendancy leaks, and saw stormweaver was crazy, infernalist, blood mage, gemlings, etc.. But chronomancer sounded cool, so decided to try and make it work.

I did expect blood mages to be more popular...

Finnaly i think i got stuck on the game as a cold spellcaster, act 3 cruel at the viper map, too many mobs, they dont die quick enought, they hit very hard, i run out of mana and ice walls, havent found the heart there yet.

Crazy how the best freeze builds do not use cold spells(besides comet)

I just cleared this very map this morning with the build I posted a couple pages back. Pure ice. No Archmage.

Got the area cleared now, first try of the day, the heart dropped not too deep into the map, headed straight to the right side area walling behind, got checkpoint killed stuff, beated viper first try(was expecting a lot of deaths there)

i included a raw Comet to my gems, so whenever i time stop/frozen her, i did 2 to 3 walls bomb+Comet, that took a chunk of her hp

Just sharing my non-archmage cold chrono setup, might give some people ideas. Currently progressing through t14, but this clip is t11 or t12 i think (no waystones, GGG give more sustain pls)

I'm running frostbolt+snakepit so that it explodes more often on enemies for more oomph, and running a CoF+cold snap setup which procs fairly often.

My main defenses right now is recoup + some pdr(using str armor) + cloak of flames. Does pretty okay on bosses, just avoid getting hit by strong attacks lol.
Is the pure cold sorceress build still viable? Just hit level 25 without any lightning / fire, but I felt that my gameplay hitting a wall.
Berylac#8499 wrote:
Is the pure cold sorceress build still viable? Just hit level 25 without any lightning / fire, but I felt that my gameplay hitting a wall.

imo still definitely viable, just don't expect a similar damage output compared to archmage builds. best way to scale cold right now (or spells in general) without archmage is stacking crit bonus and gem levels.
some new ideas.

first, mana costs have me reconsidering everything.
i got a +3 to all skills wand, and.. its just draining my mana even without MoM.
286 mana frost bomb with archmage.
230ish without archmage even...

I was going to try mana tempest, but really, can't even afford without it. and the +3 to all skills wand.

Conservative casting is -16% to mana costs. Deep trance is -10% to skills cost.

the first 4% node for conservative casting reduced the 286 to 276..
all 26% should bring it down to 212 mana.

so many points though to get over there. but, whats the point of cdr, if we can't afford to cast more? so.. thats one that could go..

we could drop archmage, and go back to cast on freeze. with 3% mana restore on invoke. cold snap would work well. should help with delirium, etc clearing as well..

- so actual play atm,
testing to see if max mana nodes, and glazed flesh early help. (not keeping conservative casting) as well as, swapping archmage for cast on freeze. something..
coldsnap is cheap. but consumes freeze. comet is expensive doesnt freeze consistently. maybe wall or bomb.
maybe..dual curse..

maybe this is all just fixed with gear as well. +mana on everything.

I tried astral projection frost nova. interestingly, it has the same damage as frost bolt with scattershot.
it actually seemed decent. but I died trying it, so gave up on it. ha.

frost bolt quality gives it +20% MORE damage after piercing an enemy. if it works on walls.. thats something

Tried echoing pulse. wasn't impressed. seemed to work with echo, but not unleash.

I am favoring armor in my gearing up with the 34$ damage taken from mana. phys and chaos atm, still do real damage to me. (my chaos is not capped)

I hate the trials. and 4th ascendancy is not going to be reasonable. I suck at the third. hah.
Last edited by Casia#1093 on Dec 19, 2024, 11:13:40 PM
saw your thread early on; just jumped back in to share apex of the moment + blasphemy/temporal chains tech, but it looks like i'm late to the party.

i can at least vouch for it. it's been great

leaned much heavier into slow magnitude, which works very well, however the corresponding nodes often come w/ spell duration... so i can't use freeze bomb to clear. i'm (stuck) hand casting comet and using temporal rift for mana because mana costs are INSANE. jonathan have mercy on us

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