Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.

O_Aga8opswlhs#5728 wrote:

Goratha's fireball/frost.
You need a fast and reliable mapper for endgame and frost isn't one of them.

Agreed. I would defend my build if it wouldn't suck at breaches in comparison.

Cold element just doesn't have any good and reliable clearing stuff vs endless stream of monsters. One of my current ideas - to check giga-aoe Frost Bomb, but it still has CD issues, which isn't reliable.

Thanks for mentioning Gorathas' build. I'm not following anyone on YT/twitch, some mentioning is always useful, esp if their build works good. Have to reconsider my opinion on the fireball.

I have to admit, elaborating on darrk14 idea of using Snakepit unique ring to explode Frostbolts on contact can direct to unexpectedly good results, but we have to use a ring slot for unique one. Honestly, I'm a bit reluctant (bc my current rings are just that good), but I have to test it by myself. If it can help me with breaches, I'm willing to swap.


Sure, sounds good!

And Electrocute on an Archmage Cold build actually sounds like maddeningly good CC. If they stagger enough on single target to where it's one massive chain of Freeze --> Elecrocute, that'd make bossing even that much safer and even easier setups for bombs and walls

Exactly my idea after I found them having a separate build-up.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Dec 20, 2024, 7:22:07 AM
Hi Monik! ive been following this thread and have been looking forward to seeing the progress of your icemancer build. can you share its current state atm plus gear?
iamMaru#7757 wrote:
Hi Monik! ive been following this thread and have been looking forward to seeing the progress of your icemancer build. can you share its current state atm plus gear?


Latest video with the gear is here:

Latest passive tree (didn't record anything with it yet, gear is the same but second ring (got more mana)):
monik390#5560 wrote:
Build update.

Current tree (lvl 88):

I'm atm at that point where next upgrades are over few divines each, besides some gem quality.

1.2k life, 3.4-3.6k mana, cap res, good damage. Spent about 200-250 ex on the build since EA start (3d on the emerald ring when they costed 30ex each, 1d on body, rest on everything else).

Casia#1093 wrote:

if you want to do some experimenting. check out "conservative casting", "mental toughness", "Deep trance" "price of freedom"

Yes. Pathed to Conservative Casting and anointed Mental Toughness (expensive piece of s...).

Helped a lot. FB cost went down from 770 to 512. Got 318 mana regen now, it feels way better.

- Invested in Curse Effect (Master of Hexes and Temporal Chains quality). It is my only layer of defense, so I had to make it better. Works like a charm. I rarely get hit and can easily run away (if there is some space).

- Removed Endless Blizzard and Inescapable Cold. Got way more damage from crit/flat damage increase. Less freeze build-up is extremely noticeable tho, I'm thinking of a way to get some more. Have to get back Inescapable Cold one way or another.
It is strong, but very costy. I'd probably just anointed, but Mental Toughness is way more important. I think, jewels are the best option here.

- Optimized Critical and AoE nodes. Have to go for Roil again, and Monk crit nodes a very convenient. Flat increase damage on Crit is very strong.

yeah, I wonder how much of the mana issue can be solved just with gear.
either 2k+life, and EB giving us 3k+ mana. or 4k+ mana with mom, and no life.
(I am ssf, so can't just buy em.)

you want inescapable cold for the buildup right?
"Essence of the mountain" 3pts from your current build. down by conservative casting.

yeah, if I swap over to dual curse, to ease up mana issues, going to have to swap to roil, and zone of control as well. I love that massive frost bomb size though...
Having hypothermia up constantly should be an effective dps replacement however.

I did through a bunch of exalts at all my gear I was wearing to fill in the slots. something you couldn't do as easy in poe1.
Thats a tip to new players or poe1 vets that haven't really thought of it yet. exalts drop like candy now. I was sitting on like 40 in ssf. (granted, if you aren't ssf, might be better to check the market for cheap gear. check first, then slam.)
They add a mod to rare gear, up to 6. 3 prefix, 3 suffix.
this is the +3 wand that killed my mana. it STARTED with +3 to all skills, gain 13% damage as extra fire damage. magic.

just went through all my gear an filled them up. go +37% rarity find, +100 mana, some regen. bunch of useless stats..
Last edited by Casia#1093 on Dec 20, 2024, 10:21:49 AM
monik390#5560 wrote:

I have to admit, elaborating on darrk14 idea of using Snakepit unique ring to explode Frostbolts on contact can direct to unexpectedly good results, but we have to use a ring slot for unique one. Honestly, I'm a bit reluctant (bc my current rings are just that good), but I have to test it by myself. If it can help me with breaches, I'm willing to swap.

I agree, depending on your setup swapping to Snakepit might be difficult. Especially right now it's hard to fix resistance since there's no harvest crafting.

