Searing Bond

... I have some gemcutters ...

Quality of the Increased Burning Damage - Gem give you a chance to ignate, but is ignate from this support gem usable with Searing Bond (2 x totem with Ancestral Bond)?

Yo Way Yo - Home Va Ray - Yo Way Ra - Jerhume Brunnen G
Last edited by Cpt_H on Sep 3, 2014, 3:58:07 PM
searing bond does not hit, it is constant damage over time.
Mark_GGG wrote:
echephron wrote:
Searing Bond Does not get support from Increased Burning Damage gem!!! The internet has lied to me!
It does.

Ohhh, i thought i had a link where i did not. full plate looks like it has a vertical link on the right side.
I always thought that +% Fire damage wouldn't affect Searing Bond. But yesterday I equipped a ring with +10% Fire damage and the dps of SB increased. So is there a difference between +% Fire dmg nodes and +% Fire dmg on items? Or was there a change?

In the passive tree I only took burning dmg nodes and elemental dmg ones. Most of the +% Fire dmg nodes are too far away in my current build. I'm a bit confused.
I guess it's not truly double posting, but close enough. Burning Damage = Fire Damage, nodes and gear are the same.
Does a 2nd (or 3rd) totem do double/tripple dmg or do they just add points to connect with?

Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide.
Vincendra wrote:
Does a 2nd (or 3rd) totem do double/tripple dmg or do they just add points to connect with?
points of connection, it used to add more damage but that was gotten rid of for mixed reasons.
Can Someone verify if Item quantity and Item quality work with searing Bond??

They work just fine.
Just realised that searing bond doesnt proc frenzy charges with blood dance

is it intended?
IGN: OP_Split
GMT +8

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