The main issues I'm running into now are defenses and mana sustain.

I only have recoup and cloak of flames for defense, and some PDR from armour, nothing else. For mana I'm still tinkering around inspiration and CoF+cold snap setup.
Just want to report my findings here

I've done a lot of experimenting with Blink - Cast on Dodge - Comet

Casia#1093 wrote:
yeah lets see.

300 energy.

24% inc energy in Energize.
31% in Dynamsim.
40% impetus.
gem is 39-66%ish. level 14-23 gem.

Blink is 4.5 at 12, to 5m at 21-23.

So lets start at 14/14 gems.

134% increased energy combined at level 14, all passives.

4.6m x20= 92 base e. x134%= 215 energy. not enough.
5m blink would still only be 234

I use all of the above and a level 16 Blink, further energy comes from gems
Comet triggers at 302 energy in a single blink for some reason and not 300, i use the following formula: if<distance blinked>*20*((<energy gain modifier>/100+1≥302 to check, in this case 215

Further added Barrier Invocation - Comet (spirit cost total:210 with max quality CoD)
500/(energy gain modifier/100+1)x5 = energy shield lost for 100% barrier invocation
Currently with 184% this will result in every 880 energy shield lost

500 max energy - 300 (comet trigger) will keep 200 energy leftover which will be added to the next charge which is 40%
Still testing the interaction with Energise

Having a lot of fun with this build, it can rain comets like crazy, still far from optimised and will continue to test stuff, just wanted to share

I can elaborate further if anyone is intersted

TLDR: it's possible to trigger Comet in a single Blink + Cast on Dodge

I didn't realize barrier invocation kept its energy if its not used. thats interesting.

Jewels you mean right?.. Jewels can roll +energy gain. ohhhhhhh...

of Generation 1 Suffix Meta Skills gain (5–15)% increased Energy

While looking..

of Chronomancy 1 Suffix (3–5)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

There is mana>life cost conversion, but no direct cost reduction. I am pretty sure this does not trigger recoup btw.
of Sacrifice 1 Suffix (4–8)% of Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs
but still small amounts of life tapping yourself, which can be healed via life flasks might be viable. or life on kill/life regen. mom doesn't effect life recovery. just mana.

There is
of Mind 1 Suffix (2–4)% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life life mana

Ideal bases for gear is something we've not talked about. and i am still learning. I can't id them by name at all yet.. Which items to pick up, at what Ilevels..

I think these would be our ideals for chest:

implicit mana regen.
implicit mana regen.
implicit +spirit

implicit +1 max resist
implicit +1 max resist
implicit +spirit

I'll see about making a list of other slots later.

No ones linked temporalis yet. chronomancer in a bottle. easy, just do pinnacle Trial of Sekama without getting hit once.
or just buy one for 130ish divines.
Last edited by Casia#1093 on Dec 20, 2024, 10:10:39 AM
monik390#5560 wrote:
iamMaru#7757 wrote:
Hi Monik! ive been following this thread and have been looking forward to seeing the progress of your icemancer build. can you share its current state atm plus gear?


Latest video with the gear is here:

Latest passive tree (didn't record anything with it yet, gear is the same but second ring (got more mana)):

thank you. i see it changed massively. i was running the old one (cof+comet) and pure ice. just respec to yours and prolly just having a a tough learning curve. not used to hits suddenly tanking the whole mana pool bec of MOM EB. haha.
Here's another mapping vid (T14) in case anyone's curious. Same setup as before, frostbolt + snakepit and CoF + coldsnap.

Passives and gear are in no way optimized. Still a work in progress. Open to suggestions!

Last edited by darrk14#2684 on Dec 20, 2024, 7:43:30 PM
monik390#5560 wrote:

Cold element just doesn't have any good and reliable clearing stuff vs endless stream of monsters. One of my current ideas - to check giga-aoe Frost Bomb, but it still has CD issues, which isn't reliable.

*Temporalis* would make it near instant, but that has other issues. Like actually getting ahold of one with a good a good -cooldown stat 👀

No cooldown frost bombs would be pretty nice though, but still not anywhere near all the other classes builds :<
Xermalk#0244 wrote:
monik390#5560 wrote:

Cold element just doesn't have any good and reliable clearing stuff vs endless stream of monsters. One of my current ideas - to check giga-aoe Frost Bomb, but it still has CD issues, which isn't reliable.

*Temporalis* would make it near instant, but that has other issues. Like actually getting ahold of one with a good a good -cooldown stat 👀

No cooldown frost bombs would be pretty nice though, but still not anywhere near all the other classes builds :<

just seeing this unique for the first time; insane
here's it being showcased w/ blink,
Last edited by Emuscles#7654 on Dec 20, 2024, 6:12:15 PM

